September Recap || Oh, Look, I’ve Leveled Up

Posted September 30, 2018 by Sammie in #amreading, monthly recap / 6 Comments

Gosh, September went by really fast, but also threatened to drown us every other day, or at least in my neck of the woods, which was … fun.

When I first moved here and everything flooded and I called in, my boss said I needed a kayak. I thought he was being flippant, and he was … but only a little.  No, I have not purchased a kayak, but yes, I have thought about it, for just a few seconds, before I realized how impractical it would be as a method of transportation because my books would probably get wet.

Bookwise, September was a bit slower than I had hoped.

But that’s because I took a full week off of reading (and maybe also sleeping?) to do another draft of my novel.

But this month (today, actually) I’ve actually leveled up to 28!

I’m really just waiting to see how long it takes for me to evolve into something more badass. I’m sure it’s coming. Given that today is my birthday, I celebrated by buying aaaall the books. No, really. I bought something like 20 new books this month, which should alarm me more than it does. But my husband’s alarmed enough for both of us.

So here’s what I’ve been up to this month.

#AmReading Update

Books read this month: 8
Book DNF’d this month: 1

September Book Reviews:

Shadow Magic by Nazri Noor (★★★★☆)
Fawkes by Nadine Brandes (★★★☆☆)
Twice Dead by Caitlin Seal (★★★☆☆)
Furyborn by Claire Legrand (★★★★☆)
A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews (★★★★★)

Upcoming Reads

I didn’t do great with last month’s reads (2 out of 6), though one more will likely end up DNF. So I’m hoping to do better this month.



Follow me on Goodreads.



September Giveaways

This month, I held two giveaways, and they were fun, so you can definitely expect something again in December. Possibly even November. I’m just not sure when. I’ll also hold another giveaway at 200 blog followers and 1,000 Twitter followers, because there is something just immensely satisfying about supporting others’ book reading habit. Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

Spread The Love Giveaway

The winner of this giveaway was @heavenwithbooks, who chose The Surface Breaks by Louise O’Neill.

Twitter Giveaway

This just ended right before I posted this, so I’ve just drawn the winner. The winner is @fatgirlfatbooks, who has already received a DM from me to pick out their book.

But since I had so much fun, I also chose another two random people who had entered and also had their #bookishwish floating around. Which means I’ll also be sending @cjmitra a copy of A Man Called Ove and @DjenneG_  will receive Warcross.

Winners chosen at random by Tweetdraw.


Blogger Post Love

Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:

✦ Amber from ambsreadtalks about Are Trigger Warnings Spoilers?

✦ Destiny at Howling Libraries provides us with two massive lists of spooky reads just in time for October, if you need a place to start: Part I and Part II.

✦ Cait at PaperFury talks about whether it’s better to read characters who are similar to you or different.

✦ Annemieke from A Dance With Books shares things she’s learned while reading with her two-year-old.

✦ Cris from The Biblio Blonde shares five success tips for new bloggers.

✦ Krysta from Pages Unbound asks where are realistic male characters in YA?

✦ Morgan at Morgan Hazlewood gives some tips on how to beta read.


September Twitter Fun

Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.





Chat With Me

How did September treat you? Read any great books you’d recommend? Share your accomplishments and brags this month below!

6 responses to “September Recap || Oh, Look, I’ve Leveled Up

  1. Happy birthday! I hope you are having a great day. <3 You should totally get to buy yourself all the books for that. <3
    Thanks for sharing my post. 😉

    • Ha, thanks! I am. I took a cheat day and ate all the gluten and drank a bunch of coffee. xD A nice, chill day, which is so hard to get when you’re an adult with offspring haha.

    • I blame fall. Everyone was so eager to get it started and to get their pumpkin spice lattes and everything that they forgot all about the reading thing. 😉

  2. Oh belated happy birthday!!! You deserve all those books you bought!😂
    My September is not that good when it comes to reading.
    Anyway, I hope you’ll have an awesome October.

    • Thank you! 😀 My September wasn’t great reading-wise, either, and that seems to be the general consensus. Seems like September was a dud month for a lot of people. Silly month. Yes, here’s to hoping October will be better. 🙂 Thanks!

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