I’ve been running The Writerly Way (now The Bookwyrm’s Den) for just under two years, and wow, how time flies when you have your nose buried in a book.
It’s been a chaotic nearly two years for me, with a lot of ups and downs, and I’m still not sure where the time went? *checks under the rug and in the cabinets*. I’m sure it’s around here somewhere.
Being a book blogger for the past two years has changed me. I’ve seen some things. I’ve felt so many feels. I’ve died a hundred deaths and lived a hundred lives. I’ve run away from the real world and been dragged back so many times.
I’ve clearly brushed up on my ability to be dramatic and woeful, which is really the important thing here.
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is about changes in my reading life.
Which, I have to say, is something you just don’t think about very often, because you’re so busy. You know, reading all the books. But I really stopped and thought over this topic, and things have changed, and for what I hope is the better.

β¦ Reading Is #1 β¦

I used to always complain that I just didn’t have time for reading, and that wasn’t exactly true. I was just choosing to use my time for something else, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it sure does make it hard to read all the books. So now, I actually prioritize reading and making sure I sneak the time in. This has meant a trade-off (because all things in life do) in that I watch much less TV than I used to, and I don’t play video games as often, but I’m okay with that.

β¦ MOAR BOOKS! *smashes mug* β¦

When I tell people how many books I read, they’re sometimes amazed, and if I’m honest … I’m amazed, too. No, I don’t know how I do it. I’m not ruling out demonic possession and blood magic. I just don’t know.
What I do know is I started this journey reading very little per year and thinking that I should do something to read more, so I put in some effort. And I glanced at my Goodreads goals while writing this and, wow, what a difference it’s made.
2016: No reading challenge. Read about 12 – 15 books.
2017: Goal of 25. Read 30 books.
2018: Goal of 50. Stretch goal of 75, then 100. Read 98 books.
2019: Goal of 100 books. Stretch goal of 120. Read 103 books so far.
Maybe it’ll keep increasing until one year I read all the books, yeah? That’s my dream, obviously.

β¦ DNF Is A Go β¦
I used to be of the mindset that I had to finish every book I started. I ain’t no quitter! This meant that if I hit a book I wasn’t into, I just languished there for weeks without reading because I just didn’t want to. I’ve now given myself permission to break up with books. Nicely. With the best of intentions. We can still be friends, you just can’t live in my house anymore.
I’ve found that since I started doing this, I actually haven’t had reading slumps very often. Where they used to be a fairly regular occurrence, now it’s so rare that I’m surprised when I find myself entering one, and usually, just switching up what I’m reading avoids it all together.

β¦ All The Shiny New Books β¦

Once upon a time, the only new books I knew about was whatever appeared on the new shelves in my library. Oh, what a naive, sheltered life I lived. Now, I know about aaaall the shiny new books. Which is a double-edged sword … and hopefully, the kind that talks? *crosses fingers*
I love being able to read ARCs and knowing about upcoming books. It’s opened up a whole new world for me that I never would’ve guessed existed. Who knew there were so many freaking books?! I love it!

β¦ Diversity, FTW β¦

I grew up in a town that was 99% white … and moved to a town that was 98% white. Yay for that extra 1%? So it’s probably no surprise that the books I have available locally tend not to be terribly diverse. They’re pretty much mostly white, American (occasionally British) authors and characters and that’s pretty much it.
The thing I’ve loved most about reading sing blogging is being able to read from diverse authors and about diverse cultures and characters. I will never get enough of this! Yes, these are books that I have to go seek out myself and buy myself because they are not (and mostly will not) be available locally, but I’m okay with that. They’re worth it.

β¦ Kindle Meet-Cute β¦

I had to drive three hours to get my first Kindle, second-hand, for basically nothing, because I have commitment issues. I was like … well, I don’t want to pay $80 for a new one, because what if I hate it?! Spoiler alert: I didn’t. It was love at first sight.
If I hadn’t been blogging, I probably would never thought about picking up a Kindle, because I didn’t read enough to even consider reading e-books. But when I started getting eARCs through NetGalley, I realized how much I absolutely hated reading on my phone. With a passion. So I got a cheap used Kindle. And then I got a brand-new Kindle. And then I got my mother-in-law a Kindle. And then I got hubby a Kindle.
Kindles could take over the world, and I’d probably be okay with it, as long as I get to read all the books.

β¦ Sentient TBR Monster β¦
My TBR used to consist of this teensy little shelf full of books I’d bought and intended to read still. That’s it. One tiny shelf. Can you imagine? Now, it’s a raging sentient beast that threatens to rise up, smother me in my sleep, and take over the world. If it does … I apologize. It was still worth it.
Part of not knowing about what books were out there meant not having a lot of books you wanted to read. Now that I know about all the books, I want to read all the books. The struggle is real.

β¦ No, Not That Book. Next! β¦

I’m really luck to have the benefit of being super picky about the books I read. I didn’t used to be, because I read what I could get my hands on and that was that. Now that a whole world of books has opened up at my fingertips … I can read only what’s interesting to me, which is something I never imagined being a thing.
Now, if a book’s blurb and first page doesn’t appeal to me in any way … I skip it! I might still read it if it’s recommended to me, but knowing that I can’t possibly read all the books before I die (or my TBR murders me, whichever comes first), has given me some perspective about making sure to read the ones I for sure want to read and pass on the others.

β¦ Bring Me The Series! β¦

I used to read a lot of standalones, because I was never guaranteed access to or the ability to read sequels, which sort of killed the idea of starting a trilogy. Now, I can stay on top of series and watch as new books are released. I’m actually really enjoying picking up new series, much more than standalones. I mean, I love a good standalone, don’t get me wrong, but for fantasy, in particular, I want to fall in love with a world and then never leave, please and thanks.

What are some ways your reading habits have changed in the past few years?

I have definitely embraced the DNF, too! Nice list!!
It’s so freeing, isn’t it? It’s encouraged me to take more risks with my reading, knowing I can set them aside, and I’ve discovered some books I never thought I’d love.
I adore your list! Everything on it is stuff I do, too. Including being suspicious of Kindles. LOL.
It’s awesome that you still find lots of time to read. My husband has a chronic illness and especially loves to watch TV shows with me when his health isn’t doing as well as normal, so sometimes we have to negotiate (in a totally friendly/cheerful manner) about catching up on shows vs. silent reading time. π
That’s so nice that you have that time to share, though! I’m the often sick on in our house, but I’ve actually learned to read with the TV on, so we can still have cuddle time on the couch and I don’t have to watch … well, whatever lame stuff stuff he tends to watch. xD
I mean, I love a good standalone, donβt get me wrong, but for fantasy, in particular, I want to fall in love with a world and then never leave, please and thanks.
I’m sorry, did I write that line too because that is so me! hehehe i love this so much Sammie and I’m so glad that you have way more access to all different kinds of books <3 that's the best.
Stop living in my head. It’s bound to get crowded here pretty soon, and then where will all the random voices go? π
You used an IT Crowd Moss gif! <3
I started to DNF books like crazy a few years ago, and that doesn't always stop me from reviewing them, especially if the message within is utter trash. I also used to NEVER read series, and now this year I've read so many that I'm going to write a post about it….
I love The IT Crowd, especially Moss. <3 I take every opportunity I can to use one of his GIFs. xD
Oooh, I'll have to watch for that post! That sounds interesting. I never really thought about the change until just recently, but I've realized how much I love series. Also, the hype and buzz preceding the release of a series you love and interacting with others also suffering through the wait? Totally makes waiting for series worth it.
And I never find just a nice trilogy. Oh, no. It’s always something like a 50 book series. *sigh*
Ooooh, I feel that. If only you could’ve seen my reaction when I read my first Terry Pratchett book and then someone told me how many books there were in the Discworld …
So many! So many Discworld books that he died and someone else had to finish them!
There are lots of books I’ve started and bailed on. I don’t have a teacher telling me I have to read it anymore. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/
Isn’t it nice, being able to choose for yourself what you get to read? I know the elementary school teachers, around here at least, are making a push now for less whole-class reads and more letting them choose what interests them, so that’s nice.
Ah, the TBR monster, I know him well! Great list, Sammie!
I think we all have our own TBR monsters at this point. Some are just still babies. xD
I think more new books is one of the major changes for me. I mainly found books by wandering around the library or the bookstore, so whatever was there is what would catch my eye. I’d have no idea about upcoming books or major releases, for the most part.
I think it’s the same for me. It’s hard to imagine that place where I had no idea what was coming out, because now I feel like I know everything that’s coming out, and it’s so nice to be able to get excited about upcoming books. It’s a completely different reading experience.
MOAR BOOKS!!! Yaas, this is such a great list, Sammie π I can relate to so many of your changes because they’ve happened to me too. Isn’t it cute how before we started book blogging we had these teeny tiny little TBR lists and shelves? π€£ Oh, how quickly that little devil has grown! I still really need to work up to DNF’ing books… It seems that’s one of the more poular changes to reading habits and I wish I could adopt it too but it’s just… not… happening π
We were so little and naive and silly! Just little baby readers. xD I worked up to the DNF thing gradually, but ultimately, I just kept telling myself, “What if I had to choose between reading this and [insert book I want to read here]?” The choice was always easy, so I just … went with the book I wanted to read. And once I set it down, it was easy to just not pick it back up again. xD
I know, I try to tell myself the same thing but then the guilt ultimately always wins out. Maybe I’ll work up to it like you did. I’ve definitely been tempted more times to DNF a book this year than at any other point before! So maybe next year will be the year it FINALLY happens?! π€£
We’ll throw you a DNF party when it finally does happen. xD There’ll be confetti and a book-shaped cake lol.
I used to finish every single book I’ve started even though I’m not liking/enjoying it anymore but this year, as soon as I am not inclined to go further on, I just stop and get on with the next one.
As usual, this is another great list, Sammie! π
It’s just the best, isn’t it? It’s opened a whole new world for me, and I feel liberated. xD I’m not afraid to try books anymore for fear of having to suffer through them.
Right! π
More books, and the fact that there is time to read you just have to choose it are very true- my husband is the worst for claiming he has no time to read- then heβs staring at his phone, watching repeats of Star Trek or snoring on the sofa – choices!
I still need to embrace the DNF though- Iβm too much of a good little girl especially if Iβve been sent the book!!!
My mother does that, too! She insists she wants to read more, and then tells me about all the TV shows she’s following and watching. xD I’m like … well, there’s your reading time LOL!
Oh, well, when the book is an ARC, it’s a little bit of a different beast. I try my darnedest not to DNF any sort of ARC. I still have now and then, when I would obviously be leaving a 1-star review. I just DNF it and write a little blurb about why it didn’t work for me. But if it’s not an ARC, I don’t mind DNFing it without feeling guilty.
I feel the same, a bit guilty if itβs an arc!
I love your sentient TBR beast. Probably mostly because I have one of my own… π
Yes, but have you trained yours yet to self-replicate and reproduce so that you no longer have to go seek out new books for your TBR, but rather, they just magically appear there? π
That depends… new books magically appear on the Goodreads TBR, but not the physical TBR shelf. (Which is probably a good thing…)
Still totally counts!
YESSS! So many changes. So many good ones. I love that you’ve made a bigger effort to read more in your day to day life. Balance is essential! Diversity is an essential, as well, and I look forward to seeing more in the future. And it’s great to see so many people are making more of an effort to DNF books–I need to get to that place a little more myself. I have that habit of not wanting to DNF because of pride or something. It’s silly!
Yes to more reading! Though, I feel like it’s slipped a little recently, and I need to get back on it haha.
It’s such a struggle, though! And there are many reasons to not want to DNF. I always feel bad because an author wrote this and it deserves attention. But the more I do it, the easier it gets, so that helps.
Sammie, I love your list! It made me laugh because I can so relate! I think I have your Sentient TBR Monster’s cousin living in my house. π
Here’s my TTT for this week!
It has many cousins, I bet. Hopefully, it’s one of the nicer cousins? Is that a thing? xD
Agreed with you on the diverse books for the same reasons there.
[…] and manga, too, which I’ve been loving! There are other posts on this blog where I talk about how blogging has changed my reading or how to read with a busy schedule, so I won’t belabor that […]