First Line Friday 56 || Rise From the Ashes

Posted February 19, 2021 by Sammie in #5OnMyTBR, #amreading, Book Beginnings, chat with me, First Line Friday, Friday 56 / 16 Comments

It’s time to play “guess that book” and also watch our TBRs weep.

Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and is all about the first line of a current/upcoming read. Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda’s Voice, where you turn to page 56 (or 56%) in what you’re reading a find a snippet that jumps out at you.

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A single flame shines in the ghostly fog like a jewel.

I stand there, neck craned, waiting for Bastian to complain about the plan.
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“You have a place here,” he whispers. “But not him. He is just a boy pretending to be a hero. I’ll feed him to my pets. They have a taste for the lowly.”
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Click To Reveal The Book

Three cultures clash in all out war–against each other and against the gods–in the second book of this fantasy duology that’s sure to capture fans of The Hunger Games and An Ember in the Ashes.

The Races are over. War has begun.

Ashlord and Longhand armies battle for control of the Empire as Dividian rebels do their best to survive the crossfire. This is no longer a game. It’s life or death.

Adrian, Pippa, and Imelda each came out of the Races with questions about their role in the ongoing feud. The deeper they dig, the clearer it is that the hatred between their peoples has an origin point: the gods.

Their secrets are long-buried, but one disgruntled deity is ready to unveil the truth. Every whisper leads back to the underworld. What are the gods hiding there? As the sands of the Empire shift, these heroes will do everything they can to aim their people at the true enemy. But is it already too late?

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✿ Class struggle flipped on its head.
✿ Thrilling war with tricksy strategies and one-upmanship.
✿ Enemies forced to work together.
✿ Big reveals and plenty of plot twists.
✿ A plight to topple the gods.
✿ A gripping, thrilling plot that’s hard to put down.

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This is a weekly meme hosted by E. @ Local Bee Hunter’s Nook meant to take place on Mondays, but since Fridays tend to be my TBR-focused post, I’ve decided to combine them here. Next Monday’s prompt is: food.

I don’t really read many books that involve food, so I’m going to twist this a bit. I’m going with covers that are a snacc. In other words, it’s eye candy! Let’s take a look at some lovely covers, shall we?

Never Cross a Highlander     Redemptor     In Deeper Waters     Broken Web     Harrow the Ninth

I don’t generally read romance books and certainly not Highlander romance, but I confess that the cover for Never Cross a Highlander immediately grabbed my attention. Super sexy cover aside, a crossover between Dirty Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Smith sounds like something I need in my life!

Here’s a more recent one! Just when you thought a cover couldn’t get more gorgeous than Raybearer, Ifueko goes ahead and drops the cover for Redemptor. Do you see how gorgeous Tarisai looks? And that color combination? It’s absolutely breathtaking!

Aside from all the cheery colors on the cover, In Deeper Waters features two fine-looking gentlemen who are clearly smitten with each other and, judging by the pirate ship and the sharp, pointy bling, likely up to no good. My kind of man. Or woman. Or non-gender-conforming person. I’m not picky when it comes to sexy persons up to no good!

I thought I liked the cover of Forest of Souls, but have you seen the cover for Broken Web?! These women are looking fierce on top of being sexy. Their expression and body language clearly says, “I will stab you and not feel bad for it after, so don’t cross me!” Now there’s a message I can get behind!

Any of you who know me must obviously know that Harrow the Ninth just had to be on this list. Only because it’s slightly sexier than Gideon. Look at Harrow’s badassness! She’s all come hither … but not really because she’s probably filet you alive with no hesitation. Also, necromancy is always sexy.

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What are you reading this week? Share its first line in the comment below or drop your own First Line links!

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Stay Fierce, Sammie

16 responses to “First Line Friday 56 || Rise From the Ashes

  1. That second excerpt you shared almost had me spitting out my water as I laughed. It probably isn’t meant to be funny, but it hit me that way, not knowing the context. Your featured book today sounds like it is a good one.

    I love the cover of Redemptor. Eye candy covers . . . I love how the ones you highlight are so different from one another.

    I hope you have a great weekend!
    Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark? (Bookish Mewsings: A Glimmer of Death by Valerie Wilson Wesley / Connect 5: TBR Mysteries/Crime Fiction by Black Authors / BBHOP: Squeezing in the Reading)My Profile

    • I mean, to be fair, for the character being threatened? Probably not very funny. But I definitely laughed at it, and I’m pretty sure the character who said it was being sarcastic funny. xD

    • I mean, I get that they need comparison titles. That’s how publishing works. There are some books, though, like the ones you mentioned, that are so overused that I never actually believe the comp when I see it anymore lol.

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