Not gonna lie, I’d be super surprised if I didn’t end up on the naughty list.
I mean, not that I’m not a perfect angel in all the right ways. It’s … the questions. They’re obviously rigged, right? Yeah, that’s it.
This is a tag started by the brilliant Jenniely, and though I wasn’t tagged, it looked like so much fun that I decided to give it a go.
Why? Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I suppose. I’d like to know whether I’m getting coal or candy in my stocking this year. Though, to be fair, coal is expensive and it’s getting cold out … and the dark side has cookies … so this might just work out for me, after all …

✿ Tag & link the person who tagged you
✿ Tag and link Jenniely post (if you would be so kind, I love reading your answers!)
✿ Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done
✿ Tag another 10 people!

✔ 1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it.
Oh, wow, we’re just calling me out right off the bat, I guess. *clutches pearls* I’ll have you know, I feel attacked. I have a backlog of ARCs now, after I had everything carefully planned where I would have plenty of time to get to everything. But then this thing called life sort of ran me over with an 18-wheeler, so … you know. I’m a tad bit behind now. Do I plan on reviewing them all? YES. I just … haven’t yet.
✘ 2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley.
64%, yo! I made it, if not just barely. It still totally counts. I actually have, I think, two more reviews for NetGalley, so that percentage will go up a little bit. Will I ever have the recommended percentage though? *snort* No. I don’t see that happening.
✔ 3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did).
I actually don’t know if I’ve done this? I’m sure I have, so I’m counting it. I honestly try not to put anything on Goodreads if I haven’t reviewed it. I don’t even put a star rating if I’m planning on a review, so that way I can quickly look through what I’ve read and haven’t rated yet and know what reviews I still need to write.
✘ 4. Folded down the page of a book.
This is what magnetic bookmarks are for. They’re amazing and brilliant and should come free with every book because why not. Also, most of the books I read are either library books or Kindle, so … not as applicable, I feel.
✔ 5. Accidentally spilled on a book.
Listen, accidents happen! Knock on wood, I haven’t had any major spills just yet, to the point where it’s ruined a book or anything. But yes, I’ve definitely had little drops of something land on books. Mostly coffee. Really, it should be the highest of compliments that I shared my coffee with them, considering how sacred my coffee is.
✔ 6. DNF a book this year.
I’ve DNF’d multiple books this year, and wow does it ever feel freeing. I highly recommend it. There’s nothing like being able to start a book knowing that if it’s not working out, you can break up with it.
✘ 7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it.
I’ve bought a book purely because the cover was gorgeous, yes. But if I’m buying a book, it’s because I plan on reading it. Otherwise, why would I spend that sort of money?! Surely not on just a pretty cover. So I’m going to count this as a no. Yes, the cover may have been my initial interest in it, but if it doesn’t sound like something I’d read, I don’t pick it up, no matter how gorgeous the cover is.
✔ 8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework).
Thank goodness this only counts once. Phew. I do this all the time. I’m a professional of the highest caliber. Heck, I’ve been reading a book off and on while writing this (mostly because book club is tonight and I’m still 100 pages away from finishing this book since I decided to start it yesterday). Guilty as charged!
✔ 9. Skim read a book.
For sure. This is the gray area that exists between a two-star book and a DNF, usually. It’s a book where I want to know what happens, but I’m not 100% sold on the story, so I end up skimming and skipping some things.
✘ 10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal.
I’m currently about two books behind on my Goodreads goal (or after today, probably one), and I refuse to miss it. Even if I have to take all day New Year’s Eve to read all the books. But even if I do, somehow, miss it, it won’t be “completely,” since I already hit my initial goal of 100 books and am now just working on my stretch goal. 🙂
✘ 11. Borrowed a book and not returned it.
I work at the library. I’m pretty sure, at this point, if I took too long returning a book, my coworkers would just come for my kneecaps. Or, you know, maybe ask nicely? Either way, I have accountability!
✔ 12. Broke a book buying ban.
Hahahahahahahaha. Yeah, nope. These things don’t work. I’ve broken pretty much every bookish ban I’ve put on myself, to the point where I’ve just banned bans.
✔ 13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about.
I’ve currently got two of those which I really need to freaking finish, but the books were just so … meh? They weren’t bad, but they weren’t good, and I didn’t have a whole lot to say about them, so I moved on while I was trying to figure it out, and then I just … didn’t go back to it.
✘ 14. Wrote in a book you were reading.
I used to do this from time to time when I was reading books in foreign languages (taking notes on words I didn’t recognize in the margins), but now I take notes on a computer or notebook, so I don’t do this anymore.
✘ 15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads.
Are you kidding? My Goodreads goal needs all the help it can get. Heck no, I’ve made sure to count all the books I’ve read.
✘ 16. Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend.
I don’t borrow books from my friends. I don’t have a lot of local bookish friends, and the ones I do don’t read the same books as I do. No matter how many times I insist they really should.
✘ 17. Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book.
Nobody borrows my books, either, because … see above.
✘ 18. Broke the spine of someone else’s book.
What kind of monster do you take me for?! 😮 I mean, you do with your own book what you want, but someone else’s book? Have you no shame?!
✔ 19. Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged.
Oh yes, I do this a lot. I’m always afraid if I read a book in the jacket, I’ll tear it up. The last book I did this with, I think, was Steelheart. Took the jacket off to read it, and it ended up smooshed and crumpled under a stack of books, because hubby had set them on top of it without realizing it was there. Poor little book jacket. It didn’t deserve that.
✔ 20. Sat on a book accidentally.
Again, accidents happen! But also … I always have a book or two in my car, so if someone else drives, I forget to check the seat and yeah. I mean, it’s not like it really hurts the books? They’re pretty sturdy things, and my butt is squishy, I promise.
✦ Result: 10/20 ✦
I … can’t decide if this is the naughty list or not?! Am I on the dark side? Am I playing both sides? Someone explain this to me.
I’m not tagging anyone, because I wasn’t tagged either, but if this looks like fun … do it!
I only have one naughty one, so I guess that means I’m nice 😇. Oooo…have I got a list for Santa! ❤️
Whaaaaat? You must’ve hacked the system somehow. Can I add a few things to your list? xD Clearly, you’re getting it aaaaall haha.
I’m with you. Choosing to not finish a book makes me a better reader, in my opinion. I recognize all the flaws in a book and walk away. Ten, I have more time with better books. I also have a similar Goodreads method as you: I don’t give a book a star rating until I’ve written the review on my blog. Then, if I see books without star ratings, I know I need to copy the review over to Goodreads.
I had to implement that, because I once found that i had somehow missed, like, three reviews that I’d posted on my blog and not cross-posted but I’d left a star rating for. xD It’s a little visual reminder that I’ve forgotten to do something lol.
One reason cross posting is important to me is if my WordPress site somehow ever gets accidentally deleted, everything would be on Goodreads, which is owned by Amazon and unlikely to disappear any time soon.
I think the whole book community would just collapse if something ever happened to Goodreads. xD
Very fun! Some of these questions are definitely rigged, though. I mean, why is DNFing considered naughty? I think it’s much naughtier to force yourself to finish a book you’re not enjoying. Also, I couldn’t determine how I would answer the Netgalley rating one. I’m not on Netgalley, so does that mean I have a 0% rating and am therefore naughty? Or since I have no bad ratings (because I have NO ratings) does that mean I’m nice? So confusing. 😉
I’m really hoping that everyone feels like it’s monstrous to break the spine of someone else’s book. Or at least that my mother-in-law does. She borrowed one of my books while she was visiting for Thanksgiving, and I’m worried what it will look like when I get it back. (I worry because I watched her reading her own book, and she was rather rough on it. I’m hoping that a borrowed book will get better treatment.) :fingers crossed:
I don’t know, I think DNFing is a great thing, but oh well. I’m willing to take that point. xD I’m gonna let you have the NetGalley one. We’ll just consider that you’re nice. 😉
Oh noooo. Isn’t that awful? I like to think that people treat borrowed books differently than their own books, but I realize that’s not always the case, unfortunately. Here’s to hoping for your book!
I think DNFing is a great thing too, but I’m also willing to take that point. And LOL about NetGalley. I try to be nice, especially to books. I think it partly comes of working at a library and seeing what people do to the poor books.
Fingers crossed. I know that the spines of larger books get broken a lot accidentally too, but if it happens to this one I’ll be pretty confident that it had been intentional. At least it was a standard paperback and not a special edition.
Oh this was fun! I’m bookmarking it! Loved reading your answers. 🙂
I hope you enjoy doing it! I loved the questions.
This is fun! I feel like I did this at one point, and I still stand by thinking that some of these are not “naughty”, or at the very least, require some clarification! Like is the ARC unsolicited, or requested? Or did a friend give it to me, etc? Shades of grayyyy. I have done the jacket thing more times that I’d care to admit, too 😂
I agree that some of it’s purely subjective and not necessarily “naughty,” but hey, I’m also not against being naughty. xD
[…] Sammie @The Writerly Way […]
What a fun meme!!I I feel like a lot of my answers would be ‘Naughty’ too. Haha!
Pffft, because we naughty people are obviously the best. It’s more fun on the dark side. 😉
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