WWW Wednesday (December 11, 2019)

Posted December 11, 2019 by Sammie in #amreading, chat with me, www wednesday / 39 Comments

It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
What if your household was cursed?
What if you started seeing your dead sisters’ ghosts?
What if they tried to kill you?

Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

The Madwoman Upstairs     Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry     https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42833687-things-my-son-needs-to-know-about-the-world

The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell
★★☆☆☆ || Goodreads

This was my book club read for last month, and it was … obviously not for me. Despite the protagonist sharing a name (and I think all Samanthas everywhere should be offended because, wow, she was a miserable, hateful thing). The impending romance here was so obvious, it smacked me in the face the moment the love interest appeared, despite the protagonist reassuring us that she wasn’t interested in this person, repeatedly. Ad nauseum. Then in the next breath commenting on how handsome he was. The clue hunt thing sounded interesting, but there wasn’t a huge focus on that, and it ended up being kind of meh at best. For me, there were also too many random discussions about literature, like how to read literature, how to interpret literature, which interpretation methods are best, etc. Not what I came here for, guys.

Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson
★★★★ || Goodreads
I’m so glad I listened to my gut and grabbed the YA version of this instead of the adult version, because wow, astrophysics is apparently not my thing, either. Don’t get me wrong, I love space and astronomy and learning about all the stuff that’s up there … but not at a microscopic level, as in what it’s made of and why it works (hint: it’s mostly gravity’s fault). The book had a lot of gorgeous images, and the information was broken down into pretty understandable chunks that were easy enough to follow. Tyson makes some good jokes here and there, but mostly, they were pretty cringeworthy, like that middle-aged guy trying desperately to relate to the youth. Which, I mean, if the shoe fits, I guess. I’m not “the youth” anymore, but even I was like … yeah, noooo.

Things My Son Needs to Know About the World by Fredrik Backman
★★★★★ || Goodreads
I went into this not completely sure, but I love Fredrik Backman’s work, so I just sort of trusted him. And boy am I glad I did. I was hoping that it would be similar in style to the Robert Fulghum books I’ve always been fond of, and it was similar to that, but in an obviously Backman style, which I appreciated. Do you have to be a parent to read this book? No, of course not. Do I think you’ll get more out of it if you are? Heck yes. Or an expecting parent. Backman tells some pretty dang hilarious stories about coming to grips with being a parent, and I just couldn’t stop laughing, because yup, been there and done that. His ideas are both funny and heartwarming, and it was a combination that just worked really well for me.

House of Salt and Sorrow

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
Status: 113/399

Click For Goodreads Summary

I have heard so much about this one that I eventually put a hold on it … and then waited forever until the person who had it out finally returned it. But nevertheless, here it is! So far, it’s been well worth the wait. I’m normally not much into family drama, so imagine my surprise at how easily I’ve been sucked into everything going on with the Thaumas sisters and their evil stepmother (because that’s the only kind, right?) and the deaths and curses, etc. Also … can you say creeeepy? People weren’t joking when they said it had some definite creepiness going on. It started pretty slow with just hints and I was like, yeah, okay, but man, Craig really ratcheted up the spook level awfully quick, and I love it! So far, it’s been one that I just really hate to put down, because I want to know what happens next!

Imaginary Friend     A Hive of Secrets and Spells     TRANSFER FROM ALCATRAZ

So … no surprise at all, but Imaginary Friend is still sitting pretty on this list. It’ll be the one I pick up as soon as I finish House of Salt and Sorrows, which will hopefully be soon, because … must know what happens, yeah?

While I read that, I’ve decided I really need something on the Kindle, since I’ve been reading a lot of physical books lately, and it’s really hard (read: impossible) to carry those around everywhere like my Kindle. So I’ll be picking up A Hive of Secrets and Spells, which should be a quick, fun read. I loved the first one, and the characters are just so much fun. I’ve been waiting for a while to read it, and I’m a bit late to the game for when I should have read it, but … the author will forgive me. Perks of being friends, right? I also may be just a teensy bit biased in looking forward to this one, because I do know the author, but hey, it happens.

Then, I wanted to read something a little bit different (because as much as I love fantasy, sometimes I need a little break), so I’m planning on picking up TRANSFER FROM ALCATRAZ. I’m really in the mood for a good mystery, but I’m not feeling all these cozy Christmas mysteries that stare me in the face every week while I work at the library, because they all look cheerful and wintery, and I don’t want to give winter any ideas about being welcome here, okay? But this seems like a fun mystery, and that opening definitely grabs your attention.

Chat With Me

What are you reading this week? Anything you’d recommend? Link to your WWW posts below so I can visit you!

39 responses to “WWW Wednesday (December 11, 2019)

  1. I’m still SO impressed that you read that book club read in a little over a day, espescially now that I know you were not even enjoying it! Something I could never do haha. Bummer that that one didn’t work for you, but I’m glad the other things you read this week were a lot better!

    • Yeeeeah, I don’t think I’m gonna do that again. xD I so don’t recommend it lol. I skimmed a lot of it, because there were some discussions and stuff on the Bronte sisters that I just wasn’t interested in, so I semi-cheated lol. I tried. I really did. But in the end, I skipped those for my sanity.

      I’m still counting this week as a win all around, though! I sort of go in expecting book club books to be a miss for me at this point, with our track record. xD

    • I for sure will! It will just probably take me a while. Have you seen this beast of a book?! I could probably kill someone with it … accidentally … by, like, dropping it … on their toe or something. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure it legally classifies as a deadly weapon. xD

    • It iiiiiis. And someone else just died, and I really have to stop reading because I need to work at some point today, but argghhhhh. Adulting is difficult. They should pay me just to read books all day. xD

  2. evelynreads1

    I recently read House of salt and sorrows as well, and was also surprised by how much the story sucked me in!
    I’m currently reading the toll, and absolutely loving it!


    • Yes! I ended up staying up super late and not getting nearly enough sleep because I had to finish it and find out what happened. xD I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did.

      Oh, I really liked The Toll! I hope you’re enjoying it.

  3. I forgot all about House of Salt and Sorrows. I feel like I was hearing about that book on other blogs a lot last year, but it only just came out this past August. Maybe they were advance copies? Kind of tripping me up now lol Creepy family drama sounds fun, nonetheless. Have a great week!

    • Probably ARCs? I don’t think I started hearing about it until this year, but I also may just not have been paying attention, because it didn’t sound like my sort of book. I was soooo wrong, though. It was fantastic! So surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

  4. House of Salt and Sorrows is on my TBR, and I’m so excited to read it! But… since I put it on my Christmas wishlist, now I have to wait and see if someone buys it for me and can’t just go buy it for myself. Drat! Oh well, I don’t have too much longer to wait…

  5. _forbookssake

    Great post! Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry really sounds like my sort of book! I own so many Science books, and find them fascinating, but it would be nice to read one that is a little easier to understand!

    • I definitely recommend that, then! It delves a bit more into the basic science behind things in space, so it makes for a nice in-between from truly easy introductory books and some more advanced ones.

  6. The literary world is getting more and more of Fredrik Backman and his works. His work has become ubiquitous over the past couple of years. Unfortunately, I haven’t read any of his works yet but they are in line next year 🙂 I keep hearing and reading positive feedback on his works which makes me very excited, for next year at least 🙂

    Happy reading!

    • Yes, and I’m LOVING it! I’m late to discovering him, so I’m really glad that his works are gaining more traction, so I don’t have to wait *quite* as long for an English translation. I hope you enjoy them when you get to them next year!

    • House of Salt and Sorrows was fantastic! And I’m so glad to hear that you liked Imaginary Friend! I read the prologue last night and had to put it down because it was late and everyone had gone to bed and noooope. xD Not the time lol.

  7. Ooh so many good books! You’re spot on about Craig ratcheting up the creepy factor super quickly in HoSaS. Jeez, I had no idea it would be THAT and my chicken soul could NOT take it 😂 I’m so glad I started reading it when mum was around for a visit but after she left I had to keep it to day-time reading only. Hahaha what am I even like, eh?! I should really get around to reading some of Backman’s books. I’ve only read the one which I enjoyed well enough but everyone seems to love him! Happy reading, Sammie 😍

    • Oh my gosh, towards the end? I didn’t know what to do with myself. It was soooo psychological thriller horror and my brain short-circuited in the best way.

      Yes, more Backman! *throws books at you*

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