WWW Wednesday (August 7, 2019)

Posted August 7, 2019 by Sammie in #amreading, chat with me, www wednesday / 32 Comments

It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
What lurks inside Hill House?
What happens after night falls?
Who would live in a haunted house?

Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

Milton in Purgatory     The Haunting of Hill House     The Wizards of Once

Milton in Purgatory by Edward Vass
★★★★✩ || Goodreads
Where to even start with this? This was funny in that dry, dark British humor that I just can’t get enough of. It follows a semi-Dante-inspired journey of Milton after his death and into the afterlife, where he finds out everything he knows is wrong and he continues to muck things up, like you do. Milton is so painfully average, being early 20s and having done absolutely nothing so far with his life, that seeing his reactions to things were not only relatable but hilarious, because he reacted pretty much how you’d expect. It’s a really short, quick read, but was very enjoyable.

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
★★★✩✩ || Goodreads
I have to admit that I loved the Netflix series, which is what led to me reading this, and if I’m honest, I’m a bit disappointed. It feels very much like the time period it was written in, which isn’t the book’s fault, but it doesn’t give that really eerie, creepy, spooky vibe that the TV show captures all too well. It also felt like it took forever for anything to happen, and then it just ended suddenly when it was really beginning. I will say, though, that I absolutely LOVED Theo and Luke and their banter and charm. The show did them a total disservice. In my head, they have clearly gone off together and married and now spend their afternoons drinking and exchanging quips.

The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell
★★★✩✩ || Goodreads
This book was cute, but a little too middle grade for me. It was written in that really cutesy middle grade way that I think works perfectly for kids that age, but isn’t really a favorite of mine. I really enjoyed the characters, though, and boy was Xar a character. I’m also really intrigued by the queen and the insinuation that there’s more to her than first appears, and the interactions between Xar and the queen were just brilliant. Wish’s character arc was pretty spectacular, too. I’d like to read the sequel, but there’s no telling how long it’ll take my library to get it in.

Reviews Posted This Week

The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

The Doll Factory

The Doll Factory by Elizabeth McNeal
Status: 14%

Click For Goodreads Summary

The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal is the intoxicating story of a young woman who aspires to be an artist, and the man whose obsession may destroy her world for ever.

London. 1850. The Great Exhibition is being erected in Hyde Park and among the crowd watching the spectacle two people meet. For Iris, an aspiring artist, it is the encounter of a moment – forgotten seconds later, but for Silas, a collector entranced by the strange and beautiful, that meeting marks a new beginning.

When Iris is asked to model for pre-Raphaelite artist Louis Frost, she agrees on the condition that he will also teach her to paint. Suddenly her world begins to expand, to become a place of art and love.

But Silas has only thought of one thing since their meeting, and his obsession is darkening . . .

I’m not all that far into this yet, so I really don’t have much of an opinion so far. Things are really just ramping up. Silas clearly has a few issues he needs to work through. I also find it really easy to hate Iris’ family. The two have just crossed paths, so I’m expecting things to start ramping up soon, as Silas is already oddly possessive of her.

The Deaths and Afterlife of Aleister Crowley     When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back     The Lady Rogue

I read a brief excerpt of The Deaths and Afterlife of Aleister Crowley and thought the beginning was interesting, but it’s gotten a really low rating on Goodreads, so that has me concerned. I refuse to read any reviews yet, because I don’t want it to color my opinion, but I’m going in giving myself permission to DNF it if it’s just not for me.

I fully and wholeheartedly expect When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back to destroy my feels. It’s been waaaay too long since I’ve read poetry, and I’m actually really excited to get back into it a little bit. I do need to make more of an effort to read more poetry.

Waiting until closer to release to read The Lady Rogue has slowly been killing me, so I’m planning on picking it up this coming week, and I honestly just have no words. I’m expecting it to be pretty dang awesome, and I’m so ready for it.

Chat With Me

What are you reading this week? Anything you’d recommend? Link to your WWW posts below so I can visit you!

32 responses to “WWW Wednesday (August 7, 2019)

  1. It’s a shame you didn’t like The Haunting of Hill House quite as much as you expected! I have been meaning to get a copy since I watched the series but maybe I wont so it doesn’t ruin my love of it!

    • It was a pretty quick read, and I’d actually recommend giving it a go if you’re interested! If anything, it made me appreciate the series that much more (and actually, hubby and I are planning on binge watching it again this weekend, since now I have the urge to). xD It’s amazing how they took this little bit of source material and turned it into the series.

      If nothing else, read it for Theo and Luke. They, at the very least, deserve it. 😛

    • Here’s to hoping it’s as good as everyone expects! I have high hopes for all my September/November ARC reads, because gosh, there are so many good books coming out. It’s a conspiracy.

  2. I’m honestly surprised that I was able to watch Haunting of Hill House because I can’t do scary stuff. I think the first few episodes were really the scary ones and then it didn’t scare me as much. I almost wanted to watch it again! I’m insane. The bent neck lady still cares the crap out of me though. I can’t read a book after watching a TV show or movie. It ends up ruining the book for me for the most part.

  3. Phew! You’re not the only one who found Wizards of Once a little young!! I have the sequel but haven’t got round to it yet and it’s not exactly encouraging me to read it- that said the illustrations and layout make it a quicker read than it looks!!

    • That’s true! It went by surprisingly fast. The pictures didn’t do a lot for me, either. Some of them were cute, but there were a little too many pictures that didn’t add much. But I’m glad I wasn’t alone in that! Hazards of reading mid-grade, I suppose. I’m sure you’ll get to the sequel before I do, so I’ll look for your thoughts on it. 😉

      • I think it’s great for kids imaginations, Cressida Cowell has a great way of speaking at children’s level not To/at them as an adult and that can be so powerful but sometimes doesn’t connect as much when an adult reading!! Definitely one of those special for children!

    • So far, it’s super creepy and also a little more adult than I expected, but I’m not really sure why I’m surprised by that. It’s the grittier side of historical fiction.

      Yeeees. I hope you get a chance to still. It gives me such Treasure Planet vibes, and that makes me happy, so we’ll see lol.

    • … really? Do they just not read horror? xD Because there was NOTHING scary about the novella that I can see. It had a little spookiness … but not a whole heck of a lot? It reminds me of people who say, “I don’t normally read fantasy, but this one is soooo unique,” and I’m like … it’s not, but you’d know that if you read fantasy. xD

      No, no, no, I definitely recommend you watch the series! We watched the trailer and knew immediately we’d have to see it, though I was still on the fence (I don’t do blood/gore, and I have a limit for how scary I can do). But it’s definitely worth a watch! I wouldn’t say the Netflix series was terrifying or anything, but it definitely had its share of jump scares and spine tingles and just reeeeally creepy things.

    • Glad I’m not the only one! Was definitely expecting something else. I’m glad to hear that about The Doll Factory, though! I’m really enjoying it so far.

  4. I’m intrigued by your interpretation of Theo and Luke, especially since Theo is coded as a lesbian, though it’s not as overt as in The Haunting film adaptation in the 60s. It’s a shame you didn’t like the book more. I didn’t think it was especially scary either, but the psychology of Eleanor is so well constructed. It’s hard to tell how much is the house and how much is her. Paranormal events seem to clearly happen, but her perspective is unreliable.

    When Death Takes Something from You Give It Back has caught my interest too. I do keep meaning to read poetry, just haven’t had a book jump out at me yet.

    Have a great week!


  5. I was THIS close to requesting the Aleister Crowley book, but I saw those low GR ratings and found a shred of self-control. 😛 And I hope you enjoy The Doll Factory! My friend really liked it and apparently it goes into some psychologically dark/disturbing places.

    • Ah, well, I was in before the GR ratings! Guess it doesn’t always pay to be the early bird. xD But we’ll see! Maybe I’ll be the minority opinion. That seems to happen a lot. 😀

      I’m about 40% through already and yup, I can definitely see that! but I LOVE dark books, and it’s looking like it’s just getting darker from here, so I’m excited.

  6. I didn’t know The Haunting of Hill House had originally been a book! (Hangs head.) Haven’t watched the series yet, but it keeps showing up in my recommended queue. I see it there, I see it here! I guess this is the universe’s way of telling me I’d better get familiar with Hill House.

    • Don’t worry, I didn’t for a while, either, until someone mentioned it and I was like … wait, tell me more. xD

      Yes, Hill House wants to meet youuuuu. And once you get to Hill House, you’ll never want to leave. *insert evil cackle here* It was a pretty great show, though. I highly recommend it.

  7. I LOVED the Haunting of Hill House on Netflix so very much. I’m kind of afraid to read the book honestly…and seeing your review that’s why haha.

    Man, The Deaths and Afterlife of Aleister Crowley does look and sound amazing but those reviews are a killer. And I keep hearing great things about The Doll Factory! Have a great read 😀

    • Ahhhh but Theo and Luke! They’re nothing like the show. xD If nothing else, that’s the only reason I’d recommend reading the book, is because they were charming and delightful lol.

      The Doll Factory has definitely been pretty great so far. Thanks!

    • Soon! It’s still a little ways until publication, and a lot of people try to hold off to release reviews until then, so soooon! 😀

  8. A Morrow

    Hahaha okay I LOVE your intro to this. At first I was like what?? I laughed hard lol. I also adoooored the Netflix HofHH. I loved that they took this story and totally re-wove it into something relevant and modern and amazing while still keeping the core. Haha I did love Luke and Theo in the book though, sigh. Great post!

    • Thanks! I’m glad you like it. xD When I started, I thought it’d be a fun way to open the posts, but the more I do … gosh, sometimes it gets hard to come up with W questions. Sort of shot myself in the foot with that one a bit. xD

      I was pretty amazed at how they managed to expand it from the original text and give it some depth and backstory!

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