Okay, guys, this isn’t funny. Seriously. What did y’all do with May? If you tell the truth and give it back now, I won’t even be mad.
May was supposed to be my month, guys. I was going to catch up and get ahead, and now I just … what even happened?! I feel like I went on a month-long bender and am just waking up with a splitting headache and no idea of where I’ve been for the past 31 days. And why do I have a sudden need to hunt wesen and a newfound love for Sasha Roiz? (That one’s a trick question. It’s Grimm. I started watching Grimm. At least I remember that much.)
I don’t even know where to begin with this month.
- If you haven’t noticed me as much blog hopping, I apologize. I miss y’all, but work has me swamped. Summer vacation has officially begun for the kiddos, which means Minion is with me a lot, and the library has given me more hours as we finished up some massive overhauls and go into curbside service, which is great. But also, between that and job #1 and Minion, I’ve forgotten what it even feels like to have free time.
- I started playing ESO! Which actually technically happened in April … okay, I’ve continued playing ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). Which still isn’t quite accurate. The logo looks super pretty and tempting on my desktop as I gaze longingly at it in passing. I mostly get on to do some quick dailies and that’s it, but hey, that’s better than nothing! If you’re on the PC/MAC version NA server, friend me!
- I’ve officially purchased my first book box, and so much thanks to Susan @ Novel Lives for the heads up on it! Technically, again, I bought my first book box in April, but that company sort of ghosted and, I assume, collapsed, which was a real bummer. Minion bought the box for me for Mother’s Day (and flowers, so we could take pretty pics of it, to prove that she’s indeed my child) so she was kind of disappointed and I felt bad because then she didn’t feel like she got me anything for Mother’s Day. So I haven’t told her about this new one. I figured it’d be a great surprise for her. Definitely keep an eye out for an unboxing post when it comes in. 😉
- May was a super long month on the home front emotionally, because it’s both the two-year anniversary of my grandmother’s death and also, 10 days prior to that, would’ve been her 86th birthday, which was hard for us, but also meant my grandfather was off all month. And when someone who has dementia is off, it’s especially hard. But we’ve survived the month, and I haven’t had to bury him out back with the cows for driving me bonkers, so huzzah! I’m not ruling it out, just saying I haven’t done it yet. He may have threatened to do the same to me at least once this month, but you know what? He’s 88. I’m pretty sure I can take him.
- New bookshelves! I have them! Sort of. My grandfather made them, bless his heart, and he hasn’t done woodworking in … like … 20 years. And he only sort of remembers how. So we had to redo parts of them (because sanding and poly is important, guys). And they’re not quite straight in places. But I have shelves! I’ll take it. So my library is kind of in a state of dismemberment and disarray, and I have no idea how long it’s going to take to get back in working order. Books, books everywhere. I’m so excited that they’ll all finally have official homes, though, because as hubby loves to remind me, books don’t belong on the floor (pfft, he’s clearly never heard of a book den).
So onwards, to the books!
#AmReading Update
- [2 May] Rebel in the Library of Ever (The Library of Ever #2) by Zeno Alexander ★★
- [2 May] My Video Game Ate My Homework by Dustin Hansen ★★★★
- [2 May] Nazi Prison Camp Escape by Michael Burgan ★★
- [9 May] Deeplight by Frances Hardinge ★★★★
- [11 May] What We Found in the Corn Maze and How It Saved a Dragon by Henry Clark ★★★★★
- [15 May] Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis ★★★
- [21 May] Ruthless Gods (Something Dark and Holy, #2) by Emily A. Duncan ★★★
- [22 May] Catalyst (The Catalysts, #2) by Tracy Richardson
Discussion Posts
- [10 May] Fantasy For Beginners: Where to Start
- [14 May] Best Fantasy First Lines on My TBR (#WyrdAndWonder)
Top Ten Tuesday
- [5 May] Fantasy Characters I’d Invite to My Birthday Party (Ft. Much Drinking, Mayhem, and Probably Fire)
- [12 May] Fantasy World Elements We Need in the Real World (Ft. An 82% Chance of Fatalities)
- [19 May] Why I Love Reading Fantasy (Hint: Dragons Are Involved)
- [26 May] First Lines of my Most Anticipated Fantasy Releases
WWW Wednesday
- [6 May] WWW Wednesday (May 6, 2020)
- [13 May] WWW Wednesday (May 13, 2020)
- [20 May] WWW Wednesday (May 20, 2020)
- [27 May] WWW Wednesday (May 27, 2020)
MG/YA Takes on Thursday
First Line Friday
- [1 May] First Line Friday 56 || Found Family After Loss
- [8 May] First Line Friday 56 || Cute, Cheesy Humor
- [15 May] First Line Friday 56 || Bring On The Dragon
- [22 May] First Line Friday 56 || Robot Gone Rogue
Blogger Post Love
Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:✦ Annemieke @ A Dance With Books is creating a masterlist of SFF book bloggers, so make sure to go add yourself to the list if you fit the bill!
✦ Lin @ Reader of A Thousand Stars talks about magical items from books we should have in reality, and I’m low-key mad that we don’t have these things, too.
✦ Wittysarcasticbookclub interviews her oldest son about his favorite middle-grade books, and he has some great recommendations to share!
✦ Lana @ Bibliomedica talks about the importance of trigger warnings.
✦ Tirilu talks about reasons they love middle-grade books (and they’re good ones).
✦ Krysta @ Pages Unbound talks about YA books she thinks should become classics (and I happen to agree with all of them!). ✦ Alice @ Love for Words shares nine websites for readers to change your reading experience (for the better, hopefully).
✦ Susan @ Novel Loves gives a list of five nonfiction books (and a handful of fiction) that highlight the life of black people in America.
Twitter Fun
Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.What #readers say:
— Sammie (@srbetler) May 4, 2020
I’m on a book buying ban. No more new books this month.
What readers mean:
Kindle books don’t count. Neither do audiobooks. Oh, and ARCs. Obviously ARCs don’t count. *disappears under all the new digital books they’ve acquired*#readerlife #bookblogger
I’m not sure who sent this to me, but OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. I had such a bad day yesterday with my grandfather (who has dementia). This legit made me smile and made my week and I so appreciate it. ♥️ I can’t wait to read this (and this cover is seriously gorgeous). pic.twitter.com/Yi5xdWmzIK
— Sammie (@srbetler) May 4, 2020
Found this obvious self-fulfilling prophecy while I was reorganizing juvi books for the ten millionth time, since being closed is apparently a good time to redo everything. RIP me. Bury me under a stack of books, please and thank you. #library pic.twitter.com/XXXc9FoHwb
— Sammie (@srbetler) May 5, 2020
Instagram Fun
Not following me on Instagram? Maybe you should.

I’m sorry May was so tough, hopefully June will be better? But I love that your 88 year old grandfather made you bookshelves! That is just the sweetest thing ever😁
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…What’s On My Plate – June 2020
Thanks! I sure hope so. I’ve got another bookshelf he made, like, two decades ago for me lol. It was very nice of him, and it really got him up and moving, which he hasn’t done in a while since he’s been slowing down, so it worked out really well! He’s been back in his shop ever since, working on little projects hehe.
Looks like May was a rough one for you. I hope that the future will be better! New month, new adventures?
Sounds like a good plan to me! Already, June seems to be shaping up better than May, but that doesn’t take much. xD
Your grandfather and my late grandfather are similar. He was also a carpenter who had dementia. Cherish those shelves my dear. (((HUGS)))
Happy June!
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…May Monthly News
How funny! So sorry to hear your grandfather had dementia, though. It makes it hard. It’s so nice to be able to have things they made, though. They have so much more meaning. 🙂
God in a caravan…. if I had some kind of bookish community sponsorship I’d have all the things…. I hope you and Minuon love ALLLLLLLL the book boxes coming your way!
Susan recently posted…Two Dark Reigns? Queen Katharine’s Army Of Undead Queens Are Having A Gaggle Of Reigns… Here Allisa And I Go…
You need to get working on that, then. xD
I’m sorry May hard! But I love your grandfather built you bookshelves. So very sweet. Here’s hoping June is better. <3
Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…May 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up
Thank you! It was very sweet, since my husband has been saying for two years now that he’d build them and hasn’t, so my grandfather was like, “We’re getting you your bookshelves now.” xD And he did! Huzzah!
I am sorry to hear May flew by for you Sammie and so you didn’t get half the stuff you planned done! Still looks like you did some great reading to me, but as someone who averages four books a month, any amount you read looks great!😅It is lovely to see a photo of those beautiful fur babies cuddling and I have never seen Pratchett’s Discworld novels in hardback trilogy copies like before: there so neat! And yes, get reading Discworld slacker! 😁
jessicabookworm recently posted…What I Read In May 2020
I’m pretty sure 2020 is just going to pull a vanishing act at this point. And good riddance, maybe? Hey, four books a month is still four books more than nothing.
They’re omnibuses, and I just love them! I stumbled across them on Amazon, and they were a little pricey (probably more than the individual books), but they take up so much less room, are so much more convenient, and they look great together. xD
Your new bookshelves sound awesome! Are you going to post pictures? And what book box did you get? Do I have to wait for your unboxing?
Brittany recently posted…OwlCrate May 2020 Unboxing
Thanks! I’m sure they’ll look better once they’re all done, too. Then again, anything looks better than the stacks of books that were covering my floor lol. Sorry I didn’t answer this sooner! I actually did the unboxing already. But I got the Beacon Book Box for May. :3