It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
What would you do if you discovered an alleged legacy?
Where would you start your search?
Who would you enlist to help you uncover the truth?
Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

How to Become a Federal Criminal by Mike Chase
★★★★☆ || Goodreads
I’m so glad I caved to the interesting title, because y’all, this book was so freaking funny. I’ve always loved odd laws, and while this wasn’t full of completely zany laws, it had a lot of really common, mundane laws that would be easy to break without even knowing, which made it even more interesting. There were definitely parts that dragged and lost my attention, when it was a little too in the weeds on certain laws that I didn’t care about, but Chase had such great humor that it didn’t completely lose me. I just couldn’t stop laughing, and I’ve had pretty much everyone who’s seen me with this book ask about it or take a look and laugh at the excerpts they’ve read. December 10 (next week) Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie, so keep an eye out! I’ll be doing 10 unique ways to become a federal criminal, featuring this book and some of the funnier illustrations and guides in it.

The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell
Status: 5/337
Samantha Whipple is used to stirring up speculation wherever she goes. Since her eccentric father’s untimely death, she is the presumed heir to a long-rumored trove of diaries, paintings, letters, and early novel drafts passed down from the Brontë family—a hidden fortune never revealed to anyone outside of the family, but endlessly speculated about by Brontë scholars and fanatics. Samantha, however, has never seen this alleged estate and for all she knows, it’s just as fictional as Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights.
But everything changes when Samantha enrolls at Oxford University and long lost objects from the past begin rematerializing in her life, beginning with an old novel annotated in her father’s handwriting. With the help of a handsome but inscrutable professor, Samantha plunges into a vast literary mystery and an untold family legacy, one that can only be solved by decoding the clues hidden within the Brontës’ own works.
My book club is, um, tomorrow, so, you know … I JUST started this this morning? Like you do? I have absolutely no impressions of it so far, except that, yes, that’s a beginning. Will I be able to get through this thing in just two days before the meeting tomorrow? Maybe. Challenge accepted! I’m not entirely sold on this book, but it says it’s supposed to be funny, so here’s to hoping. I read almost nothing in the past week because of the holidays and family visiting, so it’s crunch time now lol.

None of this has changed at all because wow, I suck. Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry is due back soon, and I swear I can probably read it in one day if I sit down and do it, so that’ll be my next one after the book club book, which I conveniently forgot existed. *cough*
The same probably is true for Things My Son Needs to Know about the World, and while it’s technically not Nonfiction November anymore, I’m determined to at least finish these two from my list, darn it! It certainly doesn’t hurt that they’re short.
And then, of course, Imaginary Friend, which will probably take forever for me to read? It certainly feels like it, anyway, as I look at how big this silly thing is! But I’m determined.
I have to admit that probably my reading will slow down for the rest of the month, which doesn’t bode well for both my Goodreads challenge and my stack of ARCs.
How to Become a Federal Criminal looks good! ❤️❤️❤️
So highly recommend it if you’re ever feeling like you need a lighter, more humorous read!
I have a huge pile of books I want to read too but I know December is going to kick my ass and I won’t be able to get to a lot of them. Good luck with Imaginary Friend! That book is a beast!
Ugh, this is my entire mood for this month, pretty much lol. Plus, it being the end of the year, I’m looking at all these books I thought I was going to have read this year and I just didn’t and wow I’m bad at this reading thing, obviously. xD
No you’re not bad, I blame it on publishers who are putting out too many books! Lol
Yes! Darn them. They should … stop that? But also … never stop? Hmm. I feel like we’ve hit a bit of a snag here …
Hi Sammie! Sorry I haven’t written in a while. I’m backed up on blog hopping due to Thanksgiving and homework for my library class. Imaginary Friend just recently came to my library, and I thought it looked so interesting! Another one that looked like a really page-turner is The Whisper Man. Have you heard of it?
Oh my gosh, tell me about it! I was just complaining to someone that I somehow have 300 blog post emails for blog hopping from the past week and just … how? Stop being so productive when I’m being a lazy slob, people. xD
I read The Whisper Man, and I definitely recommend it! The plot was pretty predictable, but the real pleasure was in the dark, creepy atmosphere North creates, and it’s worth a read for that alone, in my opinion!
Are you looking for some Christmas horror? I super loved Santa’s Little Helper by H.D. Gordon. Right now, it’s only available on Amazon.
Enjoy your reading!
I just started reading Dance of thieves!
So glad you liked your last read. I find truly funny books are so hard to come by! Good luck on the Group Book. I’m sure you can do it. I believe in yooooooou!
I FINISHED IT IN TIME! How, i don’t know, but I finished about an hour and a half before book club. xD Like a boss.
Truly admirable haha.
Oh, that sounds like a good one! Hope you enjoy it.
December is definitely a tough month for reading but I wish you heaps of luck. You’ve got this!!!
Thanks so much! *cracks knuckles* I can at least get a little something something read this month, for sure. Which is better than nothing. xD
Good luck finishing those nonfiction books! Hope you’re enjoying them.
Thank you! I definitely am. They’ve been lots of fun to read so far.
I would love to read another Fredrik Backman!
I’ve just started with Flowers for Algernon…
I so recommend everything Fredrik Backman!! I’ve heard a lot about that, but I don’t think I’ve read any Keyes before. Hope you enjoy it!
Very much looking forward to Top Ten Tuesday then!!!
I hope it’ll be fun! I’m looking forward to it, too. xD
I’m really looking forward to your criminal TTT! That sounds so fun. I’ve never read a Backman book, so I’ll be interested to see what you think of this particular one.
I’m currently reading the final book in Sharon Shinn’s Uncommon Echoes trilogy. I just finished book two last night, and decided to actually, you know, FINISH THE SERIES instead of getting distracted and wandering off to read a different book. 😉
I hope it will be! I really enjoyed the book, at least. I highly recommend all Backman books, regardless. But the first little bit I’ve read of this one is great.
Pffft, finishing series is so overrated, and getting distracted by other shiny books is so easy. xD I applaud your restraint, though.
LOL… so I finished the series, and then promptly started like three other books. So… 😉
I mean, at least you finish the series, so … you obviously deserve cookies for that.
Yay cookies! 😀
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