October OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Epic Quests

Posted October 24, 2020 by Sammie in book box, unboxing / 8 Comments

This month was definitely among the favorite boxes for both of us, which I see as a pretty big win.

Just when you think they’ve outdone themselves, OwlCrate Junior throws together another box that just knocks your socks off! I’m not sure how they knew what we were wanting, but they hit pretty much everything Minion really wanted.

I think we’ve got one more box (November) and then our subscription runs out, and I’ll be kind of sad to see it go, but unfortunately, we just can’t afford to keep getting it. Although, I might just try and grab the December box for someone as a Christmas present. But shhhh don’t tell. 😉

Heart Divider

September’s Theme: Epic Quests

OwlCrate Jr. October 2020 Theme Spoilers + Coupon! - hello subscription

Quests are good. Epic quests are better! Minion and I were definitely expecting some adventure and maybe items that go with that. Were we disappointed? Nah. Actually, it was cooler than we thought! But it wasn’t quite what we expected, either. Curious yet? Let’s dive into the box, then!

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I’m going to be honest, Minion usually skips past the Creativity Corner, but I pointed out that it involved drawing this month, and she was all over it! She actually sat down right after we opened the box to draw her own fantasy world map, she was so into it.

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I honestly think this was the biggest dud of the box, only because Minion actually doesn’t have a use for this. Plus, she’s never actually read The Chronicles of Narnia and we can’t convince her to. I personally think the kerchief/bandanna is super cute, and I love that it’s based on Narnia! So we’ll probably find some surface to drape this over in Minion’s playroom or something.

Minion’s Thoughts: It’s cool because it’s a map.

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These were for sure a big highlight of this box for Minion! An art pad and a pencil case with some pencils included! These are actually super nice quality, and I was so impressed. Not only do they look absolutely gorgeous, but the art pad has a thick, durable cover, and the pages are really thick, quality stock. Definitely not something that was just cobbled together. The pencil tin is sturdy metal (ish?) and fits a decent number of pencils. I mean, definitely not enough to contain Minion’s ridiculously large collection of writing implements, but large enough to take on the go and be satisfied with the options you have.

Minion’s Thoughts: I like this because it matches and I can bring it to school and draw when I have free time!

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Minion has some weird obsession with water bottles, so she was super excited to find that this box had a water bottle in it! It’s a really nice bottle, too, and the art on it is super cute. Again, she hasn’t read His Dark Materials, but hey, at least I can appreciate it. She just enjoys the water bottle. So much is lost on these non-bookish people. *sighs*

Minion’s Thoughts: I like this, since I only have a couple of water bottles!

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I know it’s hard to see, but that pin is a DRAGON, which Minion kindly gave me for my desk. The phrase on it is, “Never laugh at live dragons,” which seems like fantastic advice. But I wouldn’t laugh at dead dragons, either, if I’m honest.

Minion’s Thoughts: I think these are cute!

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This month’s book was …

The Barren Grounds by David Alexander Robertson

I was so excited that this was the book!!! I hadn’t even expected it, but I’ve been really wanting to read this because it sounds sooo good! I’m glad to have my hands on it, and I am most definitely stealing this from Minion to read it lol.

Minion’s Thoughts: I think it looks like a good book.
Me: Are you actually going to read it?
Minion: …. yes?
Me: That … didn’t sound very convincing.

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Me: What’d you think of this box?
Minion: I liked it, and it had a bunch of stuff that I like and I use.
Me: What was your favorite thing from the box?
Minion: The drawing stuff!

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November’s OwlCrate Junior Theme is …

OwlCrate Jr. November 2020 Theme Spoilers + Coupon! - hello subscription

Me: So what do you think will be in the next box? The theme is Home Sweet Home.
Minion: I think it’ll be about stuff you do at home.
Me: Like what?
Minion: Like food. It might come with a cup? Maybe Pumpkins, since it’s Thanksgiving and you eat pumpkin pie.
Me: Aren’t pumpkins more Halloween?
Minion: … no.

Heart Divider
Stay Fierce, Sammie

8 responses to “October OwlCrate Junior Unboxing || Epic Quests

  1. Oh, this looks so good! I’ve been tempted quite a few times to get the OC Junior boxes but I already have the regular OC subscription and can’t afford to do both 😂 The bandana might be the biggest dud in the box but I think it’s super cute 😍

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