It’s time to play “guess that book” and also watch our TBRs weep.
Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and is all about the first line of a current/upcoming read. Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda’s Voice, where you turn to page 56 (or 56%) in what you’re reading a find a snippet that jumps out at you.

“The heroes are heroic. They’re good guys,” Vic said. “They aren’t assholes.”
“Han’s kind of an asshole.”
“Not really,” Vic said.
“To Leia.”
“Okay, maybe a little,” Vic conceded.

Guthrie was a good place to be from, but it wasn’t a great place to live, not when you were like Adam, in all the ways Adam was like Adam.
Adam Binder hasn’t spoken to his brother in years, not since Bobby had him committed to a psych ward for hearing voices. When a murderous spirit possesses Bobby’s wife and disrupts the perfect life he’s built away from Oklahoma, he’s forced to ask for his little brother’s help. Adam is happy to escape the trailer park and get the chance to say I told you so, but he arrives in Denver to find the local magicians dead.
It isn’t long before Adam is the spirit’s next target. To survive the confrontation, he’ll have to risk bargaining with powers he’d rather avoid, including his first love, the elf who broke his heart.
The Binder brothers don’t realize that they’re unwitting pawns in a game played by immortals. Death herself wants the spirit’s head, and she’s willing to destroy their family to reap it.

✿ Super snarky, sarcastic protagonist.
✿ Magic and magical creatures overlaid on our world.
✿ You know, the sort that aren’t always exactly friendly.
✿ Dark urban fantasy.
✿ Super cute M/M romance.
✿ Fast paced with lots of action and mystery.

This is a weekly meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook meant to take place on Mondays, but since Fridays tend to be my TBR-focused post, I’ve decided to combine them here. Next Monday’s prompt is: recommended by a friend.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I am super extra good at taking recommendations. The reading them part is where I fall a bit short. So trying to narrow my TBR down to just five books that were recommended is a bit challenging, but I’ll give it a go.

I’m just going to get this right out of the way and start with recommendations kindly provided by Susan @ Novel Lives, who is probably to blame for a significant portion of my recommendations TBR. Specifically, two of the most recent ones are Wilder Girls and Dark Shores, both of which I finally have copies of and hope to be able to pick up soon! Especially since the latter has another book in the series coming out this year!
I meant to read The Only Good Indians last year when it came out, but … well, 2020 was a year, am I right? Still, I keep hearing good things about it, and specifically, Tammy @ Books, Bones and Buffy keeps telling me how good it is, and I can’t wait to pick it up!
Technically, I don’t think Aurora Rising really needs any recommendations, does it? I mean, the authors’ work sort of speaks for itself. Still, I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, for some reason, a fact that Dini @ DiniPandaReads has reminded me of (though this well be rectified in the near future, hopefully, because can you say buddy read?!).
Listen, I don’t mean to end on a depressing note, but it’s been on my mind lately. One of the last discussions I had with my friend (who happened to also be a coworker) before she passed was her telling me how much I needed to hurry up and read the Mercy Thompson series already. Which is something she’d reiterated many times, and like all the other times, I sort of rolled my eyes and promised I’d get to it eventually. I still plan to get to it eventually … but maybe a little bit sooner now?

What are the first lines of whatever you’re reading this week?

So sorry to hear about your co-worker, Sammie.
Thank you. 2020 was a year, that’s for sure, for so many reasons.
I do like snarky writing and sarcastic characters. Great excerpts!
Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “THE PERFECT GUESTS”
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I think you’d definitely like these characters, then!
Sounds good.
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Linda Moore recently posted…My Book Beginning Friday & Friday 56% 1/29/21
Pulled me in right from the start. Then I see the cover and title and almost died laughing! Sold! 🙂 Happy weekend!
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…The #Friday56 & #Instagram56
It’s a fabulous title, isn’t it? I’m just about done, and I’ve loved it so far!
Yes, you do make great recommendations, but it was your friend’s that caught my eye. My condolences.
Roberta recently posted…#BookBeginnings Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz
Thanks. Honestly, my friend had the BEST recommendations. Usually. xD
I just read The Only Good Indians and it was excellent. I hope you’ll enjoy it, Sammie.
I’ve also been working my way through the Mercy Thompson series and it’s pretty good.
Oooh, I’m so glad to hear that! I really need to try to pick it up soon.
The title of your book made me laugh, for some reason. I hope you enjoy it. My book is Writers and Lovers
It’s definitely an interesting title. It’s what first grabbed my attention about this book!
Ohhh the first line is really interesting! 😍😍 I’ll definitely be checking out White Trash Warlock! 🥺
I actually want to read all the books in 5OnMyTBR list 🥺 I specially want to read Mooncalled.
I am sorry to hear about your friend.
Kitten @ the bookish kitten recently posted…Book Beginnings On Fridays and The Friday 56
I hope you enjoy it! I’m almost done and am so eager to read the sequel already! Thank you.
Thanks for the shout out, Sammie! Yeah I cannot stop yelling about The Only Good Indians. I’m sure everyone’s sick of it🤣 And I have to say I’m tempted by White Trash Warlock. That’s the kind of snarky dialog I love😁
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…The Friday Face-Off: Classic Science Fiction
This sounds fun, thanks for sharing, Sammie!
Lisa @ waytoofantasy recently posted…February TBR Pile
It was great! Highly recommend it!
I haven’t hard of this book, but I was hooked by that first line. I love the sound of this one. I hope you are enjoying it!
I’m with you. I’m good at taking recommendations and adding to my wish list, but bad about reading them. I blame it on there just being too many good sounding books out there! I love Moon Called and really need to dive back into that series. I haven’t read your other four from your list though.
I hope you have a great week!
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark? (Friday Bookish Fun)
It was a fabulous book, one I’d highly recommend!