It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
What would you do if dragons were real?
Would you study them?
Would you hunt them?
Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.
Today’s fashionably late post brought to you by my ISP, who just randomly showed up and shut off my phone and internet with no warning. To “fix it,” which is good, since we’ve been getting dial-up speeds lately. But … a little warning would be nice? And I thought, surely, it wouldn’t take long, since he didn’t even bother informing us of his presence, but after an hour and a half with nothing, I finally decided to go bum internet off someone else, and so here we are.
My grandfather is talking my ear off, bless his heart, and because he has dementia, it’s inconsequential stories I’ve heard a million times, so if I type anything really random or weird … it’s because I’m multitasking. Which my brain just isn’t great at. xD Just know all the things I do for you guys and the tribulations I suffer. 😛

Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
★★★★★ || Goodreads
This book was every bit as good as the first one … if not more so? I was seriously impressed. After Dread Nation ended, I had no idea what course the sequel would take, but it really upped the ante. There was more zombies, higher stakes, no pulling punches to your emotions, and just all-around zombie apocalypse goodness. Life is a struggle, and boy does this book epitomize that.
Twist by Sarah Cannon
★★★★★ || Goodreads
I’ve always loved the trope of story characters coming to life, even though it terrifies me, but this was a really fun midgrade twist on that concept (erm … never mind the pun). The cast of characters was diverse and entertaining, and boy did they handle it so much better than I would have. The book skirts the border between horror and humor, not pulling back from people being injured but also not showing anything bad “on screen.” Cozy horror, if you will.
Reviews Posted This Week

The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood
Status: 360/456
What if you knew how and when you will die?
Csorwe does. She will climb the mountain, enter the Shrine of the Unspoken, and gain the most honored title: sacrifice. On the day of her foretold death, however, a powerful mage offers her a new fate.
Csorwe leaves her home, her destiny, and her god to become the wizard’s loyal sword-hand — stealing, spying, and killing to help him reclaim his seat of power in the homeland from which he was exiled.
But Csorwe and the wizard will soon learn – gods remember, and if you live long enough, all debts come due.
This book has been a tough one for me so far. It’s apparently written in four parts? Which I didn’t realize and ended up being sort of awkward. I struggled with not DNFing this so many times. Ultimately, since it’s a buddy read, I didn’t want to just quit, so I pushed through, even though I wasn’t feeling it. I admit that it did pick up midway through part two, and now seems to be going at a pretty steady, actiony clip.
So where do I even begin with this? Welp, I’m not a huge fan of Csorwe, the protagonist. She feels … dull? By part three, she feels like she has more of a personality, but for the first two parts, she just … exists. But like an empty vessel that the author conveniently pours plot into when it’s necessary and that’s about it. I’m also not connecting to the majority of these characters. The writing is very distant for most of the book, so I don’t get a good sense of their personalities. I would say Tal and Shuthmili, who we meet along the way, have the most personality. And I wouldn’t even say Shuthmili has much personality, per se, but I can see her character arc growing, at least. Tal, though, I am absolutely freaking in love with him. He’s sarcastic, has a potty mouth, and knows how to get what he wants out of life … mostly.
The timeline is also really wonky. In the second chapter, there’s a two-year time gap during what should have been the protagonists formative years, where she leaves her shrine for the first time, sees the larger world, and trains to become a warrior. But … we get to see none of it? It’s summed up in a weird two-page montage where we find out what’s been happening. This sort of weird time skip happens all through the book, where it glosses over the most important parts of the character development (and sometimes situations where you’re like … well, how did they get out of there like that?!).
Sooo … I’m not loving this? I will say that there was one world that was absolutely gorgeous and I loved it. I also find all the different gods really interesting, and I’m eager to see how that plays out by the ending.

Black Leviathan by Bernd Perplies
Beware! A shadow will cover you, larger than that cast by any other dragon of this world. Black as the lightless chasm from whence it was born at the beginning of time.
In the coastal city Skargakar, residents make a living from hunting dragons and use them for everything from clothing to food, while airborne ships hunt them in the white expanse of a cloud sea, the Cloudmere.
Lian does his part carving the kyrillian crystals that power the ships through the Cloudmere, but when he makes an enemy of a dangerous man, Lian ships out on the next vessel available as a drachenjager, or dragon hunter.
He chooses the wrong ship. A fanatic captain, hunts more than just any dragon. His goal is the Firstborn Gargantuan—and Adaron is prepared to sacrifice everything for revenge.
I’ve only just barely started this, but oh myyyy am I ever in love. It’s dark and gritty and messy, with this “monster in the deep” vibe that’s just delicious. This book is a translation, and translations are always hit or miss for me, but this reads pretty smoothly. The translator did a really good job. There are a few times I got confused with all the people suddenly thrown at you, but … that sorted itself out really quickly. RIP.
It was easy to fall into this world, though, and get a good sense of it right from the start. This is a Moby Dick retelling with dragons, so … obviously I was going to read it? The writing style feels like a nice balance between the slightly formal structure of classics, without being as cumbersome to read, and I’m enjoying that so far, too.

I’ve actually had to shuffle this around a little bit after last week, since some things came up. I returned some of the library books I had, because there was just no way I was going to get to all of them.
I still definitely want to get to Dark Shores, because I’ve been told it’s fantastic, and the sequel is coming out. So I was thinking of maybe requesting an ARC, but in order to do that, I need to read the first one … well, first.
I also was sent a finished copy of The Golden Key by Titan Books, which I so appreciated. It’s so gorgeous. I’m a little wary because of the low ratings, but it sounds all dark and gothic-y, and when it comes to that, I tend to enjoy it more than the mainstream, I think. So I’m really looking forward to it and should actually be starting it either today or tomorrow.
Sooo the other day at work, my director handed me Highfire and asked if I would read it to see if it’s something we should add to our shelves and just … yes, obviously. Did you not see the alcoholic dragon thing in the description?! What a silly question. So, in other words, I’m completely and absolutely in love with my job, and this one’s on a bit of a deadline, so I’ll be picking it up as soon as I finished The Unspoken Name.
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What are you reading this week? Anything you’d recommend? Link to your WWW posts below so I can visit you!
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Black Leviathan looks so good! ❤️
I’m really enjoying it so far! Hard to resist that cover, though. <3
I WILL read Black Leviathan – probably for the cover alone 🙂 I just finished The Stand last night. The uncut version with all 1,153 pages. I don’t mind long books but please. If you enjoy snarky reviews, make sure to visit the blog tomorrow. I also just finished The Third to Die – a procedural serial killer thriller – definitely recommend. I don’t know what exactly is next but I know it’s not going to be The Stand and that makes me immensely happy!
That cover is just stunning, isn’t it? I was scrolling and stopped immediately when I saw that.
Oh gosh, I haven’t even gotten through The Stand yet because … well, because it’s 1,150 pages. xD I do love me some snarky reviews, and I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for your review! 😀
I went to visit my grandma today, who has dementia as well – unfortunately the only thing she talks about these days is that she hates everyone that lives in the residential home with her! She is lovely to us, but horrible to everyone else. Sooooo tricky!
Have a great reading week!
My grandfather tends to do that, too. Thankfully, he’s still early into mid stage, so he’s capable of caring for himself still. We’re trying to keep him at home as long as possible, so we’ve got carers now just in case he gets confused or needs help with something (and since he has trouble getting around and keeping up with cleaning). But half the time, my grandfather is just throwing shade at all the people he’s seen in the past day. xD It’s not funny, but it’s kinda funny.
It is sometimes! Yesterday she told us her neighbour from two doors down had threatened her with an axe… The mind boggles! Apparently she had told her in return she would hack her legs off if she was going to do anything. Oh dear! You could make a sitcom out of her stories! Like you said, not funny, but kind of funny!
I feel like that would be the perfect thing. Someone should make a humor story combining all these things. I mean, at least make the best out of a situation like this, because if you can’t laugh every now and then, what does that leave you?
I will not, for the life of me, understand how I ever missed a book about a vodka drinking, dancing dragon lol. I really hope you love Dark Shores! And yeah if you need back up on The Unspoken Name… I got you and know another that will, too lol
I’m not sure how you missed it, either, but now you know! That’s half the battle.
And now the more you know (both the original version and the one Jack did on Will and Grace) is stuck in my head…
I would 100% study the dragons, a la Lady Trent from Marie Brennan’s books. 😀 Except with modern science… *drifts off into imagining a book about genotyping dragons*
I totally need to take note of these dragon books for my sister. She’s obsessed (even more so than I am). Thanks!
My WWW post.
I still need to read Lady Trent! I can’t believe I haven’t yet, but … I haven’t. Mostly because I was waiting to get the full series in hardback, because I’m weird, and I just haven’t gotten my hands on it yet lol. Would totally read a really nerdy, scientific book about dragon genotypes.
I’m excited to hear you love Black Leviathan because I honestly wasn’t thinking of reading it, I just don’t have time. But maybe I’ll bump something else to fit it in because you’re making me curious!!
I mean, I’ve only read one chapter, so there’s time for it to go awry, I suppose. xD But I’m enjoying it so far, at least!
I’m curious about Twist. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.
The Unspoken Name has a really nice cover, one I’d consider buying just because of it! 😀
It *does* have a really gorgeous cover. Although, I had to look at it again really carefully when I finished the book to realize what the heck it was, because I thought it was a horn (you know, like the Horn of Gondor type thing haha) and it’s not. xD So I was confused for a moment lol.
Oh! It’s not a horn???
It’s not! It’s actually a tusk. Because the main character is an orc. xD
Oh! Now I know.😅
That’s such a great selection of books. Of course I haven’t read any of them but they look so fun and entertaining. I hope you have great fun with your current reads and will enjoy the upcoming ones. <3
Thank you!
So excited to hear Deathless Divide is just as good as the first. With Highfire, there’s no way I can prepare you for Vern. You’ll love him and the book and find yourself tracking down old Flashdance t-shirts on ebay by the end. Enjoy!
IS VERN HIS NAME?! I actually didn’t look at anything except for, like, the first part of the blurb on Goodreads. xD That’s perfect. I’m even more excited now! Will be picking it up tonight!
They all look like good reads. I am resisting putting them on my TBR list….lol. Its big enough as it is.
Don’t resist. You know you want to. *chants* One of us! One of us! xD
I’ve been intrigued by Highfire as well, but haven’t picked it up yet. I hope it’s as fun as it sounds!
I keep hearing good things about it, so I’m thinking it might end up as a favorite this year? *crosses fingers* I’ll be starting it tonight, so we’ll see. 😀
It’s always a little nerve wracking when you received a book that has low ratings. I hope The Golden Key works better for you.
I’m almost done and definitely enjoying it! I can see why people have rated it lower (true Gothic writing is something of an acquired taste lol), but it’s working for me so far.
Wait. Are you telling me dragons AREN’T real? 😢😥
Because if they were, then all the evil people would hunt them into extinction, riiiiiight. *wink wink*
Ooooohhh… right. 😉
The Unspoken Name looks very interesting! Looking forward to seeing what you think of it 🙂
The review was posted. I didn’t love it, but I can see why people did (and they did. I’m in the minority here on this one!) It’s one I’d recommend trying out, though. 🙂
Reading about your reading experience with Unspoken Name is giving me strong Priory of the Orange Tree reading vibes LOL It sounds awkward and just a little bit of a slog 🙈 But at least your other read sounds really interesting! Hope you finish the former soon so you get to fully dive into the latter! Happy reading, Sammie 🙂
Except I liked Priory better? Not sure what that says. xD
I’m happy to hear Deathless Divide was as good as the first book! Have a wonderful weekend and happy reading. xx
It for sure was! Thanks!
It seems like overall you’ve had a great reading week! Twist sounds super fun. I really really really really want to try to read some middle grade soon. So many of them sound great but I never end up giving any of them a try.
You totally should! I’ve dabbled with mid-grade on and off, but since I’ve started working at the library, I really want to push it this year. I’ve actually ended up really enjoying the ones I’ve read so far. Would be happy to recommend some, if ever you decide you’re in the mood for it. 🙂
I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying them so far! Working at the library seems like a great job 😍 I’d love to get some of your MG recommendations. Which one, from what you’ve read, do you think would be a great one to start with?
Okay, so, since you like HP and The Witch Hat Atelier, I’d recommend The Trials of Morrigan Crow (the Nevermoor series). It’s MG, but on the border with YA, so it’s a little safer alternative to start with, since it shouldn’t feel too young compared to earlier MG (and it’s a pretty thick book, too).
It has a lot of the same tropes as Harry Potter (magical world, chosen one, etc). It’s also supposed to be a longer series like that. The world is just gorgeous and dark and wonderful. It’s both whimsical and scary. The characters are great. That’s where Witch Hat Atlier comes in, as the gang of characters remind me more of that (even though it’s not a graphical novel).
I can’t believe I never replied to this comment. I’m so so sorry! Thanks so much for taking the time to recommend me stuff (and very rudely get no reply). It’s funny you recommended me this because it’s actually one of the few MG series I know about, since a little girl at my previous work couldn’t stop talking about it. I think I still remember all the major plot points. She didn’t give away everything though and told me “the rest you’ll have to read for yourself to find out” haha. So cute!
Ha, no worries. xD It’s easy to miss comments. Goodness knows I’ve done it, too. That sounds so cute! I’m glad to hear kids are reading and enjoying the series. It’s one of my favorites. :3