Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme, hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books & Dani @ Literary Lion, where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. It’s supposed to be posted on Friday, but being on time is hard and it’s better late than never.
This week’s topic is: reading seasonally.
Since I tend to be a mood reader, I don’t always read seasonally. My mood can change as easily as the wind blows … and the wind blows all year round, so I’m an equally opportunity indecisive reader.
For me, fall reading means all the spookiness. Give me things that go bump in the dark. Give me all the ghosties and ghoulies. Give me settings that will make me shiver, even though it’s not that cold out yet. Yes to all the horrors and thrillers!
In case you couldn’t tell, I very much associate fall with Halloween and all the spookiness that surrounds it. It’s the one time of year I go all-out with horror reads.
So this Let’s Talk Bookish is a little light on the “discussion” part. After all, you all know whether you’re seasonal readers or not, right? And if you’re not, that’s fine. There’s no right or wrong way to choose your TBRs.
… is there? Have I been doing it wrong all this time?! *flails*
Anyway, here are some books I think would make perfect fall reads. Click on the cover to go to the Goodreads page for the book.

Middle Grade Fall Reads

Young Adult Fall Reads

Adult Fall Reads

Do you read seasonally? What are some fall reads you’d recommend?

Thank you for this great list!!! I have some of these on my TBR, but definitely a few to add!
Glad to have contributed to what I assume is your ridiculously large TBR. xD I know mine is. If I have to suffer, so should everyone else. 😛
An equal opportunity indecisive reader — this is yes! Haha I’m the same as you with the seasonal reading but mostly because I don’t have four seasons. Although with FOMO and everything I do make possibility piles but don’t really end up sticking to them anyway! If I did read seasonally fall would be associated with the spookier reads (although only mildly because hello The Ultimate Chicken™️) but I also think cosy comfort reads that I can snuggle in bed with all wrapped up tight in my doona 😍
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#5OnMyTBR: Books about Books
I can’t imagine having four seasons. I mean, we at least have three (rain, ice, and drought xD). I normally don’t care about any except for autumn, because it FEELS like spooky time, for whatever reason.
A lot of patrons at our library enjoy cozy mysteries, so I see a lot of those around this time of year, too lol. Also good fall reading options!
Great lists! I love the different spooky reads. I’m surprised to see that I’ve read a variety from all the age ranges. Usually I stick to the middle grade level of spookiness, because I am a wimp. 😉 My seasonal fall reads usually include a lot of cozy mysteries. For some reason they always feel like fall to me.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up: September 2020
You are for sure not the only person I know who’s a wimp, so no worries. But I do love middle grade horror. xD It’s more my speed. Sometimes YA, when I want to up it. I don’t read a ton of adult horror, because I enjoy sleeping. Very much. xD
You’ll be happy to know that there’s a large portion of our patrons who love cozy mysteries haha. So I’m brushed up on those, too, to some extent.
I wish I could read seasonally more often! During this time of year, I always try to read spooky books or thrillers, but I’m constantly busy so I rarely read anything from my TBR. 😅 I’m going to try to read Small Spaces and The Girl and the Ghost!
Xandra @ Starry Sky Books recently posted…Let’s Talk About Spoilers // special blogiversary discussion
TBRs are super hard. xD I have trouble sticking to them, too. Small Spaces was really good! I’m looking forward to picking up The Girl and the Ghost this month.
I love that you’ve given us so many selections for Fall reads! I’ll have to look into some of these… I’ve actually been wanting to read The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein so maybe I should pop that on my list for the next couple of months.
Dani @ Literary Lion recently posted…Should You Review a Sequel Without Reading the First Book? | Let’s Talk Bookish
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein would be a really good fall read!
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Any book can be read year round. I’m not a big fan of Halloween so, to me horror or spooky books are something I like to read round.
Ann recently posted…Let’s Talk Bookish: Reading Seasonally
So true! I also read horror year-round, too, but I tend to read more during fall, because I enjoy the creepy atmosphere on top of everything else!