WWW Wednesday (April 3, 2019)

Posted April 3, 2019 by Sammie in #amreading, chat with me, www wednesday / 25 Comments

It’s that time again: to ask ourselves the three W’s:
Where can I get a dragon egg?
Why don’t I have one yet?
What could possibly go wrong?

Wait, no, that’s not right. We ask these three W’s:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words.

Recently Finished
Challenger Deep Some Small Magic The Night Before Krampus

Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
★★★★✩ || Goodreads
Giving this a star rating was so hard because, wow, it’s such an important book, but it was also really difficult to read. Drawing from experiences with his own son, Neal Shusterman writes from the point of view of Caden, who is slowly losing touch with reality. In his delusions, he’s a crewmate seeking out Challenger Deep at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. In reality, he’s a teenager trying to wrestle with his mental illness. The book was confusing for most of it, but intentionally so, and it was just so powerful in general. I really enjoyed it.

Some Small Magic by Billy Coffey
DNF || Goodreads
DNF number two for 2019! This was a book club pick, so I had no say in it and didn’t realize much about it. In the end, it just wasn’t a fit for me. The writing’s great and characters seem interesting, but I’m not a huge fan of Christian lit at the best of times, and when it involves sermons and salvation arcs, I’m out. Seems like a good book if you’re into those things, though.

The Night Before Krampus by Peter Johnson
★★★★✩ || Goodreads
This book. Oh. My. Gosh. This book. I’ve been wanting a creepy read, and this had basically everything I wanted. Oh, there be monsters afoot. The lore is solid, the world-building is interesting, and there’s KRAMPUS. Who doesn’t love Krampus?! The writing was super interesting and engaging, too. The only part it really fell down on was the ending, because the resolution was just too dang easy, which was disappointing.

Currently Reading
The Unbinding of Mary Reade

The Unbinding of Mary Reade by Miriam McNamara

There’s no place for a girl in Mary’s world. Not in the home of her mum, desperately drunk and poor. Not in the household of her wealthy granny, where no girl can be named an heir. And certainly not in the arms of Nat, her childhood love who never knew her for who she was. As a sailor aboard a Caribbean merchant ship, Mary’s livelihood—and her safety—depends on her ability to disguise her gender.

At least, that’s what she thinks is true. But then pirates attack the ship, and in the midst of the gang of cutthroats, Mary spots something she never could have imagined: a girl pirate. 

The sight of a girl standing unafraid upon the deck, gun and sword in hand, changes everything. In a split-second decision, Mary turns her gun on her own captain, earning herself the chance to join the account and become a pirate alongside Calico Jack and Anne Bonny.

For the first time, Mary has a shot at freedom. But imagining living as her true self is easier, it seems, than actually doing it. And when Mary finds herself falling for the captain’s mistress, she risks everything—her childhood love, her place among the crew, and even her life.

I’ve been meaning to read this one for, like, a year. Oops. LGBT romance? Yes, please. Love me some historical fiction, and feeling pretty in the mood for it. Plus, PIRATES! Who can say no to a book about pirates? They’re not as good as ninjas, I grant you, but they’ll do in a pinch.

Upcoming Reads
The Anomaly

The Anomaly by Michael Rutger

This is not normally the sort of book I read, but I’m really in the mood for some adventure. And if I’m honest, adventure stories about archaeologists that just happen to stumble into trouble (you know, like you do when you’re dealing with weird mysterious objects from the past) is my guilty pleasure.

I Can't Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I've Put My Faith in Beyoncé

I Can’t Date Jesus by Michael Arceneaux

The theme this week is catch up on ARCs that are waaaay overdue because I’m obviously bad at this. (Also, these all came out right after my grandmother died last year, so … I got behind, but I had a good reason?) I don’t know anything about the author, other than this sounded really funny and I do like to mix things up with the occasional memoir. It’s supposed to be funny, and I’m feeling up for that.

Chat With Me

What are you reading this week? Anything you’d recommend? Link to your WWW posts below so I can visit you!

25 responses to “WWW Wednesday (April 3, 2019)

  1. The unbinding Of Mary Reade sounds awesome! I will definitely have to look for that one. The anomaly sounds interesting too!

    • The Unbinding of Mary Reade has some pretty mixed reviews on Goodreads, but I’m still holding out hope for it. I’m not far enough into it yet to form an opinion. I’m hoping The Anomaly is good. I’m so nerdy that I’ll read pretty much anything with an archaeology or paleontologist as the protagonist. xD

  2. Sorry you had a DNF. To be honest, it sounds like something I would have trouble getting through as well. I can’t handle when books get too preachy. Hope the rest of your reads are better.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

    • Honestly, at this point, I sort of expect a 50-50 chance that I’ll DNF book club books. I usually either DNF them or love them, and it’s a pretty even split. Problem is that I’m the youngest in my book club by, like, 30-some years, and their reading preferences skew heavily toward Christian lit and women’s fiction, and mine are more … stabby, stabby, oh look there’s a dragon. xD

      But at least I gave it a try! And not all books are going to be for me. It’s a sad truth.

        • Same! That’s part of the reason I joined the book club, so that I would get books I wouldn’t normally read. I’ve found some really good books that way, even if some of them are misses. 🙂

          But YA, and fantasy in particular, will always be what I come back to.

  3. So many unique and interesting reads! I love it! I’m definitely adding The Night Before Krampus and The Unbinding of Mary Reade to my TBR. Have a great week of reading!

    • It was a really confusing read, but if you can muddle through that, it was really profound. And if you have anyone in your life that struggles with mental illness, it’s a really eye-opening look into at least one person’s experience. I recommend it!

      • Might be one to save til I can really concentrate on it, but I’m always keen to read well-written mental health themed books. Thanks.

    • There are quite a few books based on the legend of the Krampus. 🙂 This one just came recommended to me, and I can see why! Hope you enjoy it.

  4. Mini

    The Night Before Krampus by Peter Johnson sounds very interesting. I will check it out. I hope you enjoy your books.

  5. I’ve been looking for books like Challenger Deep lately and I completly forgot about that one. I’ll have to pick it up. Thanks! 😊

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