Fictional Romances That Remind Me of My Marriage

Posted July 18, 2022 by Sammie in about me, book list, romance, top ten tuesdays / 29 Comments

Most of you know by now that I don’t love reading books with heavy romance . . . but when I do, I prefer my romance to be full of conflict, tension, banter, and questionable life choices. You know, like it was intended to be.

Even though I don’t read a ton of romance, every now and then I hit a book where the romance is so relatable that, in fact, it does remind me of my own romance. Specifically, my marriage. Hubby and I met in kindergarten, slowly circled each other’s lives in not necessarily meaningful fashion, and then I scarred him for life in sixth grade by starting a nickname that I thought was cute (it was) and which he utterly hated (because he’s lame) that totally caught on amongst our peers. We only continued to be friends because he thought my friend was the one who started it. We were already married for two years before he realized it was my fault, so HA! I win!

Other than that, it’s mostly a textbook romance, right? Meet in school. Friends for a long time. Eventually turns into high school sweethearts. Move away to get married. eventually have a child and waaaay too many pets and live happily ever after. Buuut . . . that being said, I think you might be surprised by which fictional relationships I actually relate to in this marriage. It’s probably not what you think.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie, and since hubby and I just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary last week, I thought it’d be a good time to compare us to some fictional couples that I love.

You may be thinking to yourself, But Sammie, today’s Monday . . . right? You may be wondering if maybe we’ve fallen into a time slip. Did you skip some days?! Is Monday the new Tuesday?! What day is it anymore? What year?! *flails* The answer is yes, probably, for sure, still Monday, and I dunno probably 3022 by now.

Fear not, I actually am posting my Tuesday post on Monday. Mostly because I don’t want to post twice on Tuesday and I had nothing to post on Monday. But also because as you’re reading this, I’m on vacation, which means I do what I want and you can’t stop me.

I should probably add a caveat to say that this post is all in fun and jest and no one was killed or stabbed or maimed in the making of this post. Or any other time during this marriage (. . . yet). Wait. Well . . . mostly. Not in any way that really counts here, so it’s not really relevant. Anywhooo . . . let’s go!

Heart Divider

Ravi x Pippa

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

Even though this is first relationship on this list, it wasn’t the first one I thought of. But it’s a perfectly good one to start on, just the same. To be honest, the relationship between Ravi and Pippa (a.k.a. Pip) is a little bit too wholesome and adorable to truly represent hubby and I, but I’ll give them a pass. They know not what they do.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Younger me was every bit as obsessed with school and homework and overachieving as Pippa.
  • Absolutely adorable sarcastic banter.
  • My husband also wonders what the heck is in my purse and why it hurts so much.
  • Would also make a killer crime-solving duo.
  • My husband would not be opposed to breaking into crime scenes with me to find evidence if I asked him to.
  • *cough* Allegedly *cough*
“Oh, come on.” She shrugged him off. “Nothing gets in between me and my homework, not even a little danger. And I’m just going to, very calmly, ask her a few questions.”

“Oh, it’s a her?” Ravi said. “OK then.”

Pip swung her rucksack to whack him on the arm.

“Ouch, tell me about it,” he said, rubbing is arm. “What have you got in there, bricks?”
Heart Divider

The Shadow King x Alessandra

The Shadows Between Us

The Shadows Between Us is, at its heart, a Slytherin romance. Which is perfect, because if Hubby and I existed in the Harry Potter world, we would’ve been so far on the dark side that Hogwarts wouldn’t have touched us. A fact that I see as a win, because Hogwarts is laaaaame. Neither the Shadow King nor Alessandra are heroes. In fact, they’re both villains. Equally. Which makes them perfect together. Well, perfect for each other, at least. Probably not so perfect for the poor schmucks around them, because who knows what’ll happen when you get people like that together?

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Long live the Dark Arts!
  • Let’s face it . . . neither of us would exactly be a hero in any fantasy story.
  • I may have also plotted his demise. Once or twice.
  • We are more powerful together.
  • (Which may not always be a good thing.)
  • I’m obviously a queen.
“I don’t wear this sword just for looks,” he adds. “I do know how to use it. Rest assured, the only dangerous thing out here is me.”

“And should I fear you?” I ask.

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Enna x Maekallus

The Will and the Wilds

Enna and Maekallus have a relationship almost like Howl and Sophie. Except with more danger. Well, that and Sophie was kind of a BAMF and Enna . . . isn’t. You know, now that I think of it, I probably should’ve used Howl and Sophie, except that was actually the movie we watched on our second date, so comparing our relationship to them is less romantic and more cheesy. Hence, Enna and Maekallus. It still fits!

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • I would 100% obsessively study mystings like Enna if i had the opportunity.
  • I tried to summon a boyfriend and I got . . . whatever it is that Hubby is.
  • Allegedly not a demon, but I haven’t seen any proof about that yet.
  • (Though, if Hubby had the choice, he absolutely would become a demon.)
  • Just like Maekallus, Hubby thinks he’s a fierce monster when he’s really just a fluffy marshmallow.
  • Hubby also sucks the life out of me.
  • Though, to be fair, Hubby would also fight relentless for me.
  • And he’s very annoyed that I force him to feel things.
“I could kill you, and only the trees would hear your screams.”

I clench my hands into fists, the Telling Stone at the center of the left, and step away from the summoning circle, willing myself to look taller than I am. “We are not so deep into the wildwood.”

“Do your screams carry far?” His eyes glint. He thinks himself clever.
Heart Divider

Wallace x Hugo

Under the Whispering Door

If our relationship had to be like one of T.J. Klune’s novels, I would have loved to say it was like Arthur and Linus from The House in the Cerulean Sea, because who wouldn’t want to have that sort of relationship?! Heck, I’d even settle for Nick and Seth from The Extraordinaries (I am definitely Nick, as much as Hubby is definitely not Seth). But no. We’re definitely more akin to Wallace and Hugo. Except with much less tea and waaaay more coffee.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Hubby is also a giant asshole with poor people skills.
  • (And I say that with all the love, in the best possible way.)
  • Our relationship is strange and improbable yet somehow just works.
  • We also have stabby, slightly murderous, extremely sarcastic friends.
  • I spend a lot of my time trying to help people and fix their problems.
  • Hubby spends a lot of time trying to figure out why I would do that.
  • And also snarking about everything.
“Do you like the plants?”

Wallace glared at him. “They’re plants.”

“Hush,” Hugo said. “Don’t let them hear you say that. They’re very sensitive.”

“You’re out of your mind.”

“I prefer to think of myself as eccentric.”
Heart Divider

Alana x Marko


There are a lot of (fairly obvious) ways that we are absolutely not like Alana and Marko. I should think most of them would be fairly obvious. It’s the risk you run with science fiction pairings. Especially ones that aren’t exactly human. While neither of us are warriors in an intergalactic war, we do make a pretty darn fearsome couple, if I do say so myself. Although, in this case, I’m pretty sure we’re an equal mix of both. I’m the book-loving one who quotes my favorite books to Hubby and eventually annoyed him enough to finally wear down his defenses. However, I’m also the bigger softie, like Marko.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • We both swear like we’re practicing for the Cussing Olympics.
  • (At home, of course, not professionally.)
  • (Though, we’re good enough that we could definitely go pro.)
  • Yay for interracial ( . . . or species?!) couples!
  • Our parents are also a hot mess.
  • We form a solid pair against the world.
  • We’d do anything for our offspring.
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Halla x Sarkis


It occurs to me that this is the only pairing where one character is roughly actually our age. Halla, not the immortal sword, of course. This isn’t your traditional romance, which is what I love about it so much. My marriage isn’t a traditional romance, either. Obviously. I wish I could say that one way we were similar is that Hubby retreats to a sword if I put it in its scabbard, but . . . no, that would obviously be too convenient. See? This is why talking swords are the best type of sword.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • I am every bit as exasperating to my husband as Halla is to Sarkis.
  • He also finds it very inconvenient that he needs to defend me.
  • I also ask Hubby what he deems to be “too many” questions.
  • Hubby is a big, fierce, strong man who likes pointy objects too much.
  • But hey, I’m also really good at distracting people by talking too much and pretending to be ditzy.
“How big is a dragon, anyway?”


“I’ve never seen one. Are they rabbit-sized? Cow-sized?”

“They’re dragon-sized!” he started to roar, caught himself, and continued in an angry whisper, “They’re the size of a house!”

“All right, but a big house or a small—”

Sarkis turned around and began to beat his forehead very gently against the wall. “The great god is punishing me,” he said softly, “for my crimes. I cannot go to his hell, and so he has sent a woman to torment me.”
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Kady x AIDEN


This is the start of pairings that I consider “cheating” for various reasons. In this case, this is obviously a one-sided attraction. From an AI. But hey, AI’s are people, too, right? I am nowhere near as badass as Kady (ha, I wish!). I’ve got the sarcasm down, but that’s about it. Still, this is an incredibly interesting relationship, even if it’s one-sided. I’ll admit that I feel like I understand AIDEN and his actions better than Kady did, which may or may not be a good thing. I was not nearly as mad about his choices, but then again, I can’t really blame Kady, either.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Hubby’s programming is also based heavily on logic and questionable morals.
  • I also come up with creative insults and names for Hubby.
  • He also hates them. (Not that anyone asked him.)
  • Hubby can be oddly romantic without even knowing it.
  • Hubby prioritizes me above everyone else, for better or worse.
  • Hubby sometimes waxes poetic without even realizing it.
“Um, because you’re loopier than Flacky McPsycho, Mayor of Crazytown?”

“My databases show no record of this Crazytown of which you speak. A brain the size of an entire city burns inside me. My intelligence quotient is beyond the human scale. I would prefer if you did not refer to me in such a fashion.”

“Oh, poor baby. Did I hurt the mass-murdering psychopathic artificial intelligence’s feelings?”
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Vasher x Nightblood


Is this one cheating? Probably. Technically, it’s not a romance, but it is a relationship. And you know what? Being married isn’t always romantic, okay? Especially when you’ve done it for so long. It’s also a partnership, which is what this pairing represents! Like I said, talking swords are the best. These two just complement each other. Vasher is the only one who can handle Nightblood, and Nightblood basically needs Vasher. Mostly.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Hubby is not only a weapon but also a heavy burden, okay?
  • (Also not as cool as a talking sword, darn it.)
  • I’m the only person who can really handle him at this point.
  • Let’s be honest, Hubby would probably be slightly more homicidal if I didn’t constantly tell him no.
  • If I ever ran into a messy situation, I could just toss Hubby in and wait for him to do his thing!
  • (Ironically, this is also my zombie plan and apocalypse plan.)
You lost your temper in there for a bit, Nightblood said with a chastising tone. I thought you were going to work on that.

Guess I’m relapsing, Vasher thought.

Nightblood paused. I don’t think you ever really unlapsed in the first place.

That’s not a word, Vasher said, leaving the alley.

So? Nightblood said. You’re too worried about words. That priest—you spent all those words on him, then you just let him go. It’s not really how I would have handled the situation.

Yes, I know, Vasher said. Your way would have involved making several more corpses.

Well, I am a sword, Nightblood said with a mental huff. Might as well stick to what you’re good at.
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Séverin x Enrique

The Gilded Wolves

Another one that’s not actually a romantic relationship. I’m still counting it. Because my husband is also my friend. Technically, he was my friend first. So see? That didn’t stop just because he bought me a shiny ring and started getting on my nerves full-time. I’m definitely Enrique, the one trying to find their place in society still, trying too hard to prove themselves, and always dragged into messes but secretly loves it anyway. Plus, more than a little obsessed with academics. Hubby is Séverin: loud, sarcastic, a little too full of himself, brilliant anyway, and struggles with emotions.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Hubby somehow manages to drag me into all these ridiculous adventures.
  • The dangerous sort that I definitely have no inclination to be a part of.
  • But I can’t very well just abandon him to his own devices, now can I?
  • I’m obviously the voice of reason in this relationship.
  • I also really like and appreciate old things. Particularly artifacts.
  • Hubby puts the well-being of those he loves before himself.
  • But he doesn’t always know how to handle it when there’s something wrong with them and he can’t just fix it.
  • All the sarcasm. Just all of it.
“This is nothing we haven’t seen before,” tried Séverin cheerfully. “Remember that underwater Isis temple?”

“Distinctly,” said Enrique. “You said there wouldn’t be any sharks.”

“There weren’t.”

“Right. Just mechanical leviathans with dorsal fins,” said Enrique. “Forgive me.”

“Apology accepted,” said Séverin, inclining his head.
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Jenny & Victor Lawson

Broken (In the Best Possible Way)

This one’s also technically cheating because it isn’t fictional. I saved all my cheats until the end. Aren’t I nice? So yes, Jenny and Victor Lawson are real people (allegedly . . . I mean, I don’t know them, so they could be fictional or robots or zombies, for all I know). However, the moment I picked up Jenny Lawson’s book Broken and started listening, I knew I’d relate to her and her struggles. I just didn’t realize how much and how similar our marriages would be. Woe to our husbands.

Ways They’re Like Hubby and I:
  • Honestly . . . in what ways are we not like the Lawsons? That’d be a much shorter list.
  • I also attempt to adopt or befriend every animal I come across.
  • *gestures to household of six cats and four dogs as evidence*
  • I once tried to befriend a juvenile hawk that took to hanging out on our porch.
  • (Kevin was obviously waiting for us to adopt him, okay?)
  • I also drive Hubby crazy with ADHD-fueled episodes of utter randomness and chaos.
  • (Honestly, Hubby just doesn’t realize and understand my genius, and that’s his problem.)
  • I also embarrass Hubby in random ways and at basically every social function ever.
  • (Completely unintentionally. Well . . . mostly.)
This morning began with me trying to save the world and Victor yelling at me for being too caring.

Victor is not pleased with this characterization because he says that today actually began with his slipping on the half of a Hot Pocket that I left next to his car tire. This is technically true. But it’s also true that I only left the Hot Pocket there to lure an owl into the garage so I could befriend it.

Technically it’s not legal to make owls into pets in America, but America isn’t going to tell me who I can or can’t be friends with and this particular owl seems really into it. I’ve named her Owly McBeal.
Heart Divider
Stay Fierce, Sammie

29 responses to “Fictional Romances That Remind Me of My Marriage

    • Yeeees, you do! It’d be a good one for whenever you’re in the mood for something lighter that’ll make you laugh. 🙂

    • Your 46 years definitely beats mine. Happy early anniversary! We married at 18, so we tend to surprise people with how long we’ve been married, because they assume it’s only been a few years or something. xD Glad my post could make you smile. 🙂

    • None yet?! Well, you’ll have to keep trying! It’s always fun to get into a book and realize that you’re basically reading about you and your spouse. 😉 Except, you know, a cooler version.

    • Thank you! We did have a wonderful vacation, though we all ended up burnt. xD

      Unfortunately, there’s not much to tell, because it never came to fruition because hubby’s lame. We went to walk the dog one day and she went a little crazy, and we were like, What gives?! Well, we realized there was a juvenile hawk on the front porch, which we BOTH took the time to fawn over, I should mention. But we left it alone because obviously that’s what you do, and we just kept the doggo away from it.

      Well, over the next week, for some reason, the juvenile hawk just went from the front porch, with one doggo, to the back porch, with three doggos. And none of the doggos bothered it. I was able to go out and talk to it and it would just give me a weird look like it was contemplating its life decisions.

      It ended up flying away after about a week and a half, and we were glad to see it was able to move on, but still. I would have definitely kept Kevin. He obviously wanted to be part of the family.

    • Hubby *definitely* moans about it. Not sure he appreciates posts like this, but he obviously appreciates me (you know, because he hasn’t smothered me in my sleep yet), so I’ll still call it a win. 😉

    • Thank you! Hey, it’s not my fault that hubby is more analogous to an AI. xD It’s a comparison that he agrees with, since I forced him to read this series. 😛

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