It’s time to play “guess that book” and also watch our TBRs weep.
Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and is all about the first line of a current/upcoming read. Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda’s Voice, where you turn to page 56 (or 56%) in what you’re reading a find a snippet that jumps out at you.

That maybe wasn’t so accurate, to be very fair to herself, which Delly preferred to be. To be very fair to Dellaria, she didn’t have to do much to misplace her mam. Her mam had a way of misplacing herself, like a cat who’d dart for freedom if you left the kitchen door open.

A charming historical fantasy with a tender love story at its core, from the author of Unnatural Magic.
Hard-drinking petty thief Dellaria Wells is down on her luck in the city of Leiscourt—again. Then she sees a want ad for a female bodyguard, and she fast-talks her way into the high-paying job. Along with a team of other women, she’s meant to protect a rich young lady from mysterious assassins.
At first Delly thinks the danger is exaggerated, but a series of attacks shows there’s much to fear. Then she begins to fall for Winn, one of the other bodyguards, and the women team up against a mysterious, magical foe who seems to have allies everywhere.

✿ Charming historical fiction with a strong female lead.
✿ F/F queer romance.
✿ Tongue-in-cheek sarcastic humor.
✿ Squad vibes between female bodyguards.
✿ Delightfully sarcastic and pessimistic protagonist.
✿ No, really, if you look in the dictionary under ‘cheeky’, there’s a picture of her.

This is a weekly meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook meant to take place on Mondays, but since Fridays tend to be my TBR-focused post, I’ve decided to combine them here. Next Monday’s prompt is: white cover.
I love color prompts, because it gives us a chance to really look at and appreciate all these different covers. Which, if I’m honest, is usually what I do when looking at new books anyway, so now I just get a good reason to do it!

I’m not sure if the white cover is the old one or the new one or what, but there’s a white and a red cover for The City Stained Red. Either way, this is a series I’ve been wanting to read for a while, and it went on sale recently so I snagged the whole thing.
I’ve been meaning to read Overworld for a while now. I’m not huge into sci-fi (unless it’s dystopia), but I do love game-gone-wrong type of books! This one sounds like it’ll be an interesting read.
I read John Gwynne’s Of Blood and Bone series last year, so now I really want to go back and read his The Faithful and the Fallen series, which starts with Malice. I think it’s going to be one I’ll enjoy a lot, but it’s a little daunting with how chunky these books are!
After reading Riot Baby, I definitely want to go back and read Beasts Made of Night, because Tochi Onyebuchi has a wonderful writing style! I see his books all over and always want to read them, but I just haven’t yet, and that’s my bad.
I’ve really enjoyed books with older protagonists lately, so I’m looking forward to reading The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83¼ Years Old, which seems like it’s going to be super funny. Honestly, I will read any and all books with older protagonists at this point, because they’re just delightful.

First of all, your blog’s graphics are 😍
Second, wow! You have a lot of books going on here and true, my TBR will be weeping 😅The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry sound fabulous plus the queer romance? Count me in!
I’ve never heard of all the 5 selections in your 5OnMyTbr list! So yeah, I am going from this website with 1+5 books added to my TBR and I am not complaining!😍
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like the graphics.
Bwahaha, sorry to hurt your TBR so. But I do hope you enjoy the books!
Great excerpts! Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “RACHEL TO THE RESCUE”
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I can never guess the titles. Occasionally you should give us a hand out and do a book that we’ve all read the first line of before. Ha! “It is a truth universally…” Thanks for visiting my blog.
Anne@HeadFullofBooks recently posted…Review and quotes: THE VANISHING HALF
I totally have! I guess it depends on what you read, though. xD I think 95% of what I read is fantasy, so if you don’t read fantasy, it’s probably always going to be hard haha.
(Also, I’ve totally never read Pride and Prejudice, as I’m not fond of Jane Austen’s work, and I had to Google that line LOL!)
Those snippets really pulled me in. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Thank you for sharing!
I can think of a few friends who would love to read “The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry”. I will definitely let them know of this title.
I hope they enjoy it! Definitely having fun with it so far.
The first lines grabbed me. I love the sarcastic voice. Historical mystery? Sounds awesome. And, my library has it.
You should give it a go! It’s definitely written in a pseudo-historical “gutter rat” style, as that’s basically the main character, so it can take some getting used to the slang and everything. But I’ve really enjoyed it so far, and I absolutely LOVE Delly’s sarcasm and cheekiness!
Sounds like a fun read! Happy weekend!
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…The #Friday56 & #Instagram56
I’m so excited for Waggoner’s newest! 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me
It’s been super good so far! I hope you get to read it soon.
Oooh, I hope to be reading this one soon, it looks like so much fun.
Lisa @ waytoofantasy recently posted…Book Tag: Are You A Book Snob?
I hope you enjoy it! It’s been really fun so far!
I read the opening sentence and said to myself, “I need to read this book!” And then when the reveal came, I was so excited. This one is high up on my TBR pile. I can’t wait to read it.
I love looking at book covers too. Certain ones draw me immediately to a book.
I hope you have a great weekend!
I hope you get a chance to read it soon! I’m about halfway through it and just having a blast with it! I don’t want it to end, so I’ve been sort of putting it off. xD
Haha, wow! Those first lines already have me smiling but that 56% snippet gave me a good chuckle! I just added this to my TBR this morning and now I’m looking forward to reading it even more. Great post!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Kept from Cages by Phil Williams
You definitely need to read it, Dini! I’m only halfway through it, but oh my gosh! These characters! I can’t even with them. But I love them so. I keep laughing out loud and getting funny looks while I read it in public. xD
I’ve never seen a First Lines Friday post give a middle snippet! This was fun!
Jenny recently posted…#TheWriteReads #BlogTour Review: The Unajdusteds by Marisa Noelle
That’s because I combine First Line Friday with Friday 56. 🙂 I like that it gives another quote that’s more in the thick of things (without spoilers, obviously).