Books That Can Use A Little More Love

Posted February 19, 2019 by Sammie in book list, recommendations, recommended, top ten tuesdays / 5 Comments

Because every book deserves a hug, am I right?

And someone to gaze lovingly at its cover and fangirl over its characters and stalk the author until they publish another book, even if it’s under duress because they’re chained to a room in your house.

I’m pretty sure I have to tell exactly none of you that there are an awful lot of books out there. Mostly because you, like me, are likely drowning under the weight of all the ones you haven’t read yet.

Which is really the best form of drowning, if I do say so myself, considering that I’ve very nearly almost drowned before. Still, it’s a tortured life we’ve chosen to live as readers, yet it’s a burden we must bear.

With so many books out there, naturally, some gems get overlooked. Which makes us not only readers, but geologists and miners and archaeologists and … wow, I am so not getting paid enough for all of this.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is all about books we love that have less than 2,000 Goodreads reviews. Not that you’re required to check them out and give them love, but … how can you resist these poor darlings who are obviously in need? Are you some sort of monster?!

Warlock Holmes

A Study in Brimstone The Hell-Hound of Baskerville My Grave Ritual

Have you ever thought Sherlock Holmes is okaaaaay, but it’s missing … something. But then you couldn’t quite place what exactly could make it any better?

I’ve got one word for you: magic.

Warlock Holmes has all the charm of Sherlock Holmes except … well, any sort of charm, actually. He’s really pretty bad at being a sleuth, in general. But his sarcasm game is on point, and he’s really, really good at being a warlock. And that’s why we love him.

Warlock Holmes is a comedic take on a beloved classic, where both the mysteries and the solutions are supernatural in nature and side-splittingly funny.

I accidentally stumbled across this one in my library, and I’m sort of amazed that more people haven’t read it. It deserves all the love, in my opinion.

Grey Stone / Grey Lore

Grey Stone Grey Stone

I straight-up loved this world and pretty much all the characters in it. What’s not to love? The storytelling style is unique, and while it was jarring at first, it quickly grew on me and drew me in. Especially the fairy tales. My gosh, the fairy tales.

The world in these books is so rich that they’re replete with their own myths and legends, and you get to figure out what’s true and what’s not as the story unfolds.

The world is actually so masterfully like ours and yet unlike ours that I’m almost suspicious that it’s actually happening. *squints eyes at you* I mean, you’re not a werewolf hellbent on overthrowing the humans … are you?

The Color of
Bee Larkham’s Murder

The Color of Bee Larkham's Murder

Wow, I am so disappointed that I have to even put this one on this list. Why hasn’t everyone read it?!

Wait, why are you still here? Why aren’t you off reading this yet? Is my word not good enough for you? Fine. Here are perfectly legitimate reasons you need to read this one:

Best example of an (unintentional) unreliable narrator I’ve ever seen.

Main character has autism AND synesthesia (sees sounds as colors) AND succeeds in being a cute little ball of fluff, while still saying what we were all thinking.

✦ A surprising amount of mystery and twists.

✦ Absolutely horrible, garbage excuses of people, and who will protect poor Jasper if not you, dear reader? Surely your righteous anger will save him.

✦ Lots of birds! If you’re a bird enthusiast, this is great for you! If you’re not, well, you’ll probably feel slightly less bad the next time one bounces off your windshield, because you’ve already served your time.

I Have A Bad Feeling
About This

I Have a Bad Feeling About This

Did I really just add this to the list?! Why, yes, I did. Because it’s hilarious. What it lacks in plot, it makes up in pure comedy gold.

Strand successfully captures the angsty, sarcastic beast that dwells within all of us as remnants of our teen years.

It’s a burden we all have to bear. While the book is meant for younger audiences, it woke within me a wonderful sense of nostalgia. Remember those days when your parents wanted you to put down your books and video games and, like, go outside? I know, gross. The main character, Henry, completely agrees, and his snark gives me a reason to go on.

A Thousand Perfect Notes

A Thousand Perfect Notes

I will never stop shouting about this one. Okay, maybe for a few months after April when The Boy Who Steal Houses comes out and I start shouting about that instead. So you’ll get a teensy reprieve. You’re welcome.

C. G. Drews (aka Cait, aka PaperFury) has an absolutely gorgeous writing style which is evocative, unique, descriptive, and so very easy to read and delight over.

I’m not sure how she does it, but I suspect human sacrifice and blood magic was involved.

And this cast of characters, guys, this cast. It’s impossible not to fall in love with them. I dare you to try. You can’t. It’s just not a thing people can do. You know, like touching your tongue to your elbow or eating just one cookie.

✦ Everything by David Thorne

I'll Go Home Then Walk It Off, Princess The Ducks in the Bathroom Are Not Mine

David Thorne is a treasure, okay? Unless you’re one of those people. In which case, you may have been the subject of a very Thorne-esque prank, and you probably deserved it, and we’re laughing with you, not at you. But also maybe a little at you, because you’re probably not laughing.

For the tech savvy among you, you may recognize David Thorne as the author of stories on the website 27B/6.

Which, coincidentally, you can visit to read a lot of these for free. Or they’re also available on Kindle Unlimited.

David Thorne is a troll. And I mean that in the best possible way. Maybe laughing at his antics makes me a bad person, but … meh, I can live with that. Because these collections are hilarious.

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What are some lesser reviewed books that you feel deserve a little more love?

5 responses to “Books That Can Use A Little More Love

    • I found it by happy happenstance, too, in my library. If you want a laugh, I can’t recommend it enough. I’m reading the third one now, and there’s a fourth coming out this year, and I can’t wait!

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