Books I’m Gifting For Christmas || 2020 Edition

Posted December 8, 2020 by Sammie in book list, christmas, top ten tuesdays / 23 Comments

You’re probably not at all shocked that I take every opportunity under the sun to buy new books.

Nope, it doesn’t even have to be for me. Actually, it’s even better if it’s not! Throwing books at others is maybe even better than reading books yourself. Plus, you know, my hubby can’t complain about me buying books for others, because it’s not adding to our own personal library! Huzzah! I found a loophole!

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is a holiday/seasonal freebie, and since I had fun with last year’s Books I’m Gifting For Christmas, I decided to go ahead and bring it back for an encore!

Plus, if I’m honest, I’m a little fascinated at the diversity of the books that I buy for other people, since everyone in my life has slightly different reading preferences. I mean, I love it. It’s just interesting, is all. Needless to say, though, Christmas Day will find us with absolutely no shortage of books under the tree!

Dragon Divider

Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow

For my mother

Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow

I’m the one who initially got her into Nevermoor, so it seems only fair that I continue to feed her addiction! I mean, I also got her into Tristan Strong, and she’s been nagging me for the second one, too, but … hey, gotta pick and choose. I put her on hold for the second one through the library, and it’s come in before Christmas, so I feel like this is an all-around win. See? I’m a wonderful daughter. πŸ˜‰ Don’t believe her if she says otherwise.

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The Rhythm of War

For my husband

Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive, #4)

Brandon Sanderson books are an absolute given in this house. Hardcover. As soon as they come out. This one just happened to be close enough to Christmas that hubby will be able to wait to get it. I still haven’t started this series, but hubby makes sure to tell me how great it is at least once every few weeks, just to remind me.

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Amelia Fang and the Trouble with Toads

For Minion

Amelia Fang and the Trouble with Toads

Amelia Fang is just an autobuy in this house. I believe this is the final book in the series, and Minion will be sad to see it go. It’s definitely her favorite book series, and she reads them right away when she gets them. There’s nothing better you could ask for from a reluctant reader! We’ll have to keep an eye out if Laura Ellen Anderson starts a new series to grab them for Minion to try.

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A Curse So Dark and Lonely

For my mother-in-law

A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers, #1)

My mother-in-law is a Beauty and the Beast fanatic, and yet she’s never read this book! It’s a major oversight on my part, I’m sure. If she likes this one, I’ll buy her the sequel for her birthday in January, which makes birthday gifting just a teensy easier for me, too.

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The Creepypasta Collection

For my brother-in-law

The Creepypasta Collection: Modern Urban Legends You Can't Unread

I never know what to get for my brother-in-law. He seemed lukewarm about the books I got him last year, but I know he enjoys Creepypasta, so … maybe? Who knows. I found these on sale, so I grabbed them, and if he doesn’t read them, I will I guess! Just … during the day. Obviously.

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The Creature Vault

My sister

Harry Potter: the Creature Vault

My mother and I successfully passed on our love of Harry Potter to my sister, and she’s still the age where she wants aaaall the HP things. The animals are definitely some of her favorite parts of the world, so I thought she’d love The Creature Vault, where she can learn all about them. She’s not much of a reader, either (honestly, where did we go wrong with these girls?!), but I’m sure she’ll read this!

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Two Roads

For Minion

Two Roads

Another book Minion absolutely loved and requested for Christmas last year was Skeleton Man by Joseph Bruchac, so I’m hoping maybe she’ll enjoy some of the author’s other work just as much. This one looks really good and came recommended by someone else whose kid had enjoyed Skeleton Man. Hey, whatever it takes to trick them into reading, am I right?

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Warrior of the Altaii

For hubby

Warrior of the Altaii

Robert Jordan is another given in this house. This book has received some mixed reviews, so who knows if hubby will like it or not, but of course I have to buy it. Because … Robert Jordan. I don’t ask questions, I just do as I’m told. Okay, that’s a lie. I ask a lot of questions, too. But I still got him the book, like a good wife.

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The Headless Horseman Rides Tonight

For Minion

The Headless Horseman Rides Tonight: More Poems to Trouble Your Sleep

Minion’s really discovered her love of poetry this year (even stealing some of my poetry books and hiding them away in her room, where I’ll probably never see them again). So I figured it was time to get her some of her own. Jack Prelutsky is a big favorite, for many reasons, and I think she’ll absolutely love these poems! I got her this one and Nightmares, because she’s still in a spooky book phase, and if she likes those, I’ll probably get her some others for her birthday in February.

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The Girl Who Saved Christmas

For Minion & my sister

The Girl Who Saved Christmas

Look. This is probably wishful thinking. Neither of these children really reads. Will either of them read this book? Probably not. But since they don’t get to see each other as often as they used to, I thought it’d be cute to get them a little buddy read that they can read together and talk about. Again, will they do it? Probably not. But hey, let this old soft-hearted bookworm have her fantasies.

Dragon Divider
Stay Fierce, Sammie

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23 responses to “Books I’m Gifting For Christmas || 2020 Edition

    • This next generation isn’t as excited for books, which is kind of disappointing, but we did definitely crack out the Jack Prelutsky poetry books immediately to read together haha.

    • Ha, it’s always nice to know readers and be able to bury them under a ton of books, right? I keep thinking that if I just throw enough books at them, maybe it’ll jog something loose? Maybe their “love of books” trait is just stuck somewhere in the pipeline and needs some help along the way. xD

    • I’ve had quite a few kids tell me how much they enjoy Amelia Fang, so it’s usually one of my go-to recommendations for that age group!

    • Most of the presents I got were definitely not books, too. Because people are lame and want things other than books. Pffft. People are weird. πŸ˜‰

    • I’ve had so many kids tell me how much they enjoy Amelia Fang! I hope your niece enjoyed it, too. I bought Minion the first two books, and from that point, it was just auto buy me the next when it comes out, please. xD That and Bad Kitty are the two she wants new releases, though I believe the Amelia Fang series has ended, so I’ll probably be picking up the author’s next series now for the next holiday and hoping Minion enjoys it as much. πŸ˜‰

    • I’d actually never read Jack Prelutsky until this year! I somehow missed all the hype? xD Not sure how. But we dug into that book on Christmas, and Minion loved it (as did all the adults, of course), so that one was a win, at least!

    • I try not to do more than one book for the not heavy readers. I figure one or two books usually lasts them all year, until I buy them one or two new books, so it works out perfectly. xD

    • I really hope you got it for Christmas! It’s such a great series. πŸ™‚ My mother was super excited when she opened it haha.

    • I really tried to make it my goal last year to get more adults to read “kids’ books,” and I’ve had a moderate amount of success. xD My mother was a successful case, though, with Nevermoor and Tristan Strong, and if buying her the next book is what it takes to keep her going, then so be it. πŸ˜‰

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