Imagine this: the best meet-cute ever between two separate books. Then add a little bit of screaming, a teensy bit of murder, and the possibility of total annihilation.
If we’re honest, that’s what makes it fun, right? Because let’s be real … none of these books I’m going to mash together are really going to fall into the contemporary definition of “meet-cute,” unless you’re like me and take your romance a little on the homicidal side.
To celebrate Top Ten Tuesday turning 10 (!!!), this week’s prompt was to choose a past TTT to either do for the first time or one to revisit.
I actually did this prompt the first time around, and in the first Books That Should Be Mashed Together, I decided it was time to play Frankenstein. I’ve since learned the error of my ways. Frankenstein is so overrated. I’ve since come to the conclusion that the only “Franken Stein” I want to be like is this one:

You know, a little crazy mixed with a dash of anger, a sprinkle of spite, more genius than is probably healthy, and whole handful of badassery. And maybe an extra helping of hopeless randomness.
Aaaand that’s our theme for this post! Huzzah. So, strap in. Arms and legs in the vehicle at all times, and I’m obviously not responsible for anything at all that happens during this procedure. If some of you are eaten … well, take heart. It’s for the greater good of science, yeah?

[ Illuminae x Gideon the Ninth ]

I have a confession. I just want to see what would happen if Gideon and AIDAN got together. I suspect the universe would become collateral damage, but hey, you never know. Maybe things won’t entirely implode. I’m pretty sure they’d become BFF, though, and I’ll leave you to decide exactly how that bodes for the rest of us.
Also, Illuminae was focused on toppling one company (albeit a powerful one). Now imagine that on a grander scale with the addition of the nine houses. Okay, yes, I can maybe see now how this might be a bad idea.

[ The Archer at Dawn x Diamond City ]

What happens when you take two super awesome crews and merge them together? Digivolve to … ultimate crew! The side characters in both of these are just super strong, led by two badass females who would probably hate each other as much as they liked each other. Their crews, though? Would totally get along. They’d probably like the competitive vibe of Aina vs. Esha, honestly, because what could be better entertainment? Quick, someone start making the popcorn!

[ The Deep x Into the Drowning Deep ]

Thematically, these books are so very different, but hear me out! The premise of Into the Drowning Deep? Murder mermaids. The premise of The Deep? Pregnant slave women being dropped into the ocean, and their offspring create a new race of mermaid-esque creatures. Except there are a lot of painful, traumatic memories involved in that, and I like to think it doesn’t always go well. So what if the murder mermaids are just the most vengeful among the group, hmm? See, it makes perfect sense.

[ Deeplight x Ruthless Gods ]

This is another example of books that totally could take place in the same world, essentially. Well, almost. The focus of both of these are some ancient, Eldritch gods who have more in common than I can say because, wouldn’t you know, spoilers. But have no fear, these books are dark, and these gods aren’t the forgiving kind. I loved them all.
Deeplight actually takes place on an island, one in a chain of islands, totally removed from the mainland, so it’d be pretty easy to imagine these worlds being smooshed into one.

[ The Extraordinaries x Infinity Son ]
What’s better than one superhero book? TWO SUPERHERO BOOKS. Both with queer protagonists. They have such wildly different tones and worlds, with Infinity Son definitely being the darker of the two, where superheroes are often reviled and distrusted. I’d definitely be curious to find out what would happen when you throw all these main characters together, though. Especially with Nicky. Aw man. I love Nick, but I feel like Emil would be dragged into plenty of sticky situations because of him, bless his heart.

[ The Last Human x The Murderbot Diaries ]
Take a Murderbot trying to understand its existence and combine that with the idea that there are different tiers of beings, each exponentially more intelligent than the last, and mix in the idea that free will doesn’t really exist, because we’re all being manipulated by more intelligent beings. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!
I just want to throw it out there that this is a HORRIBLE idea, but I love Murderbot so much, and you know what? Its people are clearly in The Last Human, because it would definitely fit into Sarya’s group of misfits. And I say that in the best way, because I love them all.

[ Witch Hat Atelier x Soul Eater ]

Something tells me Qifrey and Dr. Stein would be fast allies. What that means for the rest of us, I haven’t a clue. They’re both clearly adorable cinnamon rolls with deep, dark secrets and possibly a penchant for hurting others … but honestly, how can you not love them? Also, magic already exists in the world of Soul Eater, so it totally makes sense to combine the two worlds.

[ The Library of the Unwritten x The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep ]
I mean, really, they’re pretty similar. A library in Hell where books can come to life versus New Zealand, where characters can come to life. I just think that Charley and … oh, what’s her name? Shoot, I’m bad at this. The muse, darn it. Charley and the muse would get on swimmingly. Plus, there would be twice the adventures to be had!

[ David Mogo, Godhunter x Children of Blood and Bone ]
Both of these are set in Nigeria (albeit one a post-apocalyptic Nigeria and one a fantasy Nigeria), and both deal with the Orisha, so … let’s just squish them together here? I love the way the Orisha are handled in David Mogo, Godhunter, where they are characters, and basically, they’ve invaded Earth, and they all have their different personalities and goals (as they should). Demigods are even a thing. So it’s not too far of a stretch to smoosh the whole granting powers to humans thing and have powers like in CoBaB. Best of both worlds!

[ The House in the Cerulean Sea x Silver in the Wood ]
Look, because I’m nice, I gave you one mash-up that wouldn’t inevitably end in death and chaos. Probably. I mean, hey, anything can happen when Lucifer is involved, but for now, we’ll just suppose.
I feel like Linus and Tobias would be perfectly matched. They’re both so set in their ways, quiet, observant, but able to cut right to the heart of the matter and convinced of their morals. Silver and Arthur are definitely freer spirits, and I imagine Arthur may have once been like Silver when he was younger … except less sulky and self-indulgent. They’re both so idealistic, though, and I think they’d have fun talking about the paranormal and oddities. The only risk here is that I’m pretty sure Silver would want to move onto the island, and I’m not sure he’d be able to handle it, if I’m honest.

Gideon and AIDAN, love it! You have some interesting mash ups here, some of them scare me, but that’s ok right?
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books of the Year So Far 2020
I think I’d be concerned if you weren’t at least a little scared. But what fun would it be otherwise? You’re either guaranteed to have a good time or destroy the universe. Maybe even both. That’s what makes it so fun!
This was such a fun post. Bravo!
My TTT .
Lydia recently posted…Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Life in Photos and Gifs
I’d love to see The Library of the Unwritten mashed up with The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep. That would be so awesome!
Yes! Also, super dangerous for we mere humans. It’d be worth the risk, though. Think I can ask for a dragon? Would that be too much? xD
I haven’t done one of these since COVID started. I kind of forgot about them. But I love this list. I need to read the Library of the Unwritten and Witch Hat Atelier.
Melissa recently posted…Fandom Quote Friday: Paper and Fire
Oh my gosh, you so do! Especially Witch Hat Atelier because the artwork is just so stunning, and the plot is really interesting. The sequel for Library of the Unwritten has already been announced, so if you wait much longer, you can read them both together. 😉 That’s totally how I justify putting off reading books I’ve meant to, to avoid cliffhangers. Hey, if I’ve waited this long, what’s a few more months? haha.
Uhh this is the coolest post and I am also ashamed to say I haven’t read the books you listed but now I want to read ALL of them and also I want to read them specifically paired together like you have them listed here. I have so many books to add to my list now!
Thanks! I approve of your desire to read them all, and if you find a way to smoosh them together, let me know. xD This should be a thing haha.
This is such a fun TTT topic! I haven’t read any of these books, unfortunately, so I can’t comment on how well I think they would mash-up, but now you’ve got me thinking about recent books I’ve read that would mash well with others. Oooohh, the possibilities …
Happy TTT!
You should totally do your own mash-up post. 😉 I’ve always had fun with these posts, because it’s just an interesting challenge to think of what books would fit well together!
Oh my gosh.. this took so much thought!! Love it!! 🙂
Leslie recently posted…T.T.T. Book Covers!
This post is great for finding more books to read! I loved The Deep so I’ll have to check out the other one. 😀
Woe to your TBR. xD I will warn you, as I said, Into the Drowning Deep is VERY different thematically than The Deep (it’s also kind of gory horror). I just thought the uniqueness of both of them and the way they approached the lore of mermaids/sirens fit well together. 🙂
This is a topic that always scares me because I have the worst memory, but you have done a phenomenal job with it! I’ve never read any of these, but I still got a kick out of your descriptions. Fun choice!
Dedra @ A Book Wanderer recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday {Celebrating 10 Years & the 500th Topic}: Best Fictional Celebrations
Those murder mermaids, though… *shudder* I never want to meet them.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…WIP Wrap-up for June 2020
Meet them … no. I don’t blame you. I think I’d even have to draw the line there, and you know that’s saying something.
Funny you say that about Library and Uriah… when I was at Barnes and Noble I would constantly flip them in my mind. One customer had read Uriah and loved it and wanted a recommendation. I ran straight for library! Well done!
susan recently posted…New York Times Best Seller Rory Power’s Burn Our Bodies Down Releases July 7th- You Best Start Preparing NOW
Super fun post! Here’s my TTT list.
Ooh, a The Deep and Into the Drowning Deep mashup sounds so cool. I haven’t read Into the Drowning Deep yet, but I’m thinking of reading it as part of my Halloween TBR.
Ren Strange recently posted…Book Blogger Hop: Indie & Used Bookstores
It would be an absolutely perfect Halloween read! Hope you enjoy it!
Woah, that are some mashups. Especially the first one. I’m not sure I would want Aidan let loose anywhere but the Illuminae universe. I haven’t read most of the books you are listing here but I’m sure the mashups would be appropriately deadly. 🙂
Marion @tirilu recently posted…Opening lines in books that have changed my (reading) life
Whaaat? I can’t imagine why not? That little fluff bunny? Pffft. So silly. What’s the worst that could happen? *mumbles*Otherthantotalandutterdestructionoftheuniverse.
I haven’t read the majority of these books but reading this post has made me want these mashups?! You’re magic! I loved reading this and would definitely read more of these mashup combos that you create 😀 Such a fun post, Sammie!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…The Crow Rider Blog Tour: Review and Favourite Quotes
I want these mash-ups, too. We should riot. We are bookwyrms, hear us RAWR!
Such an awesome idea! And I really loved your mash ups!
Thank you so much!
This is such a great idea!
I often want to combine worlds when I’m reading. lol
Karen @ For What It’s Worth
It’s such a fun thing to do! I kind of low-key am disappointed that some of these things don’t exist now, though. xD
I love your mashups! Fun post, Sammie! 🙂
Thanks so much! I had fun making it. 😀