If you’ve been suffering through 2020, good news: 2021 is on the horizon! It’s so close now, you can almost see it coming.
You know, not that I normally want time to fly by or anything like that, but … I think this is a special case. 2021 can’t come quick enough, because surely it has to be better than 2020 … right? Please say right. I don’t know that I can handle anything worse than this year at this point.
So how has my month gone, despite everything? Well, let’s see.
- I’ve officially started training to become the next Director of the library I work at! Sooo … I’m a little tired of seeing words right now, as it turns out. I’m super excited about the opportunity, and I look forward to getting to learn more, but it’s been a little chaotic, as you might imagine. I’m full-time at the library and still working part-time at home on the weekends, along with everything else that’s currently going on right now.
- The more astute among you might notice the blog has a teensy bit of a different look … by which I mean, I now have an author page and a Readathon page! I made the Readathon page, because I’ve been participating in them more and having fun. Plus, since I’ve been participating in the Clear Your Sh*t Readathon, I made my own little story of my character, Phyrre, fulfilling the quests, so I wanted to have one place for them. And the author page is obviously necessary because I have a book coming out. Ahhhhh! Still not used to that one.
- The Bookwyrm’s Den has officially hit 500 followers!!! I’m going to be honest, I never thought this would happen. When I started this blog, I assumed I’d be lucky to get 10 followers, or even 50. 500 people?! That’s a little mind-blowing to me. I’m so thankful for all of you and for the opportunity to do this blogging thing. I should be hosting a 500 follower giveaway at some point in the near future!
- Minion was a unicorn for Halloween! You know, in case any of you were absolutely desperate to know.
I’m sure this comes as a major surprise to everyone.
- I’ve officially completed my Goodreads challenge for the year! Well, technically. My first goal was 150 books read in 2020, and I’m sitting at 163 right now. My stretch goal, though, was 200 books, so I’m still working towards that one! I’ve been averaging around 14 books per month, so if I kick it up a notch for these last two months, I might actually be able to make 200!
- Some of you may have noticed a decline in my interactions or a lag in my replies to comments … and I apologize. I’d like to say this is a fluke, but unfortunately, this is likely to be a thing going forward. I’m doing the best I can in trying to keep up with blogging things, but keep in mind that I’m a parent, working two jobs, attempting to blog, and publishing a book (plus working on … other writing things). Starting in January, I’ll be in graduate school. So obviously … something has to kind of fall by the wayside a little. In preparation, I’m trying to cut back on things, so I’m probably going to cut back posting to maybe three or four times a week, and I think that’ll make it more manageable for me to keep up with comments and still blog hop!
All in all, a pretty good month … so let’s get to the books!
#AmReading Update

- [1 Oct] Maya and the Rising Dark by Rena Barron ★★★★
- [5 Oct] Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz ★★★★
- [8 Oct] Tristan Strong Destroys the World (A Tristan Strong Novel, Book 2) by Kwame Mbalia ★★★★★
- [13 Oct] Broken Wish (The Mirror, #1) by Julie C. Dao ★★★★
- [14 Oct] Fiends on the Other Side (Disney Chills, Book Two) by Vera Strange ★★★★
- [15 Oct] The Puppetmaster’s Apprentice by Lisa DeSelm ★★★★
- [18 Oct] No Place for Monsters by Kory Merritt ★★★★
- [18 Oct] Pleasant Grove by Jason Price ★★★★★
- [18 Oct] The Darkdeep (The Darkdeep, #1) by Ally Condie, Brendan Reichs ★★★★
- [22 Oct] Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology by S.B. Divya, Mur Lafferty, N.K. Jemisin, Cory Doctorow, Ken Liu ★★★★
- [25 Oct] The Missing Dragon (Student Ambassador #1) by Ryan Estrada, Axur Eneas ★★★★
- [25 Oct] Fangirl, Vol. 1: The Manga by Rainbow Rowell, Sam Maggs, Gabi Nam ★★★
- [25 Oct] The Last Halloween: Children by Abby Howard ★★★★★
- [27 Oct] Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend ★★★★★
- [29 Oct] City of Ghosts (Cassidy Blake, #1) by Victoria Schwab ★★★★★
- [29 Oct] Tunnel of Bones (Cassidy Blake, #2) by Victoria Schwab ★★★★★
- [30 Oct] Warriors of Wing and Flame (Sisters of Shadow and Light, #2) by Sara B. Larson
Discussion Posts
- [3 Oct] Tips for Requesting Book Reviews From Book Bloggers
- [17 Oct] The Care and Keeping of a TBR || Let’s Talk Bookish
- [31 Oct] What Makes a Good Coming-of-Age Story || Let’s Talk Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday
- [6 Oct] 10 Scary Book Covers for Seasonal Readers
- [13 Oct] Long Titles That Landed Books On My TBR
- [20 Oct] Books On My TBR Due to Recommendations (Ft. The Culprits To Blame!)
- [27 Oct] What My Favorite Characters Would Dress As For Halloween
WWW Wednesday
- [7 Oct] WWW Wednesday (October 7, 2020)
- [14 Oct] WWW Wednesday (October 14, 2020)
- [21 Oct] WWW Wednesday (October 21, 2020)
- [28 Oct] WWW Wednesday (October 28, 2020)
First Line Friday
- [2 Oct] First Line Friday 56 || Journey Through the Veil
- [9 Oct] First Line Friday 56 || The Rising of the Klan
- [16 Oct] First Line Friday 56 || Building With Bones
- [23 Oct] First Line Friday 56 || Quoth the Raven …
- [30 Oct] First Line Friday 56 || Don’t Poke A Sleeping Dragon
Other Posts
- Author Interview with Amparo Ortiz || On Boricuan Pride, Idols, and … DRAGONS!
- Tour the World in 30 Books Blog Tour Wrap-Up
- Clear Your Sh*t Readathon: This Reader Becomes a Hero
- 12 Days of Bookish Giveaways || Donor Sign-Up
- October OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Epic Quests
Blogger Post Love
Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:✦ Briana and Krysta @ Pages Unbound are doing their annual Book Blogger Stats Survey. So head on over there if you’re interested in taking part!
✦ Melissa @ The Ramblings of a Jedi is beginning a new initiative at her library to compile a list of books featuring characters with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. So if you have any recommendations, drop by her site and let her know!
✦ Kal @ Reader Voracious is hosting the Second Annual Bookish Jazz Awards and is now accepting nominations!
✦ If you’re looking for a fun readathon, give the Clear Your Sh*t Readathon a try! It’s eight weeks long and has a super fun story. If you’re a bit of a masochist, you can also try interacting with Narrator on Twitter.
✦ November is Sci-Fi Month! Head over to Imyril’s blog for the intro post for Sci-Fi Month 2020, to see who’s participating, and maybe to sign up yourself!
✦ Bec @ Bec & Books gives a really handy list of book terms, abbreviations, and hashtags that’ll help you keep up with the online bookish community!
Twitter Fun
Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.Did my #library put on a virtual murder mystery for Halloween? Why yes, yes we did.
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) October 30, 2020
There’s always something mildly amusing in having the chance to off one of your colleagues. We sure had fun with it (even the deceased!). #librarylife #librarytwitter https://t.co/8qhqbtbsp5
I’m 82% of the way through The Rage of Dragons by @EvanWinter and I don’t even know what noise came out of me at this plot twist, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t human. Or maybe it was my soul dying and leaving my body. I dunno.
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) October 29, 2020But I can’t recommend this book enough. #amreading
*Tubthumping comes on the radio*
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) October 23, 2020
Me: Oh my gosh!!!! This song was huge when I was your age!!!
9-year-old: … Why?
9-year-old: Can I get a bigger bookshelf?
— Sammie (The Bookwyrm’s Den) (@srbetler) October 8, 2020
Me: Not unless you start actually reading the books you have.
9yo: But you have a whole *library* of books.
Me: Yes, but I actually *read* them.
9yo: Uh-huh. *gives me a look*
Me: … eventually?#booklovers
Instagram Fun
Not following me on Instagram? Maybe you should.

Thank you for sharing my post! I appreciate it. Even if you did get me name wrong
You will make a fabulous fully fledged librarian one day. I look forward to hearing about your grad school journey and all the things you do.
Lol I’m SO SORRY. xD I wrote two scholarships and a grant this week, and I’ve had a child sitting next to me gabbing ALL MORNING. My brain is shot. If that’s the only mistake I made in this post, I’ll be impressed. I HAVE FIXED IT, THOUGH. xD Apologies. I’m gonna go write Melissa on the board 50 times now. *slinks away*
Thanks so much! I’m partially looking forward to grad school and partially waiting for it to be done already. I think it’ll be a good opportunity, though. :3 I will say that I’ve looked at their current special topic classes for the spring semester and some of their past ones from last year, and they have some really interesting classes! The requisite classes are kind of meh, but I’m definitely excited for the other ones!
Oh yeay for learning new things at the job. I mean any job at the library has to be awesome <3
I hope the clear your shit readathon will do this again next year. It is just not in the cards this year.
And yeay Hollowpox! Still waiting on the dutch translation thatcomesoutattheendofnovemberbutthatissuchalongwaitgrrr.
Annemieke recently posted…The Bookish Jazz Awards 2020 Nominations | #ReaderAwards2020
I’ve found that not all libraries are made equal. But yeah, I got a good one, thank goodness. xD
This was their first year, but it’s had a pretty good turnout, so I think they’re planning on doing it again (or they’ve definitely talked about it). I hope they do, because it’s been fun!
I hope you get the translation sooooon. The Dutch covers are nicer, for sure. And considering that I now have to wait another year AT LEAST for the next book, a month’s wait isn’t too terrible.
Congratulations on your promotion at the library and reaching 500 followers.
Amy Winfield recently posted…The Birth of Agent Big Butt
Thank you so much! I’m pretty excited about both. xD
Congratulations on your achievements this year! Hopefully 2021 is a good year for all of us.
Westveil Publishing recently posted…The Waltz of Devil’s Creek – 4 Star Book Review
Thank you so much! Yes, here’s hoping that 2021 holds a lot of positive surprises for us all.
Congrats on hitting some goals! Happy for you <3 Clear Your Sh*t has been so damn fun so far, I am in love with Mouse and El's antics. Happy reading for November!
Thank you so much! I am tooooo. I’ve absolutely loved it so far, and Mouse and El are fantastic.
Totally understandable that you have had less time for blogging and comments with all that going on! Take care, make sure you rest and happy reading in November!

Sunday Reflection | 8th November 2020
jessicabookworm recently posted…
You know, if only I’d finally evolve to need only a couple hours of sleep at night, I’d have plenty of time to get everything done! xD Trust me, I’ve been working on it.
I bet Minion made a perfect unicorn!

Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…BookWyrm’s Alphabeticals ~ ‘U’
Uhhh … I dunno about perfect. She was definitely a unicorn, though. xD She had fun with it. I think she plans on wearing it next year, too lol. Hopefully she’ll actually get to trick or treat with it next year.