2019 Upcoming Book Picks (New Year, New TBR)

Posted January 4, 2019 by Sammie in #amreading, book list, TBR / 0 Comments

It’s 2019! Huzzah! You know what that means.

That’s right, denying our own mortality and convincing ourselves that we can totally make it through our TBR before we die, because it’s definitely a reasonable amount of books. Right? Right.

Since we’ve got that out of the way, we can add one or two or ten more books to our TBR now. New year, new books.

I’d like to say it’s a new TBR, but that implies that I’ve actually made a significant dent on my 2018 TBR. In reality, every time I read a book, I add two more. Okay, three more. Five? Anyway, my house is now overrun with unread books, and pretty soon, I’ll have to move into the barn.

2019 is looking like a really exciting year book-wise … and that’s not just because that’s what I say every year. Although … I totally do.

There are a number of books coming out that I’ve been dying to get my hands on, so without further ado, let’s get to the 2019 releases that I’ll be waiting less than patiently for.

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews:
I read A Thousand Perfect Notes in 2018, and it was definitely one of my favorite reads for the year. I have no words to describe how much I loved this book, but I fangirl squeed when I found out that C.G. Drews was releasing a new book in 2019!

The Wicked King by Holly Black:
The Cruel Prince was fantastic, and that ending?! Ugh, I knew immediately that I’d have to read the next book! I just can’t stand the wait. Cardan and Jude are too cute (in a clearly unhealthy relationship, stabby, potential homicide sort of way, of course). I’ve been following @IncorrectCruelP to get my daily fix of their beautifully messed up relationship, and soon, I’ll get more from Ms. Black herself! Which is twice as exciting.

Kingsbane by Claire Legrand:
Simon and Eliana are so. Much. Yes. I just can’t handle it. I’m so excited to read the next step of their story. And that cover?! Pure gorgeousness.

The Toll by Neal Shusterman:
I have slowly been dying inside, bit by bit, as my soul shucked away and withered to ash since I finished The Thunderhead. As far as I’m concerned, this book can’t come soon enough, and there’s not even a for sure release date yet, because clearly, Neal Shusterman survives solely on the tears and heartache of his readers.

The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman:
This book is set in rural New York, and I grew up in rural New York. Obviously, it was meant to be. I don’t think the woods around our town had bodies popping up. We were better about properly disposing of them. I mean … *cough* The mystery of this captured my attention, and I’m looking forward to reading it!

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff:
Confession: I haven’t read this series yet. I was going to start on it, but I’ve been informed that Godsgrave ends with one heck of a cliffhanger, and I’m currently suffering from a lot of those, so I did the smart thing, for once, and will binge read the entire series when it comes out.

Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen:
I’m a big sucker for both emotions and time travel. Maybe not quite as much emotion as Steins;Gate but, you know, some. The summary of this just grabbed my attention and sounds right up my alley.

The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo:
Everything about this sounds brilliant. Perfect. Wonderful. Honestly, I’m just so excited about the potential for this book. And that cover?! *flails*

How to Make Friends With the Dark by Kathleen Glasgow:
Books like this are really hard to read, especially since I lost my grandmother this year, but they’re also so important to read and I just love them. This sounds absolutely beautiful, and like a really emotional book, so I might just have to space it between some comedy, but I’m looking forward to reading it just the same.

The Sign of the Nine by G.S. Denning:
Speaking of comedy books … there’s another Warlock Holmes coming out! I’m still working on book two of this series (soon to pick up book three), but my gosh, these books are hilarious! I always look forward to them as a quick pick-me-up, and I just laugh the whole time. So of course I’m thrilled for another one. This is one series that I think is wholely underrated!

Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James:
I’m totally feeling the uptick in African-based books, because there are so many different cultures there and so many fascinating legends and folklore to pull from. I’m hesitant about the reviews that say it’s graphic and sexual, because that’s not my thing, but I’m willing to give it a chance.

Romanov by Nadine Brandes:
I admit that Fawkes didn’t entirely live up to my expectations execution-wise, but the concept, man. I’m really digging the whole magic layered on top of historical fiction thing. (Do people use digging still? Oh well, I just did, so I guess so. I declare it now in again!) This premise totally intrigued me, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s pulled off.

Chat With Me

What are the 2019 releases you’re most looking forward to? Asking … for a friend. Totally not because I’m padding my TBR so early in the year. *cough*

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