Spring 2020 Possibility Pile (Because Sleep Is For The Weak)

Posted March 17, 2020 by Sammie in #amreading, book list, chat with me, TBR, top ten tuesdays / 44 Comments

Listen. I’m not even going to pretend that this week’s Top Ten Tuesday is going to be anywhere near ten anything.

I saw the prompt. I laughed at the prompt. My TBR rose up, laughed, and threatened my existence and everything I hold dear. It was a jolly good time.

I usually at least try to stick to the TOP TEN part of Top Ten Tuesday. Try being the operative word. Hey! Stop laughing. I can hear you, you know. *grumbles* Today, I’m not even going to try. It’s not happening. I have so freaking many books to read for Spring that I don’t even know. But I’m so excited about them! 2020 has been an awesome year for books so far, and I’m only slightly convinced we’ve crossed some magical divide into a parallel universe and I never want to go back.

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is spring 2020 TBRs. Following the lead of the wonderful Dini @ DiniPandaReads, I’ve chosen to do a possibility pile, meaning books I hope to read but have no real obligation to read and hey, who knows, because I’m a fickle little bookwyrm and decisions are hard.

According to the wizard behind Google, summer officially ends June 20, so I’m basically just going to showcase a few reads that I have coming up between now and the beginning of June, so … strap in? And pray for your TBRs. Because phew, there are a lot of books to get to, and if you leave today without having added at least one book to your TBR, I’m not doing my job.

Heart Divider

March ARCs

The Last Human     Night of the Dragon

The Last Human: A Douglas Adams-ish comedy about the last human to survive after humanity was deemed too dangerous to exist, and now she has to find out the truth about her past and humanity’s demise.

Night of the Dragon: Culmination of two books, endless anxious nights, and apparently guaranteed to absolutely shatter my feels and single-handedly fuel the tissue market. You’re welcome, tissue suppliers.

Heart Divider

April ARCs

A Time of Courage     Ruthless Gods     Wolf of Cape Fen     Chosen Ones     The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires

A Time of Courage: A monster of a book that would sooner brain you than look at you. I dunno, something about angels and demons? I don’t need to know anything beyond that.

Ruthless Gods: I rushed out and bought the first one, and then didn’t read it … but requested an ARC of the second one, because I like to live life dangerously. All I know is it’s dark and stabby, and that suits me just fine.

The Wolf of Cape Fen: A girl has to save her sister from the Wolf, who’s come to collect payment on a bargain they never made.

Chosen Ones: Adult superhero book. Anything else that can be said about this matters not.

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires: The title pretty much says it all. The book club of my dreams.

After She Wrote Him     The Big Finish     Deeplight     Nevertell     You Let Me In

After She Wrote Him: Really trippy book about an author who writes the life of a character … but who’s the author and who’s the character?

The Big Finish: A contemporary humor with an older protagonist who is a curmudgeon. Shenanigans ensue.

Deeplight: Gods tearing themselves apart and then the discovery of a deity’s beating heart is a pretty easy sell for me. Guess I’m easy like that.

Nevertell: Magic and adventure in a beautiful, wintery world. Honestly, that cover just grabbed me, and how could it not?

You Let Me In: Mysterious novelist decides to spill the beans on her family’s unfortunate (and gruesome) demises.

The Girl and the Stars     Nazi Prison Camp Escape

The Girl and the Stars: A girl learns how to be an individual, despite the inherent dangers, in a crude society who have decided their survival requires homogenaity.

Nazi Prison Camp Escape: Comped to the I Survived series. Great adventure and danger during one of the most influential episodes of last century.

Heart Divider

May ARCs

What We Found in the Corn Maze and How It Saved a Dragon     The Kingdom of Liars     The Extraordinaries     Deal with the Devil     Stealing Thunder

What We Found in the Corn Maze and How It Saved a Dragon: That title … I just … I have so many questions. But also … dragons?

The Kingdom of Liars: Political intrigue and magic that comes at a high cost. Namely, one’s memories.

The Extraordinaries: I immediately requested this after reading The House in the Cerulean Sea because I need more from this author.

Deal with the Devil: Comped to a post-apocalyptic Avengers, and really, that’s all I need to know. Sign me up, Captain.

Stealing Thunder: Fantasy inspired by the Moghul Empire with a transgender protagonist daring to be who she is and obviously slaying it.

Dragon Ops     The Only Good Indians     The Thirty Names of Night     Out of Body

Dragon Ops: Helloooo. Do you not see the giant dragon right there? But also … augmented reality and a rogue AI.

The Only Good Indians: American Indian protagonists being hunted by some creature from their past that wants revenge. *crosses fingers* Please let it be a wendigo.

The Thirty Names of Night: Transgender protagonist. I don’t even know. Read the summary. Sounds like a heart-string-tugger.

Out of Body: A horror story about a small town librarian (sound like someone you know, maybe, hmmm) that’s probably going to give me nightmares, but hey, sometimes we take risks among these pages.

Heart Divider

Backlist Books

Aurora Rising     LIFEL1K3     Trapped in a Video Game     A Curious Beginning     House of Earth and Blood

Aurora Rising: Kaufman and Kristoff team up again to obliterate our feels. It’s super effective.

LIFEL1K3: Kristoff. I mean … I’ll read anything he writes. I don’t even care.

Trapped in a Video Game: With lots of long, heavy books coming up, this seems like a fun, light series to offset it with. Expecting lots of laughs.

A Curious Beginning: Female detective fixing what these silly boys are out here breaking. Pffft. Men.

House of Earth and Blood: Sizzling romance, demons, fallen angels, a crime that needs solving … honestly, how could I not pick this one up? No, you ask too much of me.

Chat With Me

What do your possibility piles look like? If you’re participating in TTT, drop your links below.

44 responses to “Spring 2020 Possibility Pile (Because Sleep Is For The Weak)

    • Ha, I may have written this in a sleep deprived state. I haven’t read any of his other books, so this’ll be my first introduction to the author!

  1. Wow, I don’t even know where to start with this list! There are a bunch I’ll be reading as well, the Grady Hendrix and The Only Good Indians being my most anticipated. It’s going to be tough to choose when we have so many choices! I’ll be putting my list up in a couple of weeks, since I’m now doing quarterly TBRs instead of seasonal.
    Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…BENT HEAVENS by Daniel Kraus – ReviewMy Profile

    • Yeeeah, that was sort of my reaction by the time I finished making this post. xD I’ll be looking forward to seeing your list! I feel like there is just wave after wave of brilliant-sounding books this year. I didn’t stand a chance of resisting them. Doomed from the start.

    • I just love the title of the Southern Book Club’s Guide. It just cracks me up. I just picked After She Wrote Him up last week, after seeing some reviews of it, so here’s to hoping it’s as good as it sounds!

    • Yes! I’m blessed with so many good books … but also cursed with not enough time. It figures, right? I need to read books one and two in that series, too, still, but I’m excited to start it!

    • I hope so, too! It cracks me up, because I am, in fact, in a Southern book club. I’ve pitched the idea that we should totally learn how to slay vampires, but it was vetoed. Something about them being too old. I suspect a few of them may be vampires themselves. I’ll have to watch them closely, just in case.

  2. So many books on this list and it sounds amazing!! haha. I wish I could read this amount but then I had a baby! ahh! lol I hope you get a ton of these crossed off your list. 🙂 I can’t wait to read Crescent City!

    My TTT!
    Leslie recently posted…TTT: Spring TBR!My Profile

  3. I love the idea of a possibility pile! 😂 This is a great bunch of books! I cannot wait to read Night of the Dragon!!! I want to know what happens so badly, and I am thrilled that it will be released soon! I’m also hoping to read Crescent City this spring! Happy Reading!

    My TTT

    Anna Nicholson recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBRMy Profile

    • I have heard that Night of the Dragon will break your feels. I’m a little wary, because I don’t want anything to happen to all my precious babies. xD

    • I pretty much love the majority of what comes out of Tor and Tor.com, so I have no hesitations picking those books up. That one sounded especially good!

  4. I’m currently reading The Last Human and, man, it’s hilarious and frustrating all at the same time! I am really enjoying it, though. And, as always, my TBR grows every time I read one of your posts 😂🤣 So many of these books sound awesome!

    Here’s a link to my TTT:
    Kerri @ Kerri McBookNerd recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2020 TBRMy Profile

    • I’m so glad to hear that! Frustrating in a good way, I hope. I’m really just hoping it’ll make me laugh. I need a good humor book here shoved into all this high fantasy. xD

      Well, good, I’m glad to hear it. Your TBR should have to suffer along with mine. My work here is done!

  5. Hey, so, erm, you know, I would be happy to relieve you of some of these arcs. Totally happy. Like “Nevertell” or “The Wolf of Cape Fen” or that book with the corn maze and the dragon? Totally happy to take that off you. 🤣
    I’m actually happy, if I don’t have to make a tbr. I try every once in a while but I rarely read the books I put on there. In the end my gut always wants to read something else than my head.
    tirilu recently posted…WWW Wednesday // A post just before I become a everyday hero again.My Profile

    • Haha, I’ve been lucky to get some really amazing ARCs lately. Especially in middle grade.

      That’s why I love the idea of a possibility pile. Books that I’d hopefully like to read, but I don’t need to if the mood doesn’t strike me. Much less pressure that way haha. I have a horrible time trying to actually stick to TBRs.

  6. Some great looking books here. I hope you manage to read them all – my hero! I see some familiar ones here and I would really love to be able to stay home and read AND get paid. But alas, that’s not the way it’s working out. Our local libraries are closed right now except one is doing curbside pickup – how cool is that? Seems like they recognize how important hobbies are for people right now. Is your library still open?
    Barb @ Booker T’s Farm recently posted…Can’t Wait Wednesday (253)My Profile

    • That’s not how it’s working out here, either, but a girl can dream. xD Our library is closed to the public, but employees are still coming in. No curbside service, though. I was pretty disappointed, even offered to spearhead it, but everyone else was indifferent and one person was very vocal against, so I was outvoted. *shrug* Sometimes democracy is overrated lol. Dictatorship, ftw.

  7. So many great books, Sammie! Are we still going to be “group” reading Ruthless Gods and have you read Wicked Saints yet?! Lol The Girl and the Stars looks good and i can’t wait to hear what you think. And also YAS for Aurora Rising! I’m planning to read LIFEL1K3 this Spring too. It made it onto my possibility pile in case the mood strikes but it’s been such a funky reading mood lately that I don’t even know where my mood is at! Haha I hope you enjoy all the books you manage to read 😀
    Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: Spring Possibility Pile!My Profile

    • Yeeees. We need to set a time for that! DM me and let me know when you want to start. :3 Ummm … I … may not have read it yet? But you give me a date, and it will be read by then! xD YOU KNEW I WAS A SLACKER.

      Oooh, another buddy read for LIFEL1K3, maybe?! I feel like we shouldn’t have to suffer Kristoff alone.

  8. So many books!! I had to stop for a minute and admire Night of the Dragon right off though because that cover is absolutely GORGEOUS. I have Aurora Rising on my TBR as well, but I haven’t heard of anything else on this list. So many of these look and sound interesting! Guess now I have more to add to my already impossible TBR list!
    Holliehocks @ My Thing About Books recently posted…TTT: Spring 2020 TBRMy Profile

    • Isn’t it?! It’s my favorite of the series so far, and that’s saying a lot since I loved the other ones, too. xD Bwahaha, glad to know I added to your TBR problem. Mission accomplished. 😉 If I have to suffer, everyone should have to suffer, because that’s supervillain logic.

  9. Yess I need DEEPLIGHT the cover is goals and the summary deserves a medal for fabulousness. Also why do I not have Crescent City in my life?? #disappointed. Your post made me laugh out loud a several points, I also suffer from a topping tbr pile and hope it does not kill me in quarantine. Great post 🙂

    • It sounds absolutely brilliant, doesn’t it?! I can’t wait to read it. Sleep with one eye open. That’s the best advice I can give you. That way, your TBR can’t sneak up on you. 😉

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