TBR Status: I won’t request more books. I won’t request more books. I won’t request more books. I won’t request more books. Oh, heeeey, look at this book! *clicks request* D’oh!
I actually didn’t do terrible at my goal of not requesting/buying a bunch more books this month. I mean … for me. For the “average” person, yeah, it wasn’t good. But I’m going to take the wins where I can get them, and for me, this is a pretty reasonable haul! Huzzah! Baby steps, okay?
Grad school is winding down for this semester, so I’m hoping to have more time for reading and blogging soon. Goodness knows I have so many things to catch up on! Because of the severe lack of time, I’ve tried to really not request a whole ton of new things. I think most of the eARCs I got this month were actually requests from last month (though not all), so it’s a work in progress. The temptation is so strong. NetGalley is like a drug. xD Except, you know, good for your brain.

Physical Book Haul

The Last Fallen Star
I’m a sucker for Rick Riordan Presents books, so I was really excited to be accepted to be part of the tour for this! This book is based on Korean mythology, and I’ve actually read it already. My review will be posted Thursday this week, so keep an eye out for it!
The Startup Squad
This is a really cute mid-grade series that isn’t normally what I read (contemporary general fiction). However, I was absolutely sold on not only the diversity but the girl squad in STEM creating businesses of their own. How could anyone resist that? I’m super curious about this series, but I think it’s got a fantastic premise.
Willa of Dark Hollow
First, can I just point out how ridiculously pretty that cover is? I know you can’t see the cover, because I’m a dork and didn’t stand it up for some reason, but click the title above to go to Goodreads and check out that cover. You won’t be disappointed. So I didn’t love the first book in this series, but this says it’s a standalone so I’m curious. Everything about it screams it’s something I should love, but we’ll see. This is for an upcoming blog tour next week!

The House of Always
Did I squee when this came in? Why yes, yes I did. I’ve got a blog tour coming up for this one and I am so not ready for this. This is book four out of what I think will be a five-book series? Maybe? So you know things are going to go down. The sort of things that will shatter one’s feels. I mean, it’s happened in all the other books, so why not this one? Like all the other books in this series, it’s a bit of a beast, but I’m sure I’ll be sad when it ends and be dying for more.
Doggo and Pupper
This was for Minion and I, and we’ve already read it together. Actually, Minion was the one who reviewed it, so make sure to check out her book review for it. As expected, Applegate delivers another wonderful book, and we both had fun with this one. It’s a wonderfully easy read, for any of you who might have reluctant young readers around your house. Who can resist cute doggos just trying to live their best lives?
Attack of the Killer Komodos
Thanks so much to this author for an ARC of this beauty! This photo doesn’t do that cover justice. I tried — I really did! It’s just so bright and colorful. I loved the first book in this series, The Mutant Mushroom Takeover, and I can’t wait to see what else Maggie and Nate are going to get themselves into! Nate is obviously the voice of reason of the pair. But also … komodo dragons! It’s got dragon in the name, so I’m counting it. Just … give me this one, okay?

Anxious People
Fredrik Backman. Enough said. He’s one of my favorite authors, which means I obviously must own all of his work. Duh! I was so excited to read this when it came out … and then I just … didn’t? It’s been several chaotic months. Now that I have it silently judging me on the bookshelf every time I enter my home library, though, I suspect I might just read it sooner rather than later.
Over the Woodward Wall
I enjoy most of Seanan McGuire’s work, and since middle grade fantasy is my thing, I wanted to give this a try. I’ve seen some mixed reviews of this so far, and I’ve got a bit of a love/hate relationship with her writing, but it’s something I definitely want to read. It sounds like something I’ll really enjoy!
Null Set
Book two in a series about people with superpowers. Have I read book one yet? Pffft, of course not. Let’s not get carried away now. Still, I saw this on sale pretty cheap and snagged it so I can read them back to back. I might even grab the third one and just marathon the series! How could I resist sarcastic narrators and superpowers? Obviously, I could not.
This is Not A Werewolf Story
I mean … that title’s pretty striking, isn’t it? Immediately grabbed my attention. What sort of story is it, then? Well, I have no idea, but I intend to find out. (Hint: it definitely does appear to involve werewolves, to some extent.) It sounds like it’ll be a brilliant read!
Some Kind of Happiness
I enjoy Clair Legrand’s writing style, but I didn’t love her YA that I’ve read (soooo much smut). This middle grade book seems to be the best of both worlds, though. I get her lovely writing style but without any of the smut I’m just not interested in. Perfect! This main character sounds so much like me when I was young, pretending the woods behind my house were magical and full of fantasy creatures. Of course, lucky her, it sounds like she gets her wish, and I’m curious how her story plays out.
The Winter Riddle
I was first introduced to Sam Hooker when I read a humor series of his for a blog tour and absolutely loved it. This book has a lot going on, if the summary is any indication. Set in the North Pole, it’s got Christmas staples like the Winter Witch and White Queen, but also frost giants, Vikings, and apparently an evil necromancer? I mean, it’s never a bad time for a necromancer, is it? I’m super curious about this book!

Kindle Book Haul

The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor
This is pitched as Nimona meets Paper Girls and is a humor graphic novel set in an eerie manor with a cast of suspicious characters and a ghost. I’m really not sure how this could sound any more perfect. I can’t wait to read this one! The art style is charming, too, and reminds me of a lot of the shows hubby’s been watching lately, so it feels pretty familiar.
Minion and I actually already read this one, and we’ll be doing a joint review for the upcoming blog tour stop! This graphic novel isn’t just an upbeat story about a dog that does its owner’s shopping, as I had originally thought. It’s got some teeth to it (pun definitely intended). It’s a book about differing opinions and how to handle disagreements, about love and loss and different types of emotional pain, and it will spear you directly in the feels, I promise. I got a little teary at the end, okay? I couldn’t help it.
The Last House on Needless Street
I didn’t request this; I was sent a widget. So that doesn’t really “count,” right?! It’s comped to The Haunting of Hill House, which is an added bonus, but if I’m honest, I’m just a sucker for stories about haunted houses. I can’t resist them. Also, “a house cat who loves napping and reading the Bible.” What?! I read that and decided I definitely needed to find out what this book is all about.
What Lives in the Woods
Last year, I read Currie’s Scritch Scratch and absolutely fell in love with it! It was the perfect blend of middle grade horror and goosebump-inducing scenes with a thoughtful commentary about humans and disasters. I can’t recommend it enough! So when I saw that she was coming out with another middle grade horror, I just knew I had to read it! I was so excited to see that my request was granted on this one!
IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST COVER YOU’VE EVER SEEN?! *flails and melts* Applegate has been a favorite author of mine since I was a little kid. I finally convinced Minion to read one of her books and she enjoyed it, so I’m thinking I can maybe convince her to read this one with me. Perhaps? I’m sure going to try. I mean, who can say no to the cuteness on that cover?!

The Firebird Song
This is for an upcoming blog tour, and I can’t wait to dig into it! Look at how cute and charming that stinking cover is! Phoenixes are a close second to dragons for me (and you all know how much I love dragons, obviously). This sounds like it’s going to be a fun, magical adventure, and I’m always up for that.
Scary Stories for Young Foxes: The City
I have not read the first book yet, but I did buy it recently, so that’s close, right? I figure I can just read them back to back. I’ve heard endless good things about the first book, and this sounds like it’ll be just as fantastic. I’m normally not one for books with animal protagonists, but I did read the first chapter of the first book and was hooked. The writing is charming and the illustrations just pull you right in.
Things to Do Before the End of the World
Another one for an upcoming blog tour! Not my normal read, but I’m a fan of both secrets and the world ending, so I’m looking forward to giving this a try. I’m always curious how people would react if they found out the world was ending, and I enjoy seeing all the different takes.
White Smoke
This will be my first Tiffany Jackson book! Again with the Haunting of Hill House comps. I told you I can’t help myself, right?! I want all the creepy old houses and weird paranormal happenings and a super creepy atmosphere. I’ve heard wonderful things about Tiffany Jackson, so I’m looking forward to finally reading her work!
All These Bodies
Okay, I don’t normally read vampire novels, but I just couldn’t help it. Have you read that synopsis yet? You definitely need to. Mystery/thriller has been sounding better and better lately. I can’t wait to dig my teeth into some good ones (pun intended, because I’m hopeless. You should know this about me.) I’ve also heard wonderful things about Blake’s other series, though this will be my first of her books.

Do we have any upcoming reads in common?

You really are part of the best book tours. I mean, Firebird Song and Last Fallen Star?! Those are both books that I really want to read, maybe even this month. Gah, I really envy you.
I got Over the Woodward Wall at home as well and I have to say that “This is not a Werewolf story” sounds so great. I love a good werewolf story. Have you ever read Andrew Buckley’s “Hair in all the wrong places”?
Wait, All These Bodies is a vampire story? Ok now you have my attention. I’ll have to check that one out. Great haul, Sammie, I know you can read all of these!😁
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…PROJECT HAIL MARY by Andy Weir – Review
Over the Woodward Wall is one that I pre-ordered (since I loved Middlegame so much) and then… haven’t read. I really want to get to it soon, though, so hopefully I’ll read it before book 2 comes out.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…May Linkity ~ It’s been a year
That sounds like me … about almost every book. xD Wow, I’m horrible. It’s a small book, so it shouldn’t take too long. We can even buddy read it, if you’re up to it!
The Last Fallen Star looks so good. I read Over the Woodward Wall and I was pretty mixed about it. Interesting to see what you will make of it.
Annemieke recently posted…Over the Woodward Wall | Book Review
I’ve been hearing some mixed reviews of it, as well, but I feel like that’s a lot of McGuire’s books. I also have mixed feelings about her books, so that’s fair. xD
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