Psst. Allow me to tell you a secret: I’m horribly behind on my ARC reading.
Okay, listen, I never said it was a great secret. Or even much of a secret. Hey! I hear you laughing there behind your screen. Fine, so everyone probably already knows that I’m a teensy bit behind and it’s not at all a secret. Humor me.
In order to help rectify this, I’ve decided to join in with Destiny @ Howling Libraries and her #ARCApocalypse 2020, where we vow to kick our ARC stack’s butt by the end of 2020.
Which I had no success in doing by the end of 2019, but I’m suuuure it’ll go better next year. So if you’re in a similar boat? Maybe check that out. Because misery loves company, and also, buddy reads are a great way to stay motivated, if you find others who are reading the same things you are. But that’s not what this post is about, so on with it!
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about a little winter TBR love.
I generally don’t do TBRs. In the spirit of Dini @ DiniPandaReads, I do a mountain of books that I might potentially get to, one by one, in the hopes that I’ll read just fast enough that it won’t grow so big that it topples over and crushes me to death. Even though that’s not a bad way to go.
So, combining the two, I give you my ARC reads for January and February, which I’ve already started (look at me being all motivated. I deserve a cookie) along with the reasons I’m eager to read them.
There’s also slightly more than 10 here, because I’m a rebel who can’t follow instructions I just looked at all my ARCs through February 2020, and that’s how many there ended up being. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

F*ck Your Diet: And Other Things My Thighs Tell Me
Release: January 7, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ This title speaks to me on so many different levels.
✿ More take-charge black women on covers, please.
✿ I need me a good humorous nonfiction to start the year off right.
✿ Me: I should go on a diet at the beginning of next year.
✿ Also me: … maybe I’ll just read a book about dieting instead.
✿ Also also me: *picks up this book*

A Heart So Fierce and Broken
Release: January 7, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ I’m pretty sure Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads threatened me if I didn’t read this series. That’s the story I’m going with, anyway.
✿ Everyone seems to love Brigid Kemmerer’s work, and I want to give her a try.
✿ There’s an after to a Beauty and the Beast retelling? How awesome is that?

The God Game
Release: January 7, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Everyone keeps talking about this, and FOMO is real.
✿ Sounds like Sword Art Online and Ready Player One go together and had a baby.
✿ Then gave that baby a weapon and threw it into a digital world and told it to kill god.
✿ I have a bit of a thing for homicidal AIs.

Infinity Son
Release: January 14, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Adam Silvera’s lovely writing + my preferred genre = obvious win.
✿ Having grown up in New York, I love reading books set there.
✿ Really hoping for some strong brotherly feels.
✿ Potentially hazardous to my feels.

Burn the Dark
Release: January 14, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ This idea is so no to me that it automatically became yes.
✿ Because celebrity YouTubers? Ugh.
✿ Oh, but witch hunters? So much yes.
✿ Has a very Buffy meets Supernatural vibe to me.
✿ I need more urban fantasy in my book life, please.

Diamond City
Release: January 28, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Assassins will always be an automatic yes for me, thanks.
✿ Murder and conspiracy sound like a winning combination.
✿ I like characters with questionable moral compasses.
✿ That dang cover keeps catching my attention.

Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line
Release: February 4, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Will always pick up a book involving Djinn, like clockwork.
✿ Indian authors are woefully underrepresented in my reading, yet I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read.
✿ Sounds like coming of age. Haven’t read one of those in a while.
✿ I’m a fan of kids randomly disappearing.
✿ Wait, I mean … umm …

All the Stars and Teeth
Release: February 4, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Mermaids are good. Mermaids seeking vengeance is better.
✿ But also pirates? Whaaaat is this? Give me.
✿ This promises legendary monsters. I want aaaall the legendary monsters.
✿ … did you see the bit about pirates? Seriously overdue for a good pirate book.

The Girl Who Lost Her Shadow
Release: February 11, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ I obviously hate myself, because this is guaranteed to break all my feels.
✿ The idea of a shadow leaving intrigues me and is also a little scary.
✿ I’m enjoying midgrade books about overcoming grief and emotional healing lately.

Red Hood
Release: February 25, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Damsel caught me completely off-guard, but I’m ready this time!
✿ Little Red Riding Hood retelling, so yeah, duh.
✿ The Goodreads description gives me chills. In the best way.
✿ It sounds like a rape metaphor to me, and I’m not sure how up for that I am, but I’m going in with no expectations.

Black Leviathan
Release: February 25, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Did you not see the giant dragon on the cover looking into your soul and devouring you from the inside out?!
✿ Also, Moby Dick but with dragons.
✿ *Proudly pins “dragon ho” badge to my chest*
✿ Listen. My first literary love was Captain Wolf Larsen from The Sea Wolf, who was a despicable jerkface, but I still love him, and it sounds like I might be able to get behind this captain, too.

The Shadows Between Us
Release: February 25, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ Girl decides she should be a queen. Sets about wooing (and killing) a king to win a kingdom.
✿ Look at her being a go-getter and whatnot.
✿ But also, I’m all for mysterious kings surrounded in rumor.
✿ I’m fairly certain this is a romance I can get behind.
✿ All good romances start with homicidal plots.

The Wonder of Wildflowers
Release: February 25, 2020 || Goodreads

✿ One of my many attempts to read more diverse books next year.
✿ Allegory for the immigrant experience! But with magic.
✿ Raises the ever-important question of culture vs. assimilation.
✿ That cover’s pretty dang ominous, so it raises all the questions.
Oh you certainly have some interesting reads for the start of the year! I hadn’t heard of Djinn Patrol but it sounds really good!
Doesn’t it? The name is definitely what caught my attention, but it sounds like it’ll be really good, either way.
I’ve got an ARC pf The God Game too and ot sounds so good! Burn the Dark is going on my the with that Supernatural meets Buffy comparison!
Oooh, I hope we both love it, dang it. The book sounds so brilliant. I don’t want to start the year off being burned. xD
I mean, I don’t know if that’s actually an apt comparison, to be honest. Since I haven’t read it yet. But that’s the sort of vibes I get from reading the synopsis and everything, you know? It’s what it made me think of.
I think all bloggers are behind with their ARCs, at least I am, perpetually! I’m excited for a lot of these, especially The God Game and Black Leviathan. I feel like 2020 is going to be another fabulous year for books😁
It’s so relieving to know that I’m not the only slacker in the bunch. xD They really need to knock that up. how am I supposed to catch up with all these amazing releases that are backlist books when they keep releasing amazing new ones?! Where’s Hermione’s time-turner when you need it?
Didn’t we swap burn the dark for leviathan (aka I got you to request one and I got you to request the other)? Or at least, I don’t think either one of us had heard of the other until we pointed them out lol
We did! So now if we hate them … we can blame the other person? Wait. I’m not sure I want that kind of pressure. It was obviously Leelynn’s fault. Let’s blame her. 😉
I really want to read Infinity Son! I hope you enjoy all of these books. 🙂
Thank you!
Oh, Sammie, you make me laugh so hard! And I love the term “possibility pile.” Makes more sense than TBR pile, methinks. I also think I’m going to take your advice – why go on a diet when you can just READ about going on a diet? I can TOTALLY rock that New Year’s resolution 🙂
Happy TTT!
Dini is the genius behind the possibility pile, but I just can never stick to a TBR, so I love the idea of something a little less rigid. Best New Year’s resolution everrr! 😉
Good luck with your TBR! Yeah, I’m terribly behind on my previous TBRs as well. Such is life. 🙂
I feel like “book blogger” is a nice way of saying “person who is perpetually behind on actual reading of books”. xD It’s much shorter.
Good luck getting all your ARCs read. Being behind is not fun. I’m also super curious about that first Diet book on your list! It looks fun!
It’s definitely fun so far, if not quite what I expected. It’s a cross between memoir and social commentary and not quite as funny as I had hoped, but it’s still been fun to read so far.
Oh gosh do I feel ya. I’ve put myself on an ARC ban. I get so sad looking at all the amazing books I already own waiting on my shelves. We’ll see how long I can actually resist. 😉 I am super excited to read All the Stars and Teeth too. And I’m intrigued by Red Hood.
I hope you’re able to cross off a ton of ARCs!
Oh gosh, right? I’m getting so annoyed because now the books I bought that I was dying to read are coming out with sequels, and I haven’t even read the first yet, and what’s wrong with me?! I really want to focus a bit next year on catching up with my physical books.
OMG, that cover for The Wonder of Wildflowers! I know nothing about the book, but I WANT IT just for that cover!
It sounds like you have a good list here, and I’m curious to see which of these are your favorites!
Isn’t it pretty?! That’s definitely what caught my attention on NetGalley. Pretty covers aren’t everything, but they sure do help when you’re scrolling through endless book covers. xD
True, pretty covers aren’t everything, but they are a huge factor in which format I decide to buy a book in. Pretty cover? I want the hardback. Not so pretty? Ebook is fine.
These all sound amazing! Happy Reading! 🙂
My Top Ten Tuesday!
Holy wow, this possibility pile is super amazing, Sammie! I’ve been seeing more and more of some of the books mentioned on here and I mean, I’m only just a little tiny bit jealous that you scored an ARC for AHSFAB because !!! I want to read that book so badly 😂 I hope you enjoy it!!! I hope you enjoy all of these books 😊
My TTT post
*cough*Have you tried Edelweiss*cough*
I only requested that, honestly, because Leelynn loves the series so much, and if that’s not a rousing endorsement of a book, I don’t know what is. xD So I’m excited.
Great list! Happy reading! And Merry Christmas!
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you, too.
Omg, your commentary continues to crack me up! 😆
Ahhh, you so got this on your ARC TBR! I can’t wait to hear all your thoughts on these books, particularly The Shadows Between Us, Infinity Son, and All the Stars and Teeth!
Happy reading!
Glad it’s entertaining. xD So many ARCs already, but I’m super excited about all of them, so that’s always a plus!
You have some good looking books on your list! I’m especially interested in All the Stars and Teeth, Infinity Son, and Black Leviathan.
Thanks! I think Black Leviathan is one I’m most looking forward to, because it combines all my guilty pleasures. xD
[…] Gifting for Christmas || Ft. A Peek Under My Tree ✦ Unique Ways to Become a Federal Criminal ✦ Winter Possibility Pile || Let the #ARCApocalypse 2020 BEGIN! ✦ 2020 ARCs I Hope Santa Sends Me ✦ 5-Star Reads of 2019 || Ft. Endless Fangirl Gushing ✦ […]