The Mid-Year Freak-Out Tag 2019 (Ft. Pro-Level Freaking Out)

Posted June 23, 2019 by Sammie in about me, blogger tags / 21 Comments

Surprise! 2019 is halfway over! And who’s hyperventilating? Not me. Nope, I’m fine. Is it hot in here?

This time of year, bookdragons all over the world are just realizing that the year is halfway over and somehow our TBRs have fifty more books than we started 2019 with. Not sure how that happened. Probably just a rounding error or something.

It’s been so hard to keep up with who’s done this tag and who hasn’t, so I’m not specifically tagging anyone, but if this catches your eye, consider yourself tagged!

Dragon Divider



This was such a hard choice to make, but ultimately, I had to go with Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I gobbled up this entire series and loved it so much. AIDAN is perfection. Terrifying perfection, but nevertheless. I loved the format of this series, the uniqueness of it, and how immersive the books ended up being.

Dragon Divider


Hero at the Fall

The third installment of the Rebel of the Sands series, Hero at the Fall, had a little bit of everything: romance, action, sacrifice, laughter, tears, djinn, magic, and one of the most lovely and poignant endings of a series that, y’all, I can’t even be mad. Even though I’m sad it’s over.

Dragon Divider


Aurora Rising     Wicked Saints     The Boy Who Steals Houses

Since reading Illuminae, I definitely want more of these authors, so Aurora Rising is for sure on my list of books to check out. I so desperately want to read Wicked Saints, but I have to wait for my copy. I’ve also owned Cait’s The Boy Who Steals Houses for a while now, but as I know it’s going to destroy my feels, I’m waiting to get my hands on Warlock Holmes: The Sign of Nine so that I have something lighter to follow it up with.

Dragon Divider


The Toll     Darkdawn

Seeing The Toll on here should surprise no one, since I’ve only been ranting about how much I need it since I read Thunderhead last year. I’m also really looking forward to marathoning The Nevernight Chronicles once Darkdawn has been released, because now I have to read all of Jay Kristoff’s work. Duh.

Dragon Divider


Romanov     The Unbinding of Mary Reade

Both of these boil down to a disconnect somewhere between expectations and delivery. Ultimately, they weren’t quite what I thought and ended up being genres I’m not a huge fan of. Romanov was heavy on historical fiction and light on fantasy/action. I was expecting something more like Brandes’ Fawkes, but I’m not a huge fan of straight-up historical fiction. Similarly, I expected a bunch of piratey adventures and badass females from The Unbinding of Mary Reade, and mostly, it was romance, and I wasn’t even a fan of the pairing.

Dragon Divider



I had so many people recommending Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, so I figured I’d enjoy it. I just didn’t count on how much I’d enjoy it. But man, this book! It’s funny and whimsical and just so brilliant on almost every account. I was immediately enamored with it.

Dragon Divider


The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind

This was another surprise. I didn’t think I’d enjoy this nearly as much as I did. But superheroes! Sarcasm! Random sh*t flying through the air! I just had so much fun with The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind that I’m eagerly awaiting the sequel and will for sure keep an eye out for other books from Jackson Ford.

Dragon Divider


Shadow of the Fox     Soul of the Sword

This was a hard one because wow, I fangirl a lot over characters. Ultimately, I’m going to have to go with Okame from the Shadow of the Fox series. What can I say? I have a fondness for ronin whose sarcasm is as sharp as their arrows. Plus, he knows how to have a good time!

Dragon Divider


The Sign of the Nine

I’m going to have to go with Warlock Holmes from the Warlock Holmes series. He’s absolutely intolerable and a nightmare to put up with, I imagine, and yet I can’t go without him. What can I say? He makes me laugh hysterically, and I can’t get enough of his wacky antics. Always keeps you guessing about what he’ll do next.

Dragon Divider


The History of Soul 2065

The History of Soul 2065 is really a collection of short stories that all tie together, which means it took on a lot of different tones and a lot of different stories. Sometimes I laughed, sure, but man, this book caught me in the feels so many times. It tackles grief (as a lover, a parent, a child) and just so many really poignant issues that hit close to home in the best ways. Sometimes they were happy-ish tears, okay?

Dragon Divider


Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

I confess: I completely and utterly fell in love with Ari and Dante. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe made me happy on so many levels, even though a lot of it was a lot of emotional struggle and turmoil. But I think that’s why it made me so happy, because everyone had a journey in the book, including the parents. See? We old people aren’t hopelessly set in our ways, after all!

Dragon Divider


Good Omens

If you haven’t seen Good Omens yet, do yourself a favor and go watch it. SO. MUCH. YES. The actors all did such a wonderful job, and I’m pretty sure it’s impossible not to like Aziraphale and Crowley. And if you have seen it already, go follow Incorrect Good Omens on Twitter, because it’s hilarious and you’ll be glad you did.

Dragon Divider


Unpopular Bookish Opinions

I like all my blog posts, and therefore, you should go read them all. *cough* Oh, just the one, then? Well, all right. I actually had quite a bit of fun recently spilling a bit of tea during Top Ten Tuesday with some Unpopular Bookish Opinions. Spoiler alert: turns out, a lot of us have unpopular opinions in common, so I guess they’re sort of popular?

Dragon Divider


The Color of Bee Larkham's Murder

I had a heck of a lot of fun writing the review for The Color of Bee Larkham’s Murder. Partly because I really enjoyed the book (and I think it’s one of the more unique ones that I’ve read). But I also got to spend a lot of time watching videos about synesthesia, and it was fascinating.

Dragon Divider


A Curious Beginning     Mistborn: The Final Empire     The Lies of Locke Lamora

ALL OF THEM. No, seriously, there are so many books I still want to read. I feel like I’ve fallen way behind. The books above are the ones I definitely need to get to, mostly because of recommendations from others. Because I am no match for peer pressure when it comes to good books.

Chat With Me

Do we have any books in common? Have you done the Mid-Year Freak-Out tag? If so, post your links below so I can check it out!

21 responses to “The Mid-Year Freak-Out Tag 2019 (Ft. Pro-Level Freaking Out)

  1. I love seeing Illuminae as your favorite book so far, such a great series! I don’t usually do book tags but this one sounds like fun, I might join in😁

    • You definitely should! I try not to do too many tags, either (mostly because I’m boring and yell about the same books already), but this one is everywhere, and it was actually a lot of fun. πŸ™‚

  2. It seems like a lot of people are anticipating Aurora Rising, which makes sense since Illuminae was so good. I hope you get to read Mistbornβ€”it’s the one series I can reread without getting bored! Also, I want to read The Lies of Locke Lamora too, but I can never seem to get past the first few chapters. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more πŸ™‚.

    • Part of it is because of the authors and the other part is I’ve just heard so many positive reviews about Aurora Rising already. :3

      Thanks! Hubby has been trying to get me to read Mistborn for almost our entire marriage at this point, so for our 10th anniversary, I’m fiiiinally going to read it. xD

        • It’s comfy here. Not bad weather, either. Certainly better than where I normally live, which is alternating between flash flooding and thunderstorms and being two inches away from the surface of the sun. I’m not seeing the downside of vacationing in your head yet. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

          • I haven’t checked out much of anything today. I’m behind and slowly working my way through things, but we just got a foster kitten, so that’s monopolizing my time. xD

  3. I loved reading all your answers–so many of my favorites are on this list and of course, THE TOLL πŸ˜‚ I also realize that I might’ve accidentally missed a question (fave blog post)…Oops! Sorry to hear that Romanov was disappointing for you, I’m still interested to read that one but it’s not on my shelves yet! I also want to read all those new releases you listed; think I might actually pick up Aurora Rising next! Great list πŸ˜€

    • Ha, it was so hard, with so many different versions of it out there and people taking what they want and leaving out what they don’t want. I looked at several, and it felt like they were all a little different. xD

      I hope you like it! Honestly, it was just a genre mismatch, I think. It seems like people who are into historical fiction really liked it, and I’m glad. πŸ™‚ Awww lucky you! I’ll look forward to seeing what you think of it. πŸ˜€

      • Oh, haha I didn’t even know that there were different versions or maybe my mind just glossed it over πŸ˜‚ Already looking forward to doing a post like this for the end of the year! Time is flying so quickly, my gosh. And ooh, yay, I do love historical fiction! I think after watching Anastasia as a kid and really enoying it, I loved the “mystery” of the Romanovs. I still think it’s one of the most underrated animations πŸ€ͺ Hope you’re having a good week so far!

        • I don’t think there are different versions, I just mean people picking which questions they wanted to answer, so sometimes there were questions missing, etc. xD

      • True true. Very horrible. I screamed out loud when I started to realise how it would end. Evil Neal Schusterman that writes such freaking brilliant endings.

        • I saw where it was going waaaay before the characters did. I tried to warn them. They didn’t listen. They never do. xD I feel like I sort of know how poor Thunderhead feels lol.

  4. Yvo

    I enjoyed reading your answers! I can recommend Wicked Saints and I’m picking up The Boy Who Steals Houses myself soon… It’s already waiting for me next to my reading chair. πŸ˜‰

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