Autumn is my favorite season, and this month, it finally snapped cold and feels like autumn, and I’m very much enjoying it.
I’m also snapping between the idea of wanting 2020 to be over already and not quite sure I’m ready for whatever 2021 brings. What if it’s worse? Can it get worse? No, don’t answer that. I’m not prepared for that answer, either.
Despite everything going on, I have to say that September was a pretty good month for me!
- I was accepted into graduate school! It’s been a process. I’m both excited and terrified to go back to school for a master’s in library science, but I’m ready for this next stage of my life.
- My Jetpack sort of … broke … and stopped posting my new posts on WordPress Reader. So if you thought it was you … nope. Nor did I vanish without a trace! My blog posts hadn’t been posting since August 6, so it was a bit of a long gap there. It’s officially been “fixed,” except that all my blog posts appeared up until September 26 now, and for reasons no one seems able to explain, it’s still not posting NEW posts. It just updated on all the old ones it missed. So now I get to go back to WordPress and see if there’s something wrong with my RSS feed. Ugh.
- I’ve finally announced that I have a YA contemporary fantasy coming out next year with Mad Raptor Productions, which has officially opened its doors! I’m still not able to really give specifics about the book itself, but I’m glad to finally be able to name the publisher! This is a fabulous group of people, and I’ve felt so honored to have the chance to work with them. Slightly fangirly, if I’m honest. it’s like I get to hang with the cool kids, finally. xD
- I turned 30 years old on September 30! Minion did a clue hunt for my presents. There was cake. Hubby bought me video games. My father sent me money and said he knew I was going to just buy books with it so have at it. My mother bought me Death Wish coffee and (non-dairy) dark chocolate creamer (both of which are delicious). These people get me.
- I created a Pinterest account for the blog! Do I have any idea what I’m doing? Why no, no I do not. I’m just sort of bumbling around, hoping things work out. If you’re on Pinterest, though, let’s follow each other!
Now for the main attraction of this show … let’s talk about the books!
#AmReading Update

- [1 Sep] The Ruin of Kings (A Chorus of Dragons #1) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [1 Sep] The Name of All Things (A Chorus of Dragons, #2) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [3 Sep] The Memory of Souls (A Chorus of Dragons, #3) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [7 Sep] Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie ★★★★★
- [7 Sep] Embassy of the Dead by Will Mabbitt, Taryn Knight ★★★
- [7 Sep] Eleanor, Alice, and the Roosevelt Ghosts by Dianne K. Salerni ★★★★
- [13 Sep] Legendborn (Legendborn, #1) by Tracy Deonn ★★★★★
- [14 Sep] All This Time by Mikki Daughtry, Rachael Lippincott
- [18 Sep] The Sisters of Straygarden Place by Hayley Chewins ★★★★
- [20 Sep] Whispering Pines by Heidi Lang, Kati Bartkowski ★★★★★
- [24 Sep] Loretta Little Looks Back: Three Voices Go Tell It by Andrea Davis Pinkney, Brian Pinkney ★★★★
- [27 Sep] The Birth of Agent Big Butt: Butt of Steel, Heart of Gold (The Agent Big Butt Series Book 1) by Amy Winfield, Tom McWeeney, Alexandria Sewell
- [27 Sep] The Inheritance Games (Inheritance Games, #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes ★★★★
Discussion Posts
- [5 Sep] What Do Ratings Really Mean? || Let’s Talk Bookish
- [12 Sep] How to Trick Reluctant Readers Into Reading (Librarian Edition) || Let’s Talk Bookish
- [19 Sep] The Pros and Cons of Book Blogging || Let’s Talk Bookish
- [26 Sep] Reading Seasonally (Fall Reads for All Ages) || Let’s Talk Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday
- [1 Sep] The Ruin of Kings (A Chorus of Dragons #1) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [1 Sep] The Name of All Things (A Chorus of Dragons, #2) by Jenn Lyons ★★★★★
- [8 Sep] Mid-Grade Messages Younger Me Desperately Needed
- [15 Sep] Battle of the Book Covers, Round Three || A Little Bit of Eye Candy
- [22 Sep] Fall Possibility Pile (Cue the Dramatic Music)
- [29 Sep] My Favorite Quotes From Sarcastic Characters
WWW Wednesday
- [2 Sep] WWW Wednesday (September 2, 2020)
- [9 Sep] WWW Wednesday (September 9, 2020)
- [16 Sep] WWW Wednesday (September 16, 2020)
- [23 Sep] WWW Wednesday (September 23, 2020)
- [30 Sep] WWW Wednesday (September 30, 2020)
First Line Friday
- [4 Sep] First Line Friday 56 || Life Is Hard, and So Is Bank Robbery
- [11 Sep] First Line Friday 56 || Eye-Snatching Creeper
- [18 Sep] First Line Friday 56 || Let The Heist Begin
- [25 Sep] First Line Friday 56 || The Return of Gum Baby
Other Posts
- Tour the World in 30 Books Blog Tour Kickoff || Introducing Paola Santiago
- Stuck At Home Book Tag
- August OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Enchanted Objects
- September OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Shivers Down Your Spine
- Author Interview with Rena Barron || On Orisha, Strong Friendships, and Magic
Blogger Post Love
Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:✦ Annemieke @ A Dance With Dragons gives some tips on how to make the Latinx creators to celebrate Latin Heritage Month.
✦ Krysta and Briana @ Pages Unbound are killing it, like always, with a discussion post about how they come up with discussion post ideas and also an essay on how reading Lord of the Rings has changed Briana’s life.
✦ Andrew @ On My Bookshelf is killing it lately with his blogging tips, like tips on how to promote your content on social media or things you’re doing wrong on social media, and which social media platforms you should focus on.
✦ Esmée @ Servillas Speaks has compiled a fabulous list of books with bi protagonists to celebrate Bi Visibility Day.
✦ Tammy @ Books, Bones and Buffy is looking for self-published and small-press sci-fi authors to highlight as part of SciFi Month (November) this year.
✦ Jordann @ The Book Blog Life shares their favorite reading hacks.
✦ It’s that time of year again! Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight is looking for people who might be interested in participating in Shattering Stigmas this year.
Twitter Fun
Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.I'm super excited to (finally!) be able to announce that I have a YA contemporary fantasy novel that will be published NEXT YEAR (2021) by Mad Raptor Productions! I couldn't ask for a better group of people to work with & I can't wait to be able to share more details with y'all!
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm's Den) (@srbetler) September 25, 2020
So many thanks to @LiteracyBatman for this early birthday present for my desk! I love it. 😍 Isn't he cute? Now he just needs a name. Something stoic sounding, as he's the guardian of the pens, which we all know is mightier than the sword. He shall be named accordingly.
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm's Den) (@srbetler) September 28, 2020
I know that, on the surface, I look like a socially competent, well-functioning human. But don't let that fool you.
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm's Den) (@srbetler) September 29, 2020
I'm absolutely sitting there staring at that email you sent me wondering if I'm supposed to send a message back or if that's just annoying & WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!
Instagram Fun
Not following me on Instagram? Maybe you should.

Congrats on getting into grad school! And happy belated birthday!
Ren Strange recently posted…Book Review: “The Space Between Worlds” by Micaiah Johnson
Thanks so much!
Sounds like you had a great birthday! Conhrats on your upcoming book! I can’t wait to read it. 🙂
Thank you so much! I did. Any day with cake is a good day. 😉 Well … mostly.
Happy Birthday, Sammie 🥳🎁🎂 and congratulations on grad school and your own book! 🤩🎉🥂
Thank you so much!
Congratulations on the book you’ve got coming out, that’s so exciting!
Westveil Publishing recently posted…TSS Character Symbols Tournament Finale Part 2
Thanks so much!
Congrats on being accepted and your book! And happy belated birthday!
Evelyn recently posted…I Hope You’re Listening – Tom Ryan (ARC Review!)
THIS is very much my mood too: “I’m also snapping between the idea of wanting 2020 to be over already and not quite sure I’m ready for whatever 2021 brings.” UGH. I can’t deal right now lol
But WOW, it looks like September was a super fabulous month for you and not just with all those great reads (look at all em 4/5-stars!)! Big congrats on getting accepted into grad school and for your YA contemporary!! *SQUEE* I hope your October is just as awesome, Sammie! 😍
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…Sundays in Bed With… #MyWeeklyWrapUp
Happy birthday, and congrats again! It sounds like September was an absolutely fabulous month. (It included more Tristan Strong. Why wouldn’t it have been fabulous? 😉 )
Also, side note, this post and several others of yours showed up on my WordPress Reader this morning. So maybe it’s fixed for reals this time?
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Spooky Linkity 2020
Yay for graduate school!
I was wondering what happened, I thought you were taking an extended break or something…darn jetpack!
Lisa @ waytoofantasy recently posted…Halloween Highlights: The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones