I can’t believe that yet another month in 2021 bites the dust. 2020 was a decade, but it feels like every time I blink in 2021, we’re down a month.
Is this what it feels like when time tries to right itself? Because I don’t like it. Whoever is currently manipulating spacetime, you need to knock it off, okay?
So here’s what happened with me in the past month:
- Grad school is officially out for the summer!!! I thought it was never going to end. I realize I need to do this two more times before I get my degree, and that’s more than a little depressing right now, but I’m glad to have gotten the first third of my degree out of the way, at least. I’m going to do a Twitter giveaway to celebrate … soon as I can gather the energy to actually make a graphic and set it up. xD I also maaaay have applied for a summer volunteer research position that I really freaking want, so cross your fingers for me, folks. I can use all the luck I can get.
- Summer programs at the library are all planned and ready to kick off, and a surprising amount of people have signed up! Considering the way we’ve struggled to get people back in after we reopened since COVID-19, this is such a wonderful thing to see. The one I’m in charge of, Step Into Summer, we figured we’d get maybe 20 people, 30 tops, and we’ve had a whopping 60 people sign up! Our Summer Reading program is similarly pulling in amazing numbers. The programmer and I (who are so similar it’s scary) are ridiculously thrilled about this. We’ve also put together FOUR StoryWalks, the first which will be June 5, so gosh am I hoping that goes well. We’re doing Fitz and Cleo, which is a ridiculously cute book that you all should absolutely check out. The front-end library staff read the book as we were setting up the signs and they all loved it, so there’s some high praise right there.
- The kittens are just about ready to go to their FUR-ever homes! It’s a little sad for me, because they’re all such adorable little balls of floof and attitude with their individual personalities. Hubby has assured both Minion and Iβrepeatedlyβthat we will not be keeping one. I think we can still sway him to keep Mama, though, who has seamlessly assimilated into our household in the time that she’s been inside with the kittens. π

- I registered for Edelweiss’ Bookfest. Why? Because I could. Also, I couldn’t resist the author speakers! I’m off the first day and work the second, but I definitely attempted to make a case for why I obviously had to attend the virtual sessions. xD It helps that they did, in fact, including sessions that are helpful for librarians, so woot woot!
- I’ll likely be absent from the blog hopping scene for the next few weeks or maybe the next month. My grandfather has taken a turn and we’re not sure how long he’s going to make it. This isn’t something that’s completely unexpected. He’s been sick and received several not-so-great diagnoses in the past couple months, so it hasn’t come out of nowhere. Still, endings are always hard. I may continue posting, as I have time to make posts during this, but I may not have the emotional bandwidth at the end of the day to blog hop. Email and Twitter messages are always the best way to get a hold of me if you need me for something during this time!
I feel like there should be more bookish news from last month, but it doesn’t seem that was the case. Sooo let’s get to the books!
#AmReading Update

April Reviews
- [1 May] Eye of the Sh*t Storm (The Frost Files, #3) by Jackson Ford ★★★★★
- [6 May] The Last Fallen Star (Gifted Clans #1) by Graci Kim ★★★
- [9 May] The Startup Squad by Brian Weisfeld, Nicole C. Kear ★★★★
- [9 May] The Startup Squad: Face the Music by Brian Weisfeld, Nicole C. Kear ★★★★
- [9 May] The Startup Squad: Party Problems by Brian Weisfeld, Nicole C. Kear ★★★★
- [10 May] Willa of Dark Hollow by Robert Beatty ★★★
- [11 May] Things to do Before the End of the World by Emily Barr ★★
- [17 May] The House of Always (A Chorus of Dragons, #4) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [17 May] The Firebird Song by ArnΓ©e Flores ★★★★★
- [24 May] Shards of Earth (The Final Architects Trilogy, #1) by Adrian Tchaikovsky ★★★★
- [25 May] A Unicorn Named Rin by Crystal Z. Lee ★★★★
- [28 May] Pawcasso by Remy Lai ★★★★★
- [31 May] Curse of the Phoenix by Aimee Carter ★★★★★
Discussion Posts
No posts found.Top Ten Tuesday
- [4 May] 10 Recent Fantasy Reads I Loved (Ft. All The Sarcastic Characters)
- [25 May] Book Quotes With Unique Perspectives on Life
WWW Wednesday
- [5 May] What Are You Reading Wednesday (May 5, 2021)
- [19 May] What Are You Reading Wednesday (May 19, 2021)
First Line Friday
- [7 May] First Line Friday 56 || The Man in the Sword
- [14 May] First Line Friday 56 || The Saga Continues
- [21 May] First Line Friday 56 || When You Stare Into The Void, The Void Stares Back
Other Posts
Blogger Post Love
Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:β¦ Annemieke @ A Dance With Books shares the difference between paranormal and urban fantasy.
β¦ Briana @ Pages Unbound discusses why she thinks teachers should stop asking things like what is the theme of this novel and also reflects on her past 10 years of blogging.
β¦ Over on the Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub, there’s a discussion about mental health representation in fantasy as well as a really handy list of acronyms for self-published authors.
β¦ Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits gives a list of non-eurocentric sci-fi/fantasy options for your TBR.
β¦ Angela @ The Cat With A Book provides a handy list of apps that have helped her anxiety.
Twitter Fun
Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.When your boss comes up and says, “I like that thing you do with the pictures. So I ordered some new books.”
β Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) May 19, 2021
And it takes you a min to realize she means Bookstagram. And then you wait impatiently to see what the new books will be.
*Sigh* I love my job.#librarylife #librarian pic.twitter.com/9EcJZaUvXt
I’ve hit this magical point in my schoolwork (you know, the 2 essays and 3 projects I need to finish by this weekend) where my brain knows the words I’m supposed to be typing, but all that’s going on in my head is, “Gosh I’m tired,” on loop over and over again. One more week, yo! pic.twitter.com/TOwngoHWYS
β Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) May 4, 2021

How did May treat you all? Any exciting news to share, bookish or otherwise?

those kittens are adorable!
chelsea @ your bookish friend recently posted…brindille by frederic brremaud
Thank you! I’m fairly certain adorableness is a survival mechanism, because they are little imps that would’ve gotten in so much more trouble had they not been utterly adorable at the same time. xD
Congrats on grad school – you’re getting there!
My library’s summer reading officially starts on June 16th! It’s going to be a lot of fun!
Thanks! It’s a small stepping stone on the way, that’s for sure. π I’ll be so relieved when I’m finally all the way done. xD
Oh, so you’ve got a couple weeks still! Ours is all of June and July and we’ve got so many things planned. I’m so excited for it. We haven’t really done many programs in a year and a half, so it’s a really nice change.
Aaaaaw, they are adorable. I think I like the one in the back with the red and dark face best. I hope you’ll find good homes for them. <3
Oh, yeah. This is about books really, right?
I have seen the German version of Willa of the Wood on Amazon but I wasn't sure if I should get it. And I saw your rating for the second book was not overwhelmingly good? Didn't you like it?
Marion recently posted…Wrap-up May// What did I even do this month?
You know, almost everyone seems to like that one the best, for some reason? It’s the runt, and it’s absolutely adorable, but the gray one is my favorite. The orange and white is a close second, but that’s just because his attitude. He’s so stinking funny and acts just like his father (who I assume is the other stray hanging around the house who looks just like him haha).
Pffft, what books? There were books after the kittens? π The second book was better than the first book, I thought. I gave Willa of the Wood 2 stars. It was hard for me to get through, even though Beatty’s writing is absolutely gorgeous. That being said, it was kind of funny because the schools apparently read it at the end of the year and one of the students actually came into the library to ask for the sequel. xD We had just decided whether or not we needed to get the series, and we’d decided against it since I didn’t think it was that good. But I happened to have my copy of Willa of Dark Hollow at the library with me, so I temp loaned her that, and I hope she enjoys it. xD She said she loved the first one. I think I’m really in the minority here on this one.
OMG those kittens!!! How adorable. I’m curious to hear what you thought of The Library of the Dead, I’m going to be reading it this monthπ
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…#WyrdandWonder Wrap Up & Giveaway
They aaaaare, but they’re such a bundle of trouble at the same time lol. I went to check on them today and three of them immediately started climbing me like I was their cat tree. xD
I thought I was going to love The Library of the Dead, but I kind of … didn’t? It wasn’t bad, but I thought it tried to do too many things all at once so it kind of lost focus and drive. Hopefully you have more luck with it than I did!
The kittens are sooo cute! I hope things with your grandfather go as well as possible. I’m dreading the day when I will have to deal with that with my dad’s parents, too.
Yay Swordheart! I’m looking forward to that one so much!
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Throwback TTT ~ Characters I Wish Would Get Their OWN Book
I wish you all the best for parting with those gorgeous little fur babies and with taking time away to spend with your grandad. β€π
My May was wet and miserable, but on the plus side I read and watched lots more! π
jessicabookworm recently posted…π Top Ten Tuesday | The Very Best of Best Friends From Books π
Aye, I’ve got a Batman face-mask that looks very similar to yours! Those kittens look real adorable. I wish I could have a cat, but we’ve got too many birds for a cat to be compatible.
Ryan recently posted…WWW Wednesday β June 9, 2021
Do you?! My coworker made us all masks when COVID first started. This was the final one she made me, but I’ve also got books and a skull/roses one. xD The Batman seems to get the most comments, though, haha.
I don’t know how you manage to read so much when you are so busy <3
Hugs for you and your granddad.
I could not say goodbye to those kitties. Just seeing that picture makes me want to scream I want them all. This is why I could never be a foster momma for the animal shelter for the tiny kitties even though I've thought about it. I would just keep them all
Annemieke recently posted…Dancing out of May 2021
I attribute it to the fact that I am never without something to read. So five minutes while I’m waiting in line somewhere? Whip out my phone to read. Sitting there eating lunch? Reading. I swear that’s the only way I manage to sneak in reading time these days. xD
Being a foster home for animals is hard, but I feel like we got pretty good at it while we did it. It gets easier to say goodbye knowing that the homes waiting for them will love them as much as you did.