January 2018 Writer Roundup

Posted January 3, 2018 by Sammie in writerly roundup / 0 Comments

Fellow writers, a new year is upon us. So maybe last year you didn’t achieve everything you wanted. Maybe you haven’t inherited a fortune, discovered the One Ring, sewed an Invisibility Cloak, or even tamed a dragon (but, like, you should totally work on that last one).

Forget about all that nonsense. Well, most of it.

There’s too much going on in 2018 to sit around moping about how your plans for world domination fell, well, short. Instead, check out these things to jump-start your writing and get the year going the right way.


85K Challenge:

New year, new project? If you’re looking for some accountability and a way to keep on track with whatever rabid plot bunny has sunk its teeth into you, check out the 85K challenge. The whole idea is to have a ready-to-pitch or ready-to-publish (depending on the route you take) novel done within a year, in a way that’s manageable for those of us required to have one of those ugly, soul-sucking things known as a life. Or a child. You pick.


When: January 18th, 8 – 8 EST

Where: Twitter

The Insecure Writer’s Group is having their second pitchfest. Only, this time, they’re making it bigger, badder, and more pitchy. In a good way. Pitches are limited to one pitch per hour per manuscript. Make sure to check out the details on their page to get the appropriate tags for your manuscript.


Goodreads has their 2018 reading challenge up! There are so many lovely, shiny books coming up in 2018, and since we can’t read them all (or so I’m told, but, you know, challenge accepted), Goodreads is nice enough to let you set your own book-reading goals. Now’s a good time to pick a goal number and get cracking on paring down your to-read list. You know, so you can add more books to it, obviously.

Twitter Events


Ready to spread a little buzz about your current work in progress? Author Bethany A. Jennings (@simmeringmind) is spreading the WIP by hosting a January tweet event to help you tell others about your story (and hopefully, you can learn about others’ as well). Don’t forget to include #WIPjoy in your tweet.


For a little more fun, or maybe some character inspiration, check out #WIPTruthOrDare. There’s a lot of great prompts to get the old cogs whirring and hopefully inspire you to keep pecking away at that keyboard.

Advice Corner

Writing Excuses: True Confessions (Episode 12.53)

Would it surprise you to know that even the professionals are humans and not cyborgs or clones or highly evolved beings from another planet (well, maybe one or two). Failing, unfortunately, is a part of life. Not a fun part, but a part just the same. The Writing Excuses team tackle why you should keep trying, regardless.

Terrible Writing Advice: Giving Criticism (Chapter 23)

Terrible Writing Advice is back with another fantastic episode about criticism. As writers, this can really be a sticky point. As readers, it’s also sometimes a sticky point. How do you give criticism? How do you take criticism? What do you mean my work isn’t perfect?!

Jenna Moreci: Worldbuilding Basics and Worldbuilding Mistakes

Jenna Moreci tackles the daunting thing that turns away many would-be high fantasy writers: worldbuilding. It doesn’t have to be as scary as it seems! (Okay, well, maybe a little). Moreci does a fantastic job of breaking it down so you can get started, as well as pointing out the pitfalls to avoid. Just, don’t go down those roads. No, trust me. Nothing good lurks there.

Do you know any upcoming events or challenges that writers should know? Are you participating in any of the events mentioned above? HAVE YOU TRAINED A DRAGON YET? Feel free to share below.

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