It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
Would you practice dark magic?
Would you become a witch?
Would you try to catch a serial killer?
Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

Ben Braver and the Incredible Exploding Kid by Marcus Emerson
★★★★★ || Goodreads
I think this was my favorite book of the series, just because the humor was on point. There’s a series of cartoons in it, basically, where Ben gets to play with some of Duncan’s tech, and those parts are just hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing. This book tackled a lot of important issues (like bullying, being “other,” finding your inner strength, and how your actions can impact others’ lives) while still being completely funny and ridiculous, and I just loved how the two came together.
Ben Braver and the Incredible Exploding Kid by Marcus Emerson
★★★★★ || Goodreads
This was another solid addition to the series, with an added hiccup: time travel! I liked how this was approached in the book. It didn’t make my head completely explode (which is always a plus). This book ramps up the scope of everything. More powers, more problems, bigger scale. And at the end? There’s a very “Avengers assemble” sort of scene and that made me smile. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for the next book in this series!
Venators: Magic Unleashed by Devri Walls
★★★★☆ || Goodreads
This book was highly recommended to me, and gosh were they right! This is a portal fantasy into a world that’s dark and gritty and everything my little black heart loves. It’s a world where basically all the fantasy supernatural creatures are real and not very thrilled with each other. There’s a lot of stabby and political games and threats. Oh, and Beltran? I’ma marry Beltran. I might have a fight on my hands, but it’s worth it. Just like Highlander … there can be only one.
If We Were Giants by Dave Matthews and Clete Barrett Smith
★★★★☆ || Goodreads
Yes, it’s that Dave Matthews. I was surprised! And a little hesitant, because a lot of times, when you hear someone who’s really good at X and they try Y … it’s a little cringey? But this was so not the case! Because Mr. Matthews had the good sense to involve Clete Barrett Smith, and the two of them working together crafted an enjoyable and powerful tale of self-discovery and inner strength. The main character in this has to find a way past her PTSD and fear of what happened in the fast in order to save her people and find a future. The best thing about this? Kids save the day, using their brains, and one of the most important characters to the plot is a little girl who’s really good at engineering. I loved it!
Reviews Posted This Week

Witches of Ash and Ruin by E. Latimer
Status: 55%
Modern witchcraft blends with ancient Celtic mythology in an epic clash of witches and gods, perfect for fans of V.E. Schwab’s Shades of Magic trilogy and A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES.
Seventeen-year-old Dayna Walsh is struggling to cope with her somatic OCD; the aftermath of being outed as bisexual in her conservative Irish town; and the return of her long-absent mother, who barely seems like a parent. But all that really matters to her is ascending and finally, finally becoming a full witch-plans that are complicated when another coven, rumored to have a sordid history with black magic, arrives in town with premonitions of death. Dayna immediately finds herself at odds with the bewitchingly frustrating Meiner King, the granddaughter of their coven leader.
And then a witch turns up murdered at a local sacred site, along with the blood symbol of the Butcher of Manchester-an infamous serial killer whose trail has long gone cold. The killer’s motives are enmeshed in a complex web of witches and gods, and Dayna and Meiner soon find themselves at the center of it all. If they don’t stop the Butcher, one of them will be next.
With razor-sharp prose and achingly real characters, E. Latimer crafts a sweeping, mesmerizing story of dark magic and brutal mythology set against a backdrop of contemporary Ireland that’s impossible to put down.
Sooo … I actually ended up setting The Deep aside, because I started this book and was feeling it more. I’m hoping to go back to The Deep this week, but for now, this just sucked me in and I wasn’t about to fight that.
There’s such a mixed bag with this book. On the one hand, at about 35%, this book freaking kicked off. Phew. I’m absolutely loving it. The dark, sinister overtones are creepy and do a great job of building suspension. Serial killers are always fun to read about (not so much fun to meet). There’s a lot of mystery to this, and I’m enjoying that ride, but also … witches! All sorts of witchy things. I love reading about the rituals and such.
On the other hand … the setting feels a bit week. Considering it’s marketed as being set in Ireland, I thought it would feel more … Irish? At this point, there have been some chants in what looks like Gaelic (I don’t know Gaelic, so … I’m assuming?) and a few Irish slang words, and that’s it. You could almost pick the story up and move it anywhere, like some small town USA, and it wouldn’t change the story at all, and that’s a little disappointing to me. I want to feel Ireland, since that was part of the reason I picked it up.
Also, I don’t know if I’m just not that observant or what, but I’m not connecting to any of these characters. To the point where 30% in, I realized that one of the characters is Nigerian, and it completely floored me and took me by surprise. Yeah, okay, her daughter had blue-dyed braids or something like that, and maybe her skin had been described as brown? I don’t remember that, but it seems likely. She kept using the word “abi,” and I was like … okay, that sounds Yoruban, but maybe there’s an Irish equivalent? I don’t know what it means, but it’s not uncommon to have similar words. And then she used “wahala,” and I was like, I know that’s Yoruban! And the next page, it mentions her moving there from Nigeria, sooo … yeah. I don’t know if this is me just not paying attention or if there just wasn’t enough character building early on, but 30% is really late to suddenly be floored that a character is totally different from the way you pictured her, and I’m sure it’s a mix of me and the book. We’re both a little at fault here.

I’ve got a tour coming up for The Noble’s Path, so I’ll be reading that and the first book, A Smuggler’s Path, this week. Forbidden magic and smugglers? Yes, please.
Bone Crier’s Moon is still on my upcoming reads list, and I’m really looking forward to it! I’ve seen even more positive reviews this week. I’ve added Beware the Night to my list, as the sequel’s just released, and everything about this sounds so interesting and high stakes! I’m totally here for that.
I’ve got a few library books that I reeeeally need to get through this week, too, so I can get them back. One is Riot Baby, which is one that I’ve been really excited to try. This will be my first Tochi Onyebuchi book, and I’ve heard wonderful things about his work, so I can’t wait to dive in. As for the other one, my library just got The Taken, which I don’t normally read animal protagonist books, but this just looked so cute and sounded so good that I had to check it out.
I love the cover of The Taken. It looks so cute ❤️ It’s a shame your current read isn’t better. Definitely looks like one I would pick up too.
Isn’t it adorable?! I saw that and I just couldn’t not check it out. xD I have a weakness for foxes as it is.
So here’s the honest answer – I would probably use dark magic if I thought it was needed to save someone I loved. There, I admitted it. Why do I feel like I just took the first step in WA – Witches Anonymous. So once again you’ve got a great mixture of books and as the days go by, it’s looking less likely that I’ll ever pick up The Deep – just saying.
I just added the fox book to my wishlist because I LOVE animal protagonists. But you probably guessed that already. I am glad to hear that for the most part you are enjoying Witches of Ash and Ruin.
Hope you have a great week and I’m off to spend some time in spam-ville. See you when you arrive!
Barb @ Booker T’s Farm recently posted…Can’t Wait Wednesday (252)
Admission is the first step to realizing … that you can have the power of Heaven and Earth at your fingertips, all for the low, low price of a human soul. Maybe someone else’s, if you’d like. I approve of this plan. xD I sort of set aside The Deep, and I really need to pick it back up again lol.
How are you reviewing all the books I wanna read? How do you do it? I’m not as fast to read all of those? And how do you write all of those reviews? I’m starting to strongly suspect that you are really three Sammies stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat. 😂
tirilu recently posted…WWW Wednesday // I have nothing to say.
HOW DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT?! But you’ll keep my secret, right?!
But also … all the cool people wear trenchcoats, so I guess that was a given. 😉
Enjoy your reading!
I’m currently reading Grey sister and really enjoying it!
Evelyn recently posted…Aru Shah and the song of death – Review!
Oooh, Mark Lawrence! I haven’t read any of his work yet, but I will soon, and if I love it, I’ll probably go back and read his backlist. :3 Glad to hear you’re enjoying it.
I was avoiding Dave Matthews book as well for the same reasons but now I will have to pick it up – solving problems with their brains you say? Heck yeah.
Here is my WWW:
Have a wonderful week!
Right? We need more problem solving like that! It’s a very David vs. Goliath type moment, except using brain power to take down the giant.
I mean, I would become a witch…
I phrased it as a question, but let’s be honest, that’s really the only answer. xD
I am curious about Riot Baby.
Enjoy your week and your books.
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I’ve heard it’s really good! Will find out this week, hopefully. :3
I’m still reading Tristan Strong! (But also Jane Yolen’s The Emerald Circus and Jessica Khoury’s Mystwick School or Magicraft, and I’m listening to Colleen Gleason’s The Zeppelin Deception.)
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on A Smuggler’s Path. Because smugglers and forbidden magic sounds like a lot of fun!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…WIP Wednesday ~ those magic changes
Yaaay Tristan! Oooh, Mystwick School of Magicraft is an interesting title.
I’m liking it so far! I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but it’s definitely been a fun read.
This sounds like an interesting selection of books! Have a wonderful week and happy reading. xx
Yvo @ It’s All About Books recently posted…WWW Wednesdays #259 – March 11th
Thanks! I’ve been trying to broaden my reading, and I’m really enjoying the variety. :3
It looks like you read some pretty great books! I’ve been interested in reading Witches of Ash and Ruin. It sounds so good. It’s always a bummer when you don’t really connect with the characters in a book so much though. I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads. 🙂
Ashley @ Socially Awkward Bookworm recently posted…WWW Wednesday #69.
I definitely enjoy books more if I can connect to the character. I did end up really enjoying Witches, though!
You read such fun books! They are always new ones for me 🙂 I’m glad to see that you had another amazing week of reading!
Thanks! I’ve definitely been having fun this year trying to read more books I normally might not. 🙂
Haha I think you’ll be fighting off about 99% of the Venators readers because everyone is in love with Beltran. He’s a gem! 😍 I’ve seen some mixed reviews about Witches of Ash and Ruin but I’m really curious about it. I haven’t read many stories based on Celtic mythology so I’m definitely keen for that part of it! The Deep was totally different to what I expected–it wasn’t. a favourite but I still enjoyed it. It’s definitely a slow moving mystery though! I hope you enjoy it (or manage to finish it!) whenever you pick it back up.
I also really can’t wait to get my hands on Bone Criers Moon. I’ve heard SO MANY amazing things about it. Too excite! Happy reading, Sammie 🙂
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#WWWWednesday: 04 March
*shoulders giant sword* I’m ready. Bring them on!
I do love Celtic mythology, and that’s a surefire way to get me to read a book. I didn’t feel it very strongly with Witches, but it was there, at least. I think I’ll be picking it up again this week, maybe pairing it with something lighter. :3
Okay, I’m sold on Witches of Ash and Ruin. I added it to my TBR even before liking your post. Hehe. Happy reading. 🙂
Lili Kay Marcus recently posted…Venators: Magic Unleashed by Devri Walls (Blog Tour)
I hope you love it! It was definitely dark and witchy, which is what I was hoping it would be. 😀
You’ve been doing so great with your reading! I am truly amazed haha. I’m also so glad you enjoyed all of this week’s reads. 🙂 I’ve been having the same experience you are having with your Currently Reading book with a lot of my reads as well. It sucks when there are so many elements you absolutely love but you aren’t completely sold on the book as a whole.
Nikki @Thenightisdarkandfullofbooks recently posted…WWW Wednesday #28 || It’s Friday but who’s counting
The real question is how long can it possibly last. xD That is a real bummer, unfortunately! I hope the reads pick up for both of us.
I’m very curious about Bone Crier’s Moon, I hope you love it:-) Trying to catch up on your posts, as for some reason your comment plugin doesn’t work on my phone?? And I do almost all my blog hopping on my phone, lol.
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Over-Booked [117] – A Book Haul Post
Oh noooo, is this a new thing? I had to change my comment thing to add robot verification after adding CommentLuv. But now it’s broken on your phone? I might just have to remove CommentLuv. Trying to get it to work universally without getting flooded with spam has been a pain. xD