October Recap

Posted November 1, 2018 by Sammie in #amreading, chat with me, monthly recap / 6 Comments

So, I had planned to read all the spooky books, and I ended up reading, like, two.

Turns out I’m really bad at sticking to plans. Who knew? (Hint: Everyone).

October was a slow month for me, in general, for several reasons.

First, I focused a lot on my health over everything else, both mental and physical. I’ve been diagnosed with depression and PCOS, which means two new medications, and while I feel better, I’m not quite there yet. So bear with me! If I miss posting some days, that’s why.

Also, my husband moved to a new position in his company, which is exciting, but means that I need to take over a few chores that were previously his, so we’ve got that general shuffling of household duties that occurs after promotions. It’s exciting, but more so for him because he gets to sleep an extra hour every day.

As far as books go, I received a lot of them … and haven’t read very many of them.

But gosh, I even organized my bookshelves, and now they look all pretty and sort of neat, with all the new books in them. So in November, I even plan on giving you a bookshelf tour, and you’ll just have to forgive the fact that no matter what I do, my shelves will never be aesthetically pleasing because dragons hoard books, they do not decorate with them, okay? If I thought I could get away with it, I would just throw all my books in a stack and sit on them in true dragon fashion … but books have pointy edges and aren’t comfortable seats, and hubby would have a meltdown because he’s silly like that.


#AmReading Update

Books read this month: 11

Book DNF’d this month: 2

October Book Reviews:

After The Fire by Will Hill (★★★★★)
Damsel by Elana K. Arnold (★★★★☆)
In The Night Wood by Dale Bailey (★★★★☆)
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel (★★★★☆)
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White (★★★☆☆)

Upcoming Reads

I did pretty well last month, so here’s to keeping up the pace, hopefully. I’ve got a lot of ARCs that I’m looking forward to coming up.



Follow me on Goodreads.



Blogger Post Love

Here are some great posts this month from other bloggers:

✦ Shattering Stigmas 4.0 has continued with their fabulous series about mental health with a guest post by Silvia V.  (though I highly recommend the whole series)

✦ Sim at Flipping Through The Pages discusses why graphics are important for a blog.

✦ Brianna at Pearl Bayou shares her writing playlist (along with an adorable doggo pic)

✦ Krysta at Pages Unbound posted a DNF review of Children of Blood and Bone that spawned a really interesting discussion in the comments

✦ Annemieke at A Dance With Books examines how well Goodreads knows her based on her recommendations (and now she’s got me wondering)


October Twitter Fun

Not following me on Twitter? Maybe you should.








Chat With Me

How did October treat you? Read any great books you’d recommend? Share your accomplishments and brags this month below! Also, what were you/your kids for Halloween?!

6 responses to “October Recap

  1. Sorry about your mental health. I hope you get well soon and the medications stop eventually.
    Congratulations to your husband on the promotion. yeah, I can understand the shuffling of things aorund the house when there is any change in already set routine 😛
    Looks like you had a great reading month though. I only read 4 books but I guess that’s okay 🙂
    Thank you for featuring my post. Have a lovely November.

    • Thank you! I’m feeling so much better already, and I’m thankful for that. 🙂

      Four books is still good. Any books is good, especially this time of year. xD

    • Thank you so much! Feeling much better already, so it seems like it’s helping. 🙂 Also have too many books I’m looking forward to reading in the next two months to get bogged down! Must read all the books. 😉

  2. I’m sorry about how you’ve been feeling. Hopefully the meds will help. If you want to talk my dm’s are always open. I have been struggling with depression a lot at the moment too.

    You read a great amount of books! What did you think of The Archived?

    • Thank you so much. <3 And my DMs are always open if you need to talk, too. 🙂

      I was sort of surprised. I felt like I didn't do so well in October, but I read more than September and I'm not sure how. xD

      The Archived was ... I don't know. I haven't reviewed it yet because I'm still sort of deciding. xD I loved the idea of it, and the characters were fabulous. But it felt like it took forever for anything really to happen, and then the romance was awkward to me, and I didn't understand the antagonist's motives, and I'm still not sure even what the library is for? So it was a bit of a mixed bag, but I liked it enough to read the sequel! And I like Victoria Schwab's writing style. I'm actually reading Vicious this week, so that's exciting. 😀

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