NOUN /ˈsami/
Author. Librarian. Bookwyrm.
I started reading at two, writing at three, and driving my parents crazy with the whole book thing since I was one and demanding to be read to. I’ve been told I was very demanding. Note the past tense, thank you very much.
I like to think of myself as a creator—of worlds, people, and sometimes bad ideas. When I’m not doing those things, I’m preventing my husband and daughter from destroying the planet and everyone in it. You’re welcome.

- I am currently being held hostage by four dogs, four indoor cats, and two stray cats. Send help.
- Currently rocking my dream job of working at a library. Accidentally was pulled kicking in and screaming into this profession and loved it so much that I’ve decided to stay a while. Plus, they have dragons.
- I hate being asked for my favorite books/characters, because I love them all and couldn’t pick between my preciousssss.
- My favorite colors are sapphire and cerulean.
- I started blogging in January 2018 to take my mind off a miscarriage. I continue blogging because I’ve met the absolute best people in this community and love it way too much to give up, no matter how chaotic my life gets! (And, let’s be honest, it’s utter chaos 98.34952% of the time.)
- My TBR pile is so large, it might just gain sentience any day now. I apologize for any future ramifications that may have on humanity. But hey, at least it’s not zombies?
- If I had a superpower, it’d probably be something lame like glowing in the dark. But I’d rock it anyway.