Books That Should Be Mashed Together (In Which I Play Frankenstein)

Posted August 7, 2018 by Sammie in book list, discussions, top ten tuesdays / 6 Comments

Sometimes you think, gosh, these two books are just perfect for each other; I should set them up and it’ll be the best meet-cute ever. I, of course, immediately thought of Frankenstein, as you do.

In my defense, Frankenstein is cooler and is allowed to play with sharp objects. For some reason, people keep taking them away from me.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is books that would make epic stories if they were combined.

【 Le Petit Prince x Reaper Man 】


So, hear me out. In Reaper Man, Death gets very philosophical and a little too human for comfort. I mean, he’s better than that.

What if when the Little Prince landed, it was near Death, and the whole philosophical conversation played out between the two of them?

It would be both brilliant and confusing. I mean, I’m sure Death would corrupt the poor Little Prince at some point, and together, their awesomeness would consume the world. But it’d be worth it. I actually loved both books partially for their own separate approaches to philosophy, and I just really want to see how Death handles the Little Prince. Also, if you think about it, the Death of Rats can be to Death what the Fox is to the Little Prince. See? It’s perfect.

Also, it would drastically change the ending of Le Petit Prince and what it means in a way that would actually be okay.

Because the current ending is crap, all right? It’s lousy. I cry every time.

【 Reckoners Series x Arc of a Scythe 】


Scythe Lucifer = badass. Prof = badass. These are clearly meant to be!

Let’s be honest, in both series, things aren’t looking so great. You’ve got Epics running wild and the Scythedom out of control. I’m pretty sure they can help each other.

Technically, they’re two different versions of the future of humanity, both dystopian, but maybe if we combine them, we can get the utopia that we so desperately crave?

Or at the very least, it’d be pretty interesting. I’d love to see how the Thunderhead dealt with the addition of an entirely unknown and unknowable variable (Calamity) into the mix. We all know Epics would challenge the legitimacy of the Scythedom because of course they would. It would also be super easy for them to render people dead, not just deadish, which makes them an even bigger threat and harder to handle.

What I’m saying is I like chaos, okay? So sue me.

Also, I’m just saying, but you put Megan and Scythe Curie together, and they would probably just take over the world while the silly boys are in the background blowing things up and killing people. Because that’s how they roll. It’s beautiful.

【 The Girl Who Chased the Moon  x Every Heart A Doorway】


The Girl Who Chased the Moon has no sequel, and it really should have, and I’m hella salty about it.

I feel like that should be said right up front. These two books remind me of each other to start with. The magic realism is very similar, as is the tone, and they both touch on the subject of not quite fitting in and learning to accept that that’s okay.

There’s not much I can say about this, because I’m afraid of giving away spoilers, and really, if you haven’t read either of these, you should. Right now. Go.

Maybe the mysterious man who holds the door open at the end of The Girl Who Chased The Moon is really Kade, who falls in love with the girl who can see sugar?!

Pfft who needs a sequel? I’ll just imagine one myself. *twitches* No, that’s fine. It’s fiiiine.

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What books would like to see Frankensteined together?

6 responses to “Books That Should Be Mashed Together (In Which I Play Frankenstein)

    • Sammie

      You should read it! It’s a great read and pretty quick. 😉 There’s a recent movie they made about it, too, which was actually really cute and I enjoyed (I don’t often enjoy the Little Prince movies, and there are tons of them lol).

  1. My fellow Frankenstein! *high five* I would read a mashup of Every Heart a Doorway and The Girl Who Chased the Moon in a hot second!

    • Because we’re the cool people, obviously. Pshaw. Right? I’m so glad I’m not the only one. xD It was actually the first one I thought of, because they already fit so well together. 🙂

    • Ha, thank you! I sure had fun writing this. xD I think the authors should team up together and write these. For the good of all the readers. It’d be a worthy sacrifice.

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