If a group of crows can be called a murder, I officially dub a bunch of ARCs to be an assassination.
Think about it. It totally fits, right? They sneak up on you. You start with one ARC, maybe two, maybe three … and then suddenly there’s 30 and it’s a hulking black mass in the darkness, just waiting for you to let your guard down for even a moment before it pounces.
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is a summer 2020 TBR. I’ve made no secret of how horrible I am with TBRs, so instead, I plan on sharing some upcoming releases that I’m most excited about seeing this summer.
Will there be more than 10? Most assuredly. How cruel and unusual would it be to choose 10 from aaaall summer? Pffft. I’m actually going to break them up by release month, so hopefully it won’t seem quite so … assassinationy?


The Angel of Crows: Alternate history London, where Jack the Ripper is still prowling the streets, and the city is protected by an Angel.
A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians: Historical Age of Enlightenment, where magic is flourishing, and there’s a darkness threatening all of humanity.
Forest of Souls: When Sirscha accidentally brings her friend back to life (like you do), she’s exposed as a soulguide, and she must put her newfound powers to use to tame a wild wood before it starts a war.
TRUEL1F3: Final book in the LIFEL1K3 series by Jay Kristoff. Enough said.


The Princess Will Save You: Classic white knight story turned on its head, where the princess gets to rescue her beloved and save her kingdom.
The Shadows: I can’t even summarize this. Just … go read the blurb on Goodreads. I read The Whisper Man and really enjoyed it, so I’ve been looking forward to the author’s next book.
The Only Good Indians: More horror! With a focus on Native Americans and something hunting them.
Shielded: Jenna is forced into an arranged marriage rather than being allowed to fight for her kingdom, and she has to find a way to save her kingdom.
Deal with the Devil: Mercenary. Librarians. Heck yes. Plus what sounds like a high stakes sort of romance.

The Sin in the Steel: “A sparkling debut fantasy set in a diverse world, featuring dead gods, a pirate queen, shapeshifting mages, and a Sherlockian teenager determined to upend her society.” <— I couldn’t possibly put it any better than this, folks.
The Book of Dragons: Me? Reading and excited for a book on dragons? Who would’ve guessed? What a strange turn of events this is.
The Extraordinaries: I’ve actually read this, but I’m going to start talking about it all the freaking time because it was so *chef’s kiss*. A cinnamon roll boy with ADHD has a huge crush on an extraordinary in his town, as things between this hero and his nemesis become more heated and dangerous.


Paola Santiago and the River of Tears: Based on the legend of La Llorona. Paola and her friends know better than to go near the water, for fear of being taken by La Llorona, but when they dismiss it as mere superstition and one of her friends goes missing, Paola has to find a way to save her.
Harrow the Ninth: Sequel to Gideon the Ninth, and I am so impressed by the fact that I was a good girl and haven’t read it yet, because I was waiting for closer to release. I’ve been waiting for this for so long!
Ink & Sigil: Al can cast spells using enchanted ink, but he can’t talk because anyone who hears his voice starts hating him. Also, his assistants have a bad habit of turning up dead. After the latest in a string of deaths, Al decides to take it in his own hands and investigate the murders himself.

HAHAHA best opening lines, Sammie! I totally agree they should be called an assassination. Couldn’t be more apt coz yuh, dying over here and it’s all of my own doing?! 😭 I can’t wait to read The Extraordinaries and The Princess Will Save You and I’m excited that I managed to SOMEHOW snag ARCs for both of them (wot wot) too! *Squee* — promptly drowns under pile of toppled ARCs. But ehrm, we focus on the fun part, eh?! Happy reading 😀
Thank youuuu. It’s official, then. that’s what they’re called.
I’m so glad you were able to get ARCs for them! The Extraordinaries is just … *chef’s kiss* I hope you love it. T.J. Klune is officially an auto-buy for me now lol.
I mean, you never know, maybe dying’s funny? Maybe coming back as undead improves your reading rate. You never know.
You’re brilliant! I may have to use “an assassination of arcs” at some point in the future😁 I have at least 5 of these on my summer TBR as well. Should be good times!
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…HELLA by David Gerrold – Review
Yes, this needs to be a thing now! Go forth and spread the news about the assassination of ARCs coming to overthrow the bloggers!
That doesn’t surprise me. We tend to read a lot of similar things. xD I’ll be looking forward to your reviews, since you always seem to get to them before I do LOL. I’m a slacker.
I’m pretty curious about The Only Good Indians, too!
My TTT .
Lydia recently posted…Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Poems and Short Stories from Black Writers
I hope we both love it when we get a chance to read it!
There are so many books coming out this summer that sound good. I hope you get a chance to read some from your list.
Kristi @ConfessionsofaYAReader recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday 6/16/20
Right? We need more time. Can we tack on the month or so that we lost in March when time flew past so that we have some extra reading time this summer?
I’m actually a part of the Shielded Blog Tour, and already started to read it. So far so good… the story is developing quite nicely!
I love the way you do your Top Ten(ish) lists 😂😂 I Stan you! 🙃
Really?! That’s so cool. Can’t wait to see your review for it. 😀 I think it’ll be a contender for favorite read this year, from what I’ve heard so far.
Aww thank you so much. <3
The Princess Will Save You has such a great title.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Astilbe recently posted…The Golden Age of Flippin Everything by Richard Moore
Isn’t it? I love how fierce the cover looks, too. I’m really digging all these fierce women on covers this year. 😀
It’s hard to stick to TBRs when you just never know what you’re going to be in the mood for. I hope you get to read all of these this summer.
That’s so true! Being a mood reader is a bummer sometimes lol.
I knew it would be dangerous to visit here today! I read The Only Good Indian earlier this month and LOVED it. I hope you do too!
There’s always danger lurking around every corner when you visit my blog! Muahaha. I’m so glad to hear that you loved it! I’ve been looking forward to reading it, and then it got pushed back, but I can’t wait to pick it up soon!
I’m so excited for Truelife, Deal with the Devil, Harrow the Ninth, and Inks and Sigil! Happy reading!
All the ones I’m most excited about, too! Here’s to hoping they’re as great as we think they’ll be. 😉
I’m very much looking forward to the new H. G Parry novel! I loved her first one. Great blog post.
Jules_Writes recently posted…#MINIREVIEW: #SevenDays by Alex Lake #horror #BookReview #dark #gripping #250WordsOrLess
I did, too! I’ve heard this one is fantastic, too, so I’m super excited for it!
The Princess Will Save You sounds fun, and this is the second TTT list I’ve seen it on this week! Though I don’t remember hearing about it before this, so I’ll have to keep an eye out for it.
Mexican Gothic comes out at the end of this month, and I’m excited for it.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Summer 2020 TBR
That’s clearly a sign that you should obviously add it to your TBR! 😉
Oh, yes, I’ve seen that around! I’m curious about it, but I’m kind of waiting for some reviews to decide if it’s my type of book.
You captured my feelings perfectly. I’m starting to feel a bit overwhelmed with my ARCs. And one of my goals this year was to read less ARCs. Ha! Oh well. There’s always next year, right?? I hope you enjoy all of these. <3
Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2020 TBR
My goal this year was to request less ARCs and stay on top of them, but … I think you can see how well that’s gone. xD Ah well. Maybe we’ll do better next year, like you said, haha.
haha! Love this post!! You have some pretty good ARC’s though!! I really want to read Forest of Souls! I hope that you enjoy them and get to them. <3
My Top Ten
Leslie recently posted…T.T.T. Summer TBR!
Thanks! I’m currently reading Forest of Souls now, and it’s great so far!
I hope you love all these! I’m hoping to pick up The Shadows too. It sounds awesome.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Reading List
Thanks! Have you read The Whisper Man yet by Alex North? I’d definitely recommend it!
Assassination sounds like a good group noun.
Also, you have The Princess will Save You as the cover of Paola Santiago. 🙂
Melissa recently posted…Fandom Quote Friday: Ink and Bone
Whoops! xD Thanks for pointing that out lol.
I love the phrase Assassination of ARCs! Among these books, I’m especially looking forward to The Princess will Save You, The Only Good Indians, and The Sin in the Steel.
Yes! So many good books coming out that it’s hard to pick from them haha. Hope you love them when you get to read them!
Love how you altered this week’s theme! And like most other book bloggers, I totally feel ya on the struggle with ARCs! Wow, so many of these books look interesting and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them! I’m particularly excited for Forest of Souls–I loved Lori M. Lee’s Gates of Thread and Stone series when I was a teen. And wow yep, immediately adding The Sin in the Steel to my TBR
Bahaha love how you found a book literally called The Book of Dragons 😂
Happy reading & good luck staying on top of your ARCs!
Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Summer 2020 TBR
Thanks! I feel like most bloggers have that in common haha. I haven’t read any of Lori M. Lee’s other books, but Forest of Souls is so good so far! I’m about a quarter of the way through it.
I did! Obviously, it was written for me, and wow am I honored. I also clicked the Request button so fast that I probably broke it.
So glad the whole book blog community struggles with ARCs together, haha. And yay that Forest of Souls is good so far! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! It’s been a long time since I read them, but I def recommend giving her Gates of Thread and Stone series a try!
And bahaha, Netgalley really should just have ya automatically approved for any book with the tag ‘dragons’
Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…Review: Let’s Talk About Love by Claire Kann
Oh, we for sure do. All the other things we argue about, I think we can all agree on how much we love and hate ARCs haha. Deadlines are hard.
Right?! I totally agree. If it’s got a dragon in it, just give it to me. Why do I have to do all this work of requesting and stuff? It’s a drag lol.
Baha, so true! Thank goodness for events like ARCAugust! (Will I actually get through arcs this August tho? Remains to be seen…)
Keri @ Are You My Book? recently posted…Tips for Motivating Yourself to Write During a Pandemic
I will 100% get through ARCs in August. Will I get through *enough* ARCs in August? Ehhh. Who knows?
LOL, an assassination of arcs is perfect hahaha
I read Harrow the Ninth back in April because I could not wait. I don’t have your strength lol. I liked it, but not as much as I did Gideon.
Ren Strange recently posted…Book Meme: WWW Wednesday #3
Aww man. You’re so lucky. There’s no way I’d be able to hold myself back from yelling about it too early, though, if I read it that soon. Glad to know that you didn’t like it as much as Gideon, though. I’ll take that into account when I go into it. :3
Very interesting reads. New books to me. Here is my TTT.
Danyelle recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday
I really want to read The Book of Dragons and I looked at pre-ordering but it was 33 Euro o_o
Awww man. Why so expensive?! Book Depository has it for $30 (about $27 Euro), but gosh that’s so expensive for a preorder, especially an anthology.
This is all so, so true hahah! And I love your list, SO many books here that I am dying to read! I feel like this summer is a REALLY good time for releases, probably because of all the COVID postponements, but I am not complaining!!
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…The 100 Episode 7×05: Welcome to Bardo
I agree. It should be illegal to release so many good books all at once unless they actually give us time off to *read* all the good books all at once. xD
[…] you’re particularly curious, you can go find them in my Summer 2020 Most Anticipated Releases, where I did through fall releases because it was efficient. So I’m not going to do that […]