Literary Creatures I Want To Own (Even If They’d Eat Me)

Posted May 21, 2019 by Sammie in chat with me, fantasy, top ten tuesdays / 24 Comments

The best thing about reading fantasy: adorable, cuddly, potentially fatal beasts!

Growing up, I was that nerdy little kid who wanted to be Newt Scamander, because what could possibly be better than getting to travel the world documenting and interacting with magical beasts?! Is that not the life? Oh, sure, they’re dangerous, but isn’t everything worth doing?

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is supposed to be books that I refuse to let anyone touch, but since I don’t actually really have those … this seems like a good alternative.

Because who doesn’t want to own a magical beast or two or ten? So here’s what my magical menagerie would look like.

Heart Divider

✦ Pishacha from The Star-Touched Queen

Pishacha are from Hindu lore, and they’re basically flesh-eating demons. Sounds awesome, right? The one in this book is called Kamala, and it’s a horse, and her sarcasm game is on point. Also exceptionally good at throwing shade.

✿ You can have your enemies, and eat them, too.
✿ Both you and your mount can sass passersby.
✿ Twice the burns, for the price of one.
✿ Likely to creep people out, so they’ll leave you alone.
✿ Enjoys casually dining on people, threatening others, and imagining what you taste like, so … good times?

Heart Divider

✦ Balrog from Lord of the Rings

I think pretty much everyone’s familiar with this creature, and if you’re not, you should be. What have you even been doing with your life? At least go watch the movies! The problem is … where would I put it? My house for sure isn’t big enough, and I live near a forest and trees + fire just don’t mix. Actually, they do. A little too well. Which is the problem.

✿ Obviously cute and cuddly underneath all that fire.
✿ Can roast marshmallows without the hassle of creating a campfire.
✿ Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.
✿ Never have to worry about losing or misplacing it.
✿ Problem with your neighbors? What neighbors?

Heart Divider

✦ Lionaire from Children of Blood and Bone

Lion cubs are cute. You know what’s even cuter? Giant lion cubs with horns on their head that will follow/carry you into battle. I see no downside here.

✿ I am lion, hear me roar.
✿ Can totally mimic that scene from Lion King for, like, two weeks while they’re little.
✿ Fierce steed for a fierce warrior.
✿ Look 10x cooler than all those fools riding horses into battle.
✿ Will probably crush you trying to do what cats do, but there are worse ways to go.

Heart Divider

✦ Buraqi from Rebel of the Sands

Just when you thought horses couldn’t get any better, Alwyn Hamilton brought us the buraqi: a horse made of sand and wind that is super fast. Also super hard to catch, for obvious reasons.

✿ The feeling of flying without actually having to leave the ground.
✿ You can unleash sandstorms on unsuspecting people for fun.
✿ Never be late for anything ever again!
✿ Normal horses are boring. Horses made of sand are much better!
✿ Also more deadly, but sometimes, you have to take risks.

Heart Divider

✦ Manticore from The Pirate’s Wish

Okay, sure, manticores are man-eating beasts that aren’t always friendly with humans, but … 1. I’m not a man. 2. I’m sometimes only barely human. Especially if you catch me at, like, five in the morning.

✿ Ride into battle on one and watch your enemies tremble in terror.
✿ Messy body-riddled field after battle? Not anymore!
✿ Man giving you trouble? Manticore is happy to help with that.
✿ A little high maintenance, but aren’t we all?
✿ Bad at understanding humans, but it tries, at least.
✿ Shoots poisonous barbs from tail, for when you want to kill someone but can’t be bothered to get up.

Heart Divider

✦ Wundercat from Nevermoor

Take everything you love and hate about cats and multiply that by fifty. Oh, and also, add in the fact that they can talk. Either that’s going to terrify you (and rightly so) or you’ll wonder why this isn’t already a thing that exists.

✿ Says all those things you’re sure your cat is thinking.
✿ Spoiler alert: 90% of them aren’t very nice. Even if they’re honest.
✿ Can be ridden!
✿ Can also eat you, so maybe do that last one sparingly?
✿ Lovable and fluffy and make fantastic cuddle partners.
✿ Also take up the entire bed and then some.

Heart Divider

✦ Kamaitachi from Shadow of the Fox

Kamaitachi are little squirrel-like creatures with scythes as hands, basically. They’re super fast, super lethal, and also come in groups of three. Because one apparently isn’t terrifying enough on its own.

✿ Buy one, get two free!
✿ Super fast ninja assassin squirrels to take care of your enemies.
✿ Also small and super cute and clearly in need of hugs.
✿ An army of these would make the cutest, most unstoppable army ever.
✿ More than just a little hard to catch.
✿ Also potential lethal, but all the best things in life are.

Heart Divider

✦ Hell-Hound from Warlock Holmes

Hell-hounds come in lots of different shapes and forms in literature. The one in Warlock Holmes gets a bit of an unfair reputation. I mean, sure, it’s eaten some people, but not nearly as many as it’s getting blamed for.

✿ Good old pupper. 10/10 deserves all the dog treats and a place by the fire.
✿ If it chooses not to eat you, it makes for a super loyal pet.
✿ Great pet for hunting … you know, animals and people alike.
✿ Somebody wronged you? Seek justice! Release the Hell-Hounds.
✿ All the benefits of a normal dog, but many times the size!

Heart Divider

✦ Thestral from Harry Potter

While everyone else was reading Harry Potter and got to the thestrals and went, “Yuck,” my first thought was … can we make these a thing? I mean, unicorns are fiiiine (see next creature), but thestrals are where it’s at, clearly.

✿ Only good thing to come out of watching someone die.
✿ Every bit as dark as my soul.
✿ Skeletal creatures are the best.
✿ Still as adorable as horses, but with an extra creep factor.
✿ Freak all the people out by riding around on something invisible to most of the population!
✿ Would make a good ninja assassin horse, if you train it right.
✿ All the benefits of a Pegasus without the annoyance of shedding feathers.

Heart Divider

✦ Unicorn from Unicorn Chronicles

So, I read this series eons ago. I barely remember it, except that I loved it way back when and would probably hate it now, because I am a cynical, cranky adult. So this is based on what I actually remember about these unicorns.

✿ If I have to take a forever long ride on horseback, might as well be on a steed that’s a bit chatty.
✿ Have a whole magical world that’s a bit tricky to get into, but I can work with it.
✿ Consort with dragons and other fun mythical beings.
✿ Have magic. Everyone benefits from magic.
✿ Unique personalities! Just have to find the right one.

Chat With Me

What are your favorite literary creatures, and would you like to own them, despite all the risks?

24 responses to “Literary Creatures I Want To Own (Even If They’d Eat Me)

  1. What a great twist!! My favourite magical creature currently is front Starfell by Dominique Valente – Oswin the cat-definitely-not-cat-I-am-The-monster-under-The-bed-but-an-utter-scaredy-cat-not-cat who is as if Marvin the Paranoid Android had a baby with a Monty Python sketch.
    Fabulous list!

    • I remember seeing you mention that you were reading that! Hopefully, the Kindle version releases soon, as I’d love to read it! That sounds like the best sort of cat, honestly. xD That description of it is just pure gold, and now I need to get a copy.

  2. lydiaschoch

    I love your alternative response to this week’s prompt! I’d want to own all of these creatures, too.

    My TTT.

  3. Ok, how are we not best friends? You just mentioned the horse from Star-Touched Queen!! We are bonded for life now! That horse is everything and I’d risk my soul to have that sassy demon following me around as a sidekick! As the cat from Nevermoor – yes please! I love Fen so much! This list is the actual best!

    • Yes, let’s be BFF. Anyone who enjoys flesh-eating demon horses is clearly good people. <3 A soul seems like a pretty small price for that.

      I would love to just steal Fen straight out, but then I'd feel bad, because clearly, he was made for Jupiter. The two make quite the pair. So I suppose I'd just have to make due with my own Wundercat kitten.

      Ha, so glad you like the list! I had so much fun making this, but trying to think of less typical creatures was hard (I mean, who DOESN'T want a dragon and a phoenix? I feel like that all goes without saying.)

    • I’m gonna go with no, because I also want a house elf to clean my house. It can be a free elf. I’m okay with that. I’d even pay it. As long as I don’t have to do the cleaning. xD

    • I feel like everyone needs a sarcastic talking cat, even if it’s just so they get a dose of harsh reality. 😉

  4. Marti (Bookish Treats)

    This was a really cool alternative from this week’s topic, I really enjoyed reading it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Ha, I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t like GoT. xD I did watch the first season and part of the second, though (I think), so I know what you’re talking about, and those would make awesome pets!

  5. Oh there are so many mythical creatures I’d want to own; although yeah a lot of the ones on my list would probably eat me as well. The number one on my list is a dragon so that says it all doesn’t it? 🙂
    I’d really love a Buraqi though, just to be able to travel anywhere really really quickly on a horse made of sand and wind. That would be incredible wouldn’t it?
    Great post. 🙂 ❤️

    • Is it even worth owning if there’s not at least a little threat of being eaten? xD I mean really. Dragons are the best. <3 I feel like everyone deserves at least one dragon. Even if it's just a tiny one like Mushu.

      That would be incredible! Sure cuts down on travel costs, too. xD

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