Today’s a very special TTT, where I’m calling out all these horrendous, fiendish TBR growers for the troublemakers they are!
See, I was just sitting here, the innocent little bookwyrm I am, tending to my teensy little TBR and doing a just fine job of it, of course. When along came these bloggers and just plopped down all their bookish baggage, unloading it right onto my TBR! The nerve of some of these people!
Long story short, I now having a raging TBR beast and it’s clearly the fault of these bloggers and totally has nothing to do with the fact that I have no inhibitions and will add a book to my TBR at the slightest recommendation. Nope. These bloggers should be on Wanted posters for all the mayhem they’ve caused to TBRs!
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is books I read because someone recommended them to me, but that wasn’t controversial enough. Nope, I’m gonna name names and point fingers, darn it!
Also, I’m going to try to limit this to books I’ve actually either bought or borrowed from the library due to recommendations, not just simply added to my TBR. I mean, it’s a loooong list, and this’ll at least narrow it down a teensy bit.
![Dragon Divider](
Odd Gods & Amelia Fang
Recommended By: Lilyfae @ Lily and the Fae
Lilyfae actually tends to be a place I get a lot of middle grade recommendations, particularly when I’m looking for something that Minion might like, since Lily’s littles seem to have similar bookish tastes! So really, my shelves are just filled with recommendations from Lilyfae, the menace to TBRs that she is. Also, I’ve now been relegated to buying every single Amelia Fang that comes out, forever, into perpetuity. Or so I’ve been informed.
![Dragon Divider](
Dark Shores, Dark Skies, & House of Dragons
Recommended By: Susan @ Novel Lives
Not even gonna lie, there have been way more than just these three books that have been added to my shelves thanks to Susan. She’s a repeat offender. Seriously. Someone should lock her up before she can do more damage! I chose these three only because they were some of the most recent books I’ve purchased based on her recommendations.
But also … does it really surprise anyone at all that I would go out of my way to buy books that include pirates and dragons? Pffft. It’s like none of y’all even know me.
![Dragon Divider](
The Lady Janies
Recommended By: Kal @ Reader Voracious || Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight || Lisa @ Way Too Fantasy
I actually just bought the first two books in this series, because I’ve had so many bloggers talk about how much they enjoy it. I read a lot of dark fantasy, in case you hadn’t noticed (don’t let the cheery blog layout fool you), and I feel like I need something lighter every now and then. So yes, I just casually tossed three more books on my TBR to fulfill that need. So sue me.
Except don’t, because if you win, the only worldly possession I have worth anything is my books, and then you’d be forced to inherit my TBR monster, and we all know what a mess that would be.
![Dragon Divider](
Abi Elphinstone Books
Recommended By: Mari @ Tirilu
Mari has been trying to get me to read Abi Elphinstone books for aaaages now, and I kept putting it off … because I’m silly? In one last, desperate attempt, we ended up buddy reading Sky Song just recently, and guess what?! I loved it. I will for sure be checking out other Elphinstone books in the future, probably starting with the Casper Tock series (which has a completely different title and series name in the UK, because Americans have to be difficult, and I apologize for that).
![Dragon Divider](
Penryn and the End of Days
Recommended By: Annemieke @ A Dance With Books || Lin @ Whimsical Woodland Wanderer || Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
I’m pretty sure that, at this point, almost everyone has told me to read this series? I even went out and bought the entire series on Kindle, prepared to read it. I just … haven’t. Because being a bookwyrm is complicated. I’m pretty sure Annemieke has even mentioned there’s a talking sword in this one? I might be making that up. It could just be wishful thinking. But I’m pretty sure it was this series. So if I needed any extra incentive, to pick up this series, that should be it.
![Dragon Divider](
Kings of the Wyld
Recommended By: Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy || Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads
Legendary mercenaries getting back together has all the heist and squad vibes that I usually crave. I’ve seen several other bloggers talking about this series, too, but I can’t remember who now. These ones just stuck out to me, and I knew I should read this!
![Dragon Divider](
Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch
Recommended By: Briana & Krysta @ Pages Unbound || Charlotte @ Charlotte’s Library
I know I saw someone review this recently, which reminded me how much I wanted to read this. I just … can’t remember who it was. But I did remember two places I’d seen this reviewed, and it just makes me want to read it all the more, so I did put a hold in for it through the library! This book just looks too cute to pass up, and I did just that for a while, but there’s only so many times I can read reviews about how good it is before I eventually pick the dang thing up.
![Dragon Divider](
Murderbot Diaries
Recommended By: Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits || Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy || Annemieke @ A Dance With Books || Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight || Pretty much everyone, okay?!
This was just … everyone. Everyone told me how much I needed to read Murderbot, especially as the first book was being released. It was everywhere, and I know I tend to be oblivious, but honestly, even I couldn’t miss the blatant push for it. In the end, I’m glad I listened, and I still have more of the series to read (and I still keep seeing positive reviews popping up reminding me to do just that), but I’ve really enjoyed the few I’ve read so far!
![Dragon Divider](
The Tea Dragon Society
Recommended By: Keri @ Are You My Book
I had never even heard of this book until Keri chose it for the Tour the World in 30 Books blog tour I hosted in September. I’m not sure how I hadn’t heard of it, but it is what it is. Seems like everyone except me knew about it, though? But it’s a super freaking cute looking book, and the minute it was catalogued at my library, I checked it out so I could read it. Which … you know, I haven’t done yet, which is why it’s still on my TBR, but … I’m getting there. Step one is successfully accomplished, at least.
![Dragon Divider](
The Poppy War
Recommended By: Dini @ DiniPandaReads || Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads || Becky @ Becky’s Book Blog || Kerri @ Kerri McBookNerd
This was actually supposed to be a group buddy read, but it took me so long to be able to finally get my hands on a copy, that I sort of … fell behind. Everyone sufficiently bullied me into reading this book and assured me how good the series in, so how could I say no to that?
![Dragon Divider](
What are some books that mysteriously found their way to your TBR after someone recommended them? If you participate in TTT, drop your links below so I can visit you.
![Dragon Divider](
![Stay Fierce, Sammie](
To quote Becky at Crooks Books
Yes. Im Susan and I happened. PS the sequel to House of Dragon is on Edelweiss so I suspect it’ll be on Netgalley shortly 🙃![My Profile](
Susan recently posted…Mara Fitzgerald’s Debut, Beyond The Ruby Veil, Clocks In At A Rollicking 288 Pages Of Questionable, Extremely Thirsty Characters
I am a sucker for pirates so I need to look into this Dark Shores book! I have My Lady Jane – I’ve had it for YEARS, but I’ve never read it. I should. I also bought Angelfall and just…haven’t read it lol. AND OMG YES to the Martha Wells series – EVERYONE has recommended it. They’re not even that long? If I remember correctly. I need to read those. I just bought The Poppy War on audiobook. I hope I liked it >.< Happy reading!![My Profile](
Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook recently posted…You’ve Told Me To Read These Books But I Suck
I’m always happy to add to someone’s TBR 😂. Also I spy Susan on here 👀 so I’m glad it’s not just mine that she’s adds too on a regular basis. I do hope you enjoy Poppy War when you get round to finishing it!
I need to read House of Dragons soon. I really loved her previous series.![My Profile](
Lauren @ Always Me recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Horror Books Of 2020 That I Can’t Wait To Read
Odd Gods sure sounds like a good read!
My post.![My Profile](
Lydia recently posted…Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Why I Like Rereading Books
I’ve been seeing The Poppy War around a lot recently, I definitely need to check that one out soon.![My Profile](
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #286
Ooh glad you read Kings of the Wyld!
(![My Profile](
Evelyn recently posted…Top Five Tuesday – Books With Witches!
MURDERBOT!!!! 😀 Also, I second the rec for The Tea Dragon books, and I’ve bought Eva Evergreen due to someone’s recommendation, too. (Though I forget whose…)![My Profile](
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Freebie Fiction Part 2
You will LOVE the Lady Janies books.![My Profile](
Melissa recently posted…New Initiative: Disability and Chronic Illness Representation in Fiction
I LOVE The Janies. I hope you do, too!![My Profile](
Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Read Because Someone Recommended Them To Me
I love Amelia Fang, my goddaughter was a big fan so I wanted to see what the fuss was about and then buying them became my thing whenever a new one came out. I’m quite sad the last one (for now at least) was just published in the UK, definitely the end of an era, but the author does have a new series on the way at least!
Here’s my TTT!![My Profile](
Sarah @ SWB recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Read Because Someone Recommended Them to Me
YES! NAME AND SHAME THESE CRIMINALS SAMMIE!!! NAME AND – wait just a second…. ME??![My Profile](
Well well well. How the tables have flip flopped!
Does the criminal life suit me?? Does it make me look dashing??
Now the big question.
I now have most (all…. if we’re being honest, Angelfall is the only one I’ve read) of these on my TBR… but who do I blame as I’m being crushed?? Those who recommended these books to you, or you for recommending them further?? Who will I haunt till the end of time??? Who is the ultimate criminal??
Lin @ Whimsical Woodland Wanderer recently posted…Books I Love That I Discovered Thanks To Book Blogging
It’s great that all these people could help add to your TBR!
Great additions! I also really want to read that Danielle L. Jensen series but I have another one of hers I need to finish up first before I start a new one haha.
Yes to the yes. And excuse me, I will never apologise for introducing you to the most amazing Abi Elphinstone books. They are amazing. I’m glad you have accepted the wrongness of your ways while not reading them. 🙂 No, seriously, I’m happy you like them.
I also have to, somehow, get Everdark to you. It’s technically the first of the Unmapped Chronicles. Wait, do you have a Kindle? (Also, I have to finish my review for Jungledrop.)![My Profile](
Marion recently posted…Books that where recommended to me // aka. Books I read because somebody kept shoving them in my face
Huh, I haven’t heard of any of these except for The Poppy War series. I did just add Eva Evergreen, Semi-Magical Witch to my TBR though! Haha. Sometimes I wish I could take recommendations as easily as you, but it’s so hard.![My Profile](
Holliehocks @ My Thing About Books recently posted…TTT: Books I Read Because Someone Recommended Them to Me
Ahahaha the majority of these are on my TBR because EVERYONE has been going on about them for ages. But I have to say, if there’s anyone who should be on wanted posters for being TBR growers, you’d be number one on my list, Sammie!!! 😂 Every time I visit your blog, I never leave without having added another book to my TBR. And it has absolutely nothing at all to do with my good relationship with the ‘want to read’ button on Goodreads. It’s just all you 🤣🤣🤣![My Profile](
Also, I hope TPW has gotten more enjoyable for you!!! I still need to read the next book in the series before the last one comes out but I’d be down for a buddy read if it’s still something you’re keen to do 😉Also YES to the Tea Dragon society! Such a sweet and feel-good GN. I love 😍
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…Let’s Talk Bookish: What is the meaning of diverse books?