The Birth of Agent Big Butt: Butt of Steel, Heart of Gold (The Agent Big Butt Series Book 1)
by Amy Winfield, Tom McWeeney, Alexandria SewellPublished by: Packed House Publications on November 4, 2019
Genres: Middle Grade, Fantasy, Humor
Pages: 410
Format: Paperback
Source: Author
Every day, each of us is given a chance to be a hero. There's only one problem...
"I would help, but I'm too busy."
"I like to help, but I'm too tired."
"I'll help, but...but...but..."NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF BUTS!
Agent Big Butt has a big butt too; he was born with one. Yet, this newborn never lets his enormous butt get in the way. This hero uses his huge, steely butt - which emits the most powerful and lethal gas known to man - to right every wrong he sees. In this new middle-grade novel from Amy Winfield, this superhero baby matches wits with an evil doctor, fights off bullies, challenges villains with equally crazy superpowers and finds his best friend too, all before his first birthday.
There's a new superhero on the block, and his name is Agent Big Butt, but you can call him AB - the hero with a butt of steel...and a heart of gold.
Content Tags:
Perfect for readers who want:
- Funny books (especially butt/fart humor)
- Weird books with, like, poop being different colors and stuff
- Books about close families
- Evil doctor/scientist characters
- Kids with superpowers
Many thanks to the author for a copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

I’m here today with a very special sort of review.
In case you didn’t notice, this feature is called Minion Reviews because … well, Minion’s going to have the spotlight here today. In preparation, you might even notice she’s done a bit of redecorating. It’s not dragons, but … you know. Her post, her favorite creature, I suppose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This review was 100% written by Minion, from the “perfect for readers who want,” right down to the signature, which I figured was best. Straight from the mouth of the target audience, right? I may have cleaned up the grammar a bit … or a lot. She’s nine, what can I say? You’re welcome.
Also, Minion has been really into drawing cute food lately. We’re not sure why. But she’s pretty dang good at it. So when I asked her to brainstorm a fun way to introduce the characters, naturally she said she’d compare them to food! She even provided the drawings.
Without further ado, I’ll let her tell you all about it!

Minion’s Rating:

I gave this book four unicorn horns because it was kind of funny, and it was something that couldn’t really happen, which was fun. There could be a crazy doctor who wants a piece off your butt, I guess, but …. who wants a sample of your butt?!

Five things I liked:
- I liked how it said that Big Butt got his big butt from his mother eating red dirt when she was pregnant.
- I like how Dr. Ian wanted a piece off his butt, because it’s funny how he kept chasing him just for that!
- I like that Big Butt started teething early, because I think it’s cool that a baby that’s a couple months old can eat food. (I’d tell him he should eat more bananas, because they’re my favorite!)
- I think it’s cool how a baby’s poop glows green. (I’d want mine to glow pink! With sparkles!)
- I liked all the different powers, like not just Big Butt’s smelly farts but how a kid’s breath could be so bad to make someone gag and puke.
Sticking Points:
- I didn’t really like that everyone didn’t like Agent Big Butt and were really mean to his family, even though they ended up liking him again eventually.
- I didn’t like that people kept lying about the things that Agent Big Butt and his family did.

Meet the Characters
Agent Big Butt
Cinnamon Bun

I think that if Agent Big Butt was a food, he would be a cinnamon bun, because he has a big butt and some people call a butt a bun. I think Agent Big Butt was a funny character, because it said in the book his butt was as far out as a large watermelon, and no baby’s butt can be that big! It was funny because it said that his farts stank so bad it made people puke and the color of his poop was glowing and green. I like that he was a baby that could walk and talk. It said in the book that his butt was so big because his mom ate red dirt while she was pregnant with him, and people don’t really eat red dirt, do they?!


I think if Alex was a food, she would be a lollipop, because she is sweet and lollipops are sweet. I still think Alex is kind and sweet, but sometimes in the book she held up her fist like she was going to punch Agent Big Butt, but she didn’t. Agent Big Butt did hurt her feelings sometimes for talking about her dad too much because her dad left.

Dr. Ian

I think if Dr. Ian was a food, he would be peas, because he is mean and I hate peas. I think that Dr. Ian shouldn’t be a doctor, because he tried to take a sample of Agent Big Butt’s butt when they didn’t want him to, even though he didn’t get one. He ran after Agent Big Butt and Agent Big Butt’s parents for so long before he stopped.

Mrs. Winters

I think that if Mrs. Winters was a food, she would be a banana, because bananas are helpful by giving you nutrients and Mrs. Winters is helpful. I think that Mrs. Winters is very kind because even when her daughter, Alex, was mad at Agent Big Butt, she was still nice to him, and she just very kindly said, “Maybe you should wait till tomorrow to talk to her.”

Mrs. Flatbottom
Ramen Noodles

I think that if Mrs. Flatbottom was food, she would be ramen noodles, because she is caring when people feel bad and ramen noodles helps you when you feel bad. I think that Mrs. Flatbottom was very caring. I think that Mrs. Flatbottom is very kind.

This is wonderful! I loved reading your review, Minion! The drawings are amazing and they explain each of the characters perfectly. I hate peas too, so I agree that Dr. Ian is perfect as peas. 🙂
AB as a cinnamon bun is great! I love all your food comparisons. This is my favorite review EVER! My family and I were smiling ear to ear while reading it.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! Book 2 is coming soon 🙂
(And thank you too Sammie, for everything!)
Amy Winfield recently posted…The Birth of Agent Big Butt
I’m so glad you like it! <3 She said thank you! We had a lot of fun reading it together, and she worked so hard on this review and had fun with it. :3
Agent Big Butt is insanely popular at my library – it looks like a lot of fun!
Check out my TTT
Ooooooooh my gawsh everything in this post is just *chefs kiss* PURR-FEC-TION!!! Minion is an awesome artist! Is it sad that I’ve always wanted to draw like that and have been unable to because *no art talent*?! Haha I loved the comparisons to the food (the drawings were my fave part) — love the cinnamon bun butt comparison 😉 Minion should do more of these reviews. Loved everything about this creative post!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…The Sunshine Blogger Award IV
She says thank you! I’ve never had much artistic talent, either, so I have no idea where she gets it from, but we’re impressed. Probably her grandmother, I suppose. xD
I definitely think she’ll be doing more. I may or may not have totally bribed her if she does more (but also I told her if she does them regularly, you never know, she might even get review requests of her own, and she’s already petitioned me for a bigger bookshelf LOL)