January Book Haul || What Resolutions?!

Posted February 1, 2021 by Sammie in #amreading, book haul, book list / 16 Comments

TBR Status: Wait … 2021 resolutions? Request less books on NetGalley? Mmm, nope, that doesn’t ring any bells!

I think you can all see where this is headed. I’m doing swimmingly at my goals for this year already, and it’s only January. Look at me, totally killing it. Literally. It’s dead, Jim.

2021 has already shown its promise as far as books go. There are just so many great releases announced this year already. Why did I choose grad school this year?! Someone explain to me why I chose now to have less reading time and what made me think that was a good idea?!

So far, I’ve done a decent job of balancing grad school with reading, and I’m hoping to really prioritize the reading thing. I’ve never been one for “scheduling” when to do things, but I’ve started doing that and making lists of what I need to get done each day, and it’s honestly helped. I also realize that I’ve now totally veered away from the topic of books, but I need you to know this so I can pretend to justify my continued ridiculous acquisition of said books, okay?

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Physical Haul

Because we got money as gifts for Christmas, I allowed myself one Book Outlet order. Just one. That seems reasonable, right? I actually had eARCs of a couple of these and didn’t get to them last year, but I anticipated them so much that I just went ahead and bought copies of them because why not.

War Girls: I’ve been meaning to read this one since 2019, so it’s definitely time to get on with it! Especially since the sequel came out last year. I enjoy Onyebuchi’s writing, so I think this one will be a win for me!

Race the Sands: This is one I’d seen around and heard wonderful things about, but I hadn’t been able to get my hands on. My libraries still don’t have it, so when I saw it pop up, I figured I’d just go ahead and grab a physical copy! It definitely sounds like one I’ll enjoy.

The Princess Will Save You: I had an ARC of this. Why didn’t I read it? Pffft, your guess is as good as mine. So I plan on remedying that this year. Figured I’d just go ahead and buy a copy, right? I’m actually thinking I might donate this one to the library, because we need more YA with strong female leads!

The Angel of the Crows: I’ve heard mixed things about this book, but from the reviews and bits of it I’ve read, I think I’ll love it. I’m super looking forward to picking it up! It was a book I very much anticipated last year, and 2020 just threw me for a loop.

Rules For Vanishing: Another one I’ve heard mixed reviews about! But I saw it on sale and I had to grab it, because it’s been on my to buy list since it came out. I’m really into creepy reads lately, so this fits perfectly with my reading mood!

Pride: I’m so on the fence about this one, guys. But you all have told me repeatedly how wonderful it is and that I should definitely read it, so I’m trusting y’all. This is another one I think I might donate, because even if I enjoy it, I don’t see myself re-reading it, and classics are a pretty big thing at our library. We don’t have a lot of classic retellings, but I think patrons would really enjoy this! Plus, any bit of diversity I can add to our shelves is something I always see as a win!

A Peculiar Peril: I’m a little nervous since the ratings on Goodreads aren’t great … but I had to give this one a try. It sounds so unique, and when I read the opening, I was immediately hooked! So this may crash and burn, but I definitely want to try it, either way!

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Many thanks to Crown Books for Young Readers for these finished copies! I really enjoyed this series. Max and the Midknights establishes the world and introduces the reader to all kinds of quirky characters, plus throws in a fun adventure. Best of all, these characters are breaking stereotypes! Book two, Battle of the Bodkins, introduced more fun, quirky characters as well as showing the kids from the first book doing a bit of growing and soul searching and realizing that sometimes first impressions aren’t the full story.

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Thanks to Yearling Books for this copy of The Dragon Thief. I grabbed the first one from my library, and I’m really glad I had resisted the urge to read it before, since they really ought to be read back-to-back. The first doesn’t have an actual conclusion, it just leads into book two!

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Kindle Haul

The Crossroads at Midnight     Son of the Storm     Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares     Long Lost     Healer of the Water Monster    

The Crossroads at Midnight: I enjoyed Howard’s book that I read last year, and I’m always up for some horror reading, so this seemed like a perfect choice!

Son of the Storm: I enjoyed David Mogo, Godhunter, so when I saw that Okungbowa had another book coming out, I jumped on it immediately! I’m so excited to see what he does with this one.

Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares: Paola Santiago has a sequel announced already!!! I was definitely all for this first book last year, and it ended on a note that concluded the book nicely, so I’m curious to see what our young protagonists get up to in this one. Also, creepy woods? I am forever down with that trope! I’m also so dang curious about Paola’s father.

Long Lost: I’m honestly not sure how I’ve gone this long without picking up a Jaqueline West book, but this one is so much yes. A book that doesn’t exist, creepy libraries, and restless spirits? Where do I sign up?!

Healer of the Water Monster: A book based on Navajo beliefs is going to get a big freaking yes from me. I love mythology in general, and this isn’t one we often see a lot from, so I’m really eager to read it!

War of Dragons     Soul Lanterns     The Hidden Palace     Almost There and Almost Not     The Whispering Dead    

War of Dragons: I actually think this made a list already? I can’t remember. It bears repeating, though. Dragons! Dark fantasy! All the yes!

Soul Lanterns: I was so on the fence about this one, but I’m glad I requested it and was approved. I feel like it’s going to be a super important, emotional book. I’m just not sure my feels are ready for it! But I’ll deal. I’m definitely thinking this is going to be one to recommend for the library, but we’ll see!

The Hidden Palace: I’d heard The Golem and the Jinni was getting a sequel a while back, so when this popped up, I immediately jumped on it! I’m really eager to give this one a read!

Almost There and Almost Not: I expect all the feels with this, but honestly, it sounded too good not to pick up!

The Whispering Dead: I’ve recommended Darcy Coates to patrons so many times, and they all come back and tell me how much they love it. I have a secret, though. Come closer. Closer. *whispers* I’ve never read Darcy Coates before. Weird, right?! So I’m about to remedy that. This book sounds exactly like the type of book I enjoy, so I’m super excited for it!

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The Mysterious Disappearance of Aidan S.     A Master of Djinn     A Wilder Magic     Gudetama: Mindfulness for the Lazy     The Accidental Apprentice    

The Mysterious Disappearance of Aidan S.: Listen. I wouldn’t normally see disappearing children and be like, “Oh good, that sounds perfect! Just what I wanted!” Okay, some days, maybe, when Minion really gets going. But it’s okay, because Aidan comes back! See? Not so bad, right? The blurb makes me super curious as to what happened to Aidan and why it’s so unbelievable, and I can’t wait to read it!

A Master of Djinn: I’m going to be honest and admit that I haven’t read the first two novellas in this series, but I’m definitely going to before picking this up. I’ve loved what I read of Clark so far, and this world he’s created sounds really neat!

A Wilder Magic: I absolutely loved The Wolf of Cape Fen, so I was really excited to see the author has another book out! Also, it’s set in the Appalachian Mountains?! I know the range is huge, but I grew up in those mountains, so it’s such a nostalgic setting for me. This sounds like it’ll be just as emotional a read as her first book!

Gudetama: Mindfulness for the Lazy: I will probably either love this or hate this, no in between. It looks really cute, though, and who couldn’t use more mindfulness? Also … for the lazy? Clearly, I’m in the target audience here.

The Accidental Apprentice: I actually didn’t think I’d get approved for this, it had been sitting there so long, but I did! Just yes. Everything about this is yes. Whimsical and cheeky middle grade? I’m definitely all about that. Also, it’s comped to Nevermoor, so, you know, I definitely wasn’t going to pass that up.

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The Spellbinding Secret of Avery Buckle     The Book of Accidents    

The Spellbinding Secret of Avery Buckle: Pffft … where to even start? Shapeshifting, witches, bewitched libraries … all of it! This sounds like a really cute, fun adventure.

The Book of Accidents: I’ve been wanting to read Chuck Wendig’s novels, but despite actually buying The Wanderers, it’s, like, 1,000 pages. Who’s got time for that? I mean, eventually, I will, but for now, this 544-page tome feels slightly more manageable to fit into my schedule! I also love me some literary horror with dark magic.

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Do we have any upcoming reads in common?

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Stay Fierce, Sammie

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16 responses to “January Book Haul || What Resolutions?!

  1. I’m so jealous! That’s an amazing haul! So far I have stuck to my resolution of no new books and no checking or requesting books from Netgalley but it is so, so hard when I see people getting all these exciting new books. Every day is a struggle haha!

    • I am soooo impressed by your ability to do that. If I’m honest, I was already imagining what I’d be ordering or requesting this year by December of last year. I was doomed from the start. xD I have no impulse control. I can imagine it’s not the easiest thing, but you can do it!

    • My books have made a full-time job out of judging me and quietly plotting my (probably slow and painful) demise. xD And like an idiot, I keep adding to their numbers!

  2. Wow, there are a lot of great books on there. I mean, I don’t know most of them but knowing you impecable taste in books I’ll just assume that they are. πŸ™‚
    Which in a way is not good because I also decided to buy less books this year because I need to watch my wallet and I’m gonna get crushed or electrecuted by my tbr soon anyway. You’re not helping, Sammie! πŸ˜›
    What kinda threw me off though was Paola Santiago in your Kindle haul section. Does that mean that the Rick Riordan Books are available as ebooks in America? Because around here they are not. Not any of the Disney Hyperion books are.
    Marion recently posted…WWW Wednesday // The enthusiasm is still downMy Profile

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