Books On My Spring TBR List

Posted March 20, 2018 by Sammie in book list, chat with me, recommendations, top ten tuesdays / 9 Comments

Despite what the weather seems to think, Spring has just about sprung! Never mind the incoming snow. Ahem. Where I live, spring means ungodly allergies, thunderstorms, and flooding, which is … perfect weather for reading? I mean, it seems as good a time as any, really.

So here’s my spring reading TBR list. There’s honestly not as much YA on there as I’d expected or hoped? I’m surprised. I have a long list of YA to read, but it’s feeling more like summer stuff. I guess it’s easier to read about death, murder, and mayhem when it’s all dark and dreary outside?

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl


The Sebastian St. Cyr Series

This series is thirteen books, which seems like a lot, especially considering I’ve only read two of them so far. But since the next book comes out in April, I decided I should catch up on the whole series. I mean, it’s only thirteen books. Pfft. The series is very Sherlock-esque in nature. Sebastian is a fabulous main character, and I love the way the mysteries piece together with twists and turns and keep you guessing.


The Chronicles of St. Mary’s

Because one series just isn’t enough, I plan on reading two (okay, well, three)! The Chronicles of St. Mary’s is a very funny historical fiction book with an interesting take on time travel (for research purposes, of course). I just get a big kick out of these characters, and once I get started with one of these books, I can’t put them down. The ninth book, An Argumentation of Historians, comes out on May 1, and I was lucky enough to get an ARC and I’m SO EXCITED.


A Dog’s Purpose Series

Since I clearly have no need for an intact heart and I’m a glutton for punishment, I figured I’d dig into this series. I mean, it’s not like I watched A Dog’s Purpose and balled like a baby the whole time. Nope. So, see? No problems. I’m sure this won’t destroy me in any way, but just in case, I plan on having ice cream and chocolate on hand. I mean, you can’t be too careful, can you?


Children of Blood and Bone

My library just got this in today, and I’m prepared to fangirl. I just can’t even word right now, I’m so excited to get my hands on this and dig into it. Yoruba? Most definitely. Kickass main character who happens to be a person of color? Um, YES! Also, magi and war and oppression and darness and WHAT DON’T I LOVE ABOUT THIS IDEA? I’ve been looking forward to this!


The Dragon Queen

Daughters of the Dragon was so much better than I had thought it would be, so when I found out it had a sequel, I was so excited! I’m looking forward to this and hoping it’ll be every bit as powerful and heart-wrenching as the first one. I’m not sure why I’m saying that like it’s a good thing to have your feels broken? But there you have it.


I Can’t Date Jesus

I recognize that it’s a good idea to read some non-fiction every now and then, so despite not knowing who the heck Michael Arceneaux is, I decided to check this out. It sounds absolutely hilarious and like it’ll be very relatable, so I’m crossing my fingers. I’ve liked everything I’ve seen about it so far, and it sounds like it’ll make some great spring reading.


The Saint of Wolves and Butchers

I managed to get this on First Reads, and I’m so excited! I kept hearing about it and passing it up thinking, nah. But every time, I’d read the description, and IT SOUNDS SO GOOD. I just couldn’t pass it up. I’ve also been on a bit of a psychological thriller kick lately, so I had to sneak at least one of those in here, right?


Chat With Me

What’s on your spring TBR list? Anything you’re most looking forward to? Have you read anything on my TBR list, or are you planning on reading any of them?

9 responses to “Books On My Spring TBR List

  1. Okay I have never heard of I can’t date Jesus. It does sound hilarious.

    I am also very curious about Children of B;ood and Bone but also hesitant because hype and now I am scared haha.

    • Sammie

      Ugh, I know, right? I’m always sort of hesitant about overly hyped books, but I confess, I did love The Cruel Prince, which was the last really hyped book I read. And I loved the idea of Children of Blood and Bone without all the hype, just from the setting and the idea of the Yoruba. 🙂 I think the thing I’m most hesitant about is people have commented on the similarities between it and Avatar: The Last Airbender, and I grew up with that show. So I’m kind of curious if it’ll be as obvious as some people have said or not.

    • Sammie

      Ah, how lucky! I won’t be able to start it until this weekend, unfortunately. I’d be interested in hearing what you think when you’re done reading it. 🙂 I have a feeling I’ll probably melt into a puddle of fangirl slush for a few days when I’m done, but after that, I should maybe be able to string some intelligible words together about it? Maybe? xD

    • Sammie

      I’ve read the first two books so far and I really liked them! If you like Sherlock Holmes, you’d probably like this. The writing isn’t as stuffy, but then again, it’s more modern. It still captures the time period nicely, though, I thought, and I can’t guess the murderers early on, which is a nice change.

  2. Cait @ Paper Fury

    Ahh I feel bad but I only recognise Children Of Blood And Bone! Which I LOVED so I’m really excited that you’re going to read it. *flails around happily* And I agree murder books are better for dreary days although I can totally be down with murder books on summery days too. :’) I’m so flexible like that.😂

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