It’s time to play “guess that book” and also watch our TBRs weep.
Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and is all about the first line of a current/upcoming read. Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda’s Voice, where you turn to page 56 (or 56%) in what you’re reading a find a snippet that jumps out at you.

Shadows rush past the windows, little more than streaks of movement, dark on dark. I can feel the ebb and flow of the Veil, the drumbeat of ghosts on every side.

“I completely agree,” says Jacob. “Do not engage the poltergeist.”
After all, there’s nothing I can do until I know his story, know enough to remind him.
“Do not engage,” repeats Jacob.

Trouble is haunting Cassidy Blake . . . even more than usual.
She (plus her ghost best friend, Jacob, of course) are in Paris, where Cass’s parents are filming their TV show about the world’s most haunted cities. Sure, it’s fun eating croissants and seeing the Eiffel Tower, but there’s true ghostly danger lurking beneath Paris, in the creepy underground Catacombs.

✿ Cute middle grade filled with ghosts!
✿ Perfect for a Halloween read, and not too scary.
✿ Travel the world to fun historical sites.
✿ Plus, you get to experience being haunted at these locales.
✿ Mix of horror and comedy.
✿ Explore the catacombs!
✿ It’s okay, I know you’ve always wanted to. 😉

This is a weekly meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook meant to take place on Mondays, but since Fridays tend to be my TBR-focused post, I’ve decided to combine them here. Next Monday’s prompt is: enemies to lovers.
Guys. GUYS. This is my jam. I have to narrow this down to FIVE?! Whyyyyy? What sort of torture is this? *curls up in corner to sob*

The third book in the Tiger at Midnight trilogy, The Chariot at Dusk, is going to be, I assume, enemies to lovers. Or, after the previous two books, maybe just enemies. Who knows?! This is why I love this trope so much, because you never quite know what to expect!
A book I’ve actually acquired recently that I’ve been meaning to read for a whole long while has been Dark Shores! I’m so excited to have gotten my hands on this one, because it sounds great, and I’ve had to hear repeatedly how awesome it is.
I was so eager for The Queen of Nothing to come out … and then I didn’t read it. Why? I don’t know. It’s freaking bonkers. I should’ve read it by now … but what if I’m not ready for the series to end? *flails* If I just put it off, that means it never ends, right?!
You know what? I don’t even have any excuses for why I haven’t read Angelfall yet. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I should’ve done it by now, but I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
I actually checked out House of Earth and Blood from the library earlier this year, but reading it just … didn’t happen. And now it’s gone. Checked it out to someone myself. So now I just have to wait for my turn to come back around. That’s what I get!

What are the first lines of the book you’re reading this week? Drop them in the comments or drop a link to your Friday post.

Great snippets, and I love that cover! Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your weekend.
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
“Do not engage the poltergeist” has to be the best line ever.
(Are you doing NaNo this year?)
It is sound advice for any occasion.
I am! Sort of. I’ve been kinda bullied into it haha. I’m doing my own NaNo challenge. Probably realistically won’t hit 50k (too many other obligations right now). Are you doing NaNo?!
Great that you are participating. I am, too, which is why I’m hit or miss on social media lately. I’ve been prepping a brand new novel.
Good luck!
Good luck to you, too! I hope it’s been going well so far. 😀
Love those excerpts! I really enjoyed the first book in the series. Still need to read this one. Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
I finally finished it, and I liked it even BETTER than the first book (which I also loved). So I definitely recommend you pick this up when you get a chance! 😉
I like the sound and setting of this one…and what a cute cover!
It makes for a fantastic spooky read for those enjoy something a little scary but also enjoy sleeping well at night. xD It was super cute and fun!
I’ve read a couple of books by Schwab, but not from this particular series. I have heard a lot of good things about it.
Breana M. recently posted…The Friday 56 (187) & Book Beginnings: The Case Study of Vanitas volume 5 by Jun Mochizuki
I loved her adult work, but thought her YA series was just okay, so I wasn’t sure where her MG would fall, but I do love it! I’d say give it a try if you liked her other work at all. 🙂
Sounds right up my alley! Happy weekend!
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…The #Friday56 & #Instagram56
It does sound like a good Halloween read and not scary too! I’ll check it out! Thanks for sharing!
Here’s my Friday Post
I hope you enjoy it!
I love that series and I can’t wait for the 3rd installment. Angelfall is pretty great as its sequel. I still need to read the finale one of these days.
Ugh, now I’m in the same boat as you. T_T I’ve finished reading it, and I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs like … now what? Why isn’t the third book here? In my hands? Right now?! *flails*
Fabulous first lines!
Lisa @ waytoofantasy recently posted…The Sunday Post #44
Sounds like a fun book for middle schoolers!