It’s time again to ask ourselves the three W’s:
What if you were working on your family tree and found your creepy cousin?
What if he threatened your life?
Would you be that desperate to rediscover your family?
Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

Warriors of Wing and Flame by Sara B. Larson
★★☆☆☆ || Goodreads
I really enjoyed the first book in this duology, but I didn’t enjoy this one as much. Romance readers will probably fare better than I did, because this book felt like it was 80% romance. So maybe it’s not a surprise that it just wasn’t my thing, since I’m not a fan of romance. The romance felt true and accurate, but it was a lot of introspection and just romance drama and angst, and that’s not my thing. I was really wanting more on the fantasy! The world was still fun, though, and I enjoyed some of the mystery and the action. Really, it was just the romance that dragged this book down for me, because it’s not my thing.
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter
★★★★★ || Goodreads
This series has quickly joined the ranks of my favorite epic fantasy series! Oh my gosh, I just … I’m not even sure if can tell you why I love it so much. Really, it hits all the tropes I love so much. The protagonist is driven to overachieve by a need for vengeance. There’s that really fun “I don’t need anyone, I can go it alone” feeling that turns into “wait, why are all these people treating me like a friend?! What did I do?” that I absolutely love. The characters are so easy to fall in love with, and the stakes are so high and the battles so epic. Seeing Tau’s growth as a person and a fighter was just *chef’s kiss*
The Fires of Vengeance by Evan Winter
★★★★★ || Goodreads
Honestly, the best thing I can say is just read my review, because I think I said it all. I read this and the first book back-to-back, and it left me with such an awful book hangover. I didn’t want to leave this world. This book was a lot of battle and strategy and one-upmanship, which I really enjoyed! The odds the characters face aren’t great, so I ended up fretting over all of them, and I was super invested in the whole book.
Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston
★★★★★ || Goodreads
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE READS OF THE YEAR. Oh my gosh. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I loved this. Young me desperately needed this book, and I’m so happy that a new generation of young readers will have the chance. It felt like Men in Black meets Harry Potter. It’s a school setting for a secret bureau, and while there’s definitely darkness in the story, a lot of it is just fun and magical and whimsical. The departments are soooo fun to learn about, and the characters and their different talents are amusing. I’m not even sure how I’m going to write the review for this, other than just me screaming into the void.
The Hollow Gods by A. J. Vrana
★★★★☆ || Goodreads
If you’re looking for a dark, atmospheric horror book, this one really hits the spot! I had so much fun with this. The characters are super sarcastic and slightly pessimistic, which are my favorite types of characters. Also, anti-heroes galore! There’s a very open-ended, mystical, cyclical feeling to the story that is sometimes hard to follow, but I enjoyed the way it came together in the end.
How to Remember Everything by Jacob Sager Weinstein (Review will be posted 11/5)
★★★★★ || Goodreads
I joined this tour on a whim, because both Minion and I suffer from the same horrible memory (I like to think I get it from her). I was surprised by how helpful the tips in this book are! Some are things I already knew about, but the examples the author gives and the practice examples given really helped solidify the technique in my mind. These are definitely things I’ll be using going forward. I can’t wait to introduce this book to you tomorrow on my blog tour date!

Listen, I’m so far behind with life in general that I’ve basically paused everything to try to finish my blog tour reads. I will get back to the regular programming … after that. Eventually. Ugh. I have so many books I’ve started and need to finish. I’m the worst. xD

Second Cousin Once Removed by Kenneth L. Toppell
Status: 5%
Henry Attkinson’s life as an attorney is slow, predictable, and lonely, given his divorce and his ex-wife’s custody of the kids. He recently took up geneology as a hobby to fill the time, but it doesn’t do much to spice up his mundane routine. Until the day he prods at a dead end of one of the branches of his family tree. Who is this cousin Shelley, whom he’s never met or even heard of in years? Ignoring a warning to leave well enough alone, Henry still doesn’t find much in his deeper delve into the mystery–just a concerning criminal record for the man that finally convinces him to drop the matter. But Shelley is a man who doesn’t want to be found or even looked for. And now he knows someone has been looking. Faster than he knows what’s hit him, Henry is propelled into sudden mayhem, receiving ominous threats, meeting mysterious strangers, and running for his life. Second Cousin Once Removed is a fast-paced, sweaty-palm thriller that will keep you hooked until the last page.
I only just started this last night, and I didn’t get very far, so I honestly don’t have much to say about it. It’s a little all over in the beginning and not very linear. It felt a teensy bit random. BUT like I said, I really didn’t get very far and that could change. It’s definitely got an old-timey PI feel to it, so that’s interesting.

I received another blog tour book this week, Frozen 2: Dangerous Secrets. I’m really looking forward to this one! This touches on the background story of Anna and Elsa’s parents, and that was one thing I really wanted more of from Frozen 2, because I was so curious about it.
I’ve got some books I want to tackle for the Clear Your Sh*t Readathon still, and I need to do write-ups for them. I’m hoping you’ll enjoy the little story! So for the shortest book on my bookshelf, it’ll be The Ice Dragon, which I picked up because there’s a giant, fierce dragon on the cover AND in the title. Duh.
For the book on the bookshelf the longest, I’ll be going with the Book of Kindly Deaths, which I bought forever ago and just never picked up, even though it looks fantastic. I still need something with a squad/found family, and I just haven’t decided yet what that’s going to be, honestly. Like everything else, I’ll just wing it!

You got some serious reading done this week-I’m so impressed! Happy reading!
Here’s my WWW post:
The Bargain Sleuth recently posted…WWW Wednesday November 4th
Oh wow you read so much last week!
Enjoy your reading!
Evelyn recently posted…Have I Read the 100 Best Fantasies?
The cover of Amari is gorgeous!! You had such an amazing reading week and I hope your next one is even better 🙂 Happy reading!
Here’s my post:
Natalie recently posted…God of Monsters by Keri Lake
I’m so far behind on anything reading related because I’m trying to vamp up the other areas of my life I want to showcase as well. Everything takes time and energy and I find most days I’m replinished.
I too am only really focusing on my blog tour reads at the moment, so I totally get how you’re feeling lol. Here’s to scattered efforts!
I’m left feeling like I need to be replenished is what I meant 😅
See what I mean? My 🧠 is 💀
Eeeeee, I am so excited for Amari and the Night Brothers!
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up: October 2020