Tag Thursday: The Survive or Die Bookish Tag

Posted September 12, 2019 by Sammie in blogger tags, book tags, chat with me, Tag Thursday / 14 Comments

I’ve been tagged by Keri @ Are You My Book? for this tag, and let me just say that it was hecka fun.

Let’s take random characters and throw them in random other worlds. What could possibly go wrong?! Nothing. Duh! So let’s get on with it.

Heart Divider

The Rules

1) Link back to the creator (Sapphire’s @ Simply Sapphire Song).
2) Write down seven (or more!!) characters and seven fictional worlds/ settings. (Most use books, but you can do movies/tv shows!)
3) Choose one random character and one random world.
4) Determine whether that character would survive that world/book.
5) Repeat!

Heart Divider

My Picks

Seven Random Worlds:
✦ Discworld
✦ Nevermoor
✦ Hill House
✦ Post-Age of Mortality (from Scythe)
✦ The Great Library (from Ink and Bone)
✦ Orisha-controlled Lagos (from David Mogo, Godhunter)
✦ Goblin Market (from In an Absent Dream)

Seven Random Characters:
✦ Gideon Nav from Gideon the Ninth
✦ Theodora Fox from The Lady Rogue
✦ Teagan Frost from The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind
✦ Charley Sutherland from The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep
✦ Okame from Soul of the Sword
✦ Aziraphale from Good Omens
✦ Amani from Rebel of the Sands

Time to throw these in the black box that is a random number generator and see how these characters fare in their new surroundings! I’m pretty sure I shouldn’t be this excited about it, but … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m a writer. Torturing characters is what I do, and it’s rare when I get a chance to torture other people’s characters. I take what I can get.

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Okame in Nevermoor


But I don’t think he’ll be particularly happy about it, if I’m honest. There’s not a whole heck of a lot for a Ronin to do in Nevermoor. Plus, I imagine there isn’t any sake to be found. I’m not sure how the alcohol in Nevermoor stacks up with sake, but that’ll be a deciding factor for how much Okame enjoys this little trip.

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Aziraphale in Post-Age of Mortality


It does my little fangirl heart good to picture Aziraphale and Crowley partaking in all the human pleasures that a post-Age of Mortality world would have to offer. I imagine it’d be a bit dull compared to their thousands of years with humans during the Age of Mortality, but I’m sure they’d be able to find something to keep busy. I’m sure Crowley would have an alter-ego as a Scythe because, one, they get free things, and, two, people would leave him alone. Win-win! I can picture Aziraphale becoming best friends with the Thunderhead and then, totally innocently, asking it really specific, unanswerable questions until it finally had a meltdown and spiraled into an existential crisis.

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Gideon Nav in Orisha-controlled Lagos

Die … in a blaze of glory

Gideon Nav is a super bad-ass swordsman who can for sure hold her own … but the Orisha are literally gods. With somewhat unimaginable power. Gideon would fight them, because of course she would, and I’m sure the battle would be spectacular and riveting. But ultimately, she’d lose. That’s just how things are. 10/10 would pay big bucks to watch this fight, though.

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Theodora Fox in the Goblin Market

Survive … as a bird

The Goblin Market isn’t so much life and death, so this is a little bit cheating, I guess. It’s really about equality and fair trade and not asking for more than you’re given, because if you do, you basically turn into a bird. I’m definitely convinced Theo would end up as a bird. Booksmart, yes, but she seemed pretty selfish and naive, in my opinion, without necessarily intending to be. But the Goblin Market works on actions, not intentions, so I can see her accruing a massive debt in no time.

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Teagan Frost in Hill House


I feel like Teagan is the sort who would take one look at the house and then immediately nope the hell out of there. Because she’s got at least that much common sense. Maybe not much more than that, but still. She’s got the power to move things with her mind, but I just don’t see that helping her a whole lot with this house. I just think her incredible laziness and keen sense of self-preservation and survival would see her walking away long before she could fall prey to any of the house’s tricks. And if that fails … well, I guess she’d just mind-launch things at the ghosts and pray for the best? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Amani in Discworld

Survive … maybe?

I feel like this one is a big it depends. It depends on where Amani lands and who she meets and what she gets herself involved with. The Discworld doesn’t seem too terribly hard to survive (and a heck of a fun place to be), but at the same time, it’s definitely a death trap depending on who you get yourself mixed up with. I’m pretty sure her guns aren’t going to do a whole lot against the magic of the world, and her magic is nowhere near strong enough to compete, either. So her best bet is to keep her head down and get along, and … well, good luck with that.

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Charley Sutherland at The Great Library

Die a happy man

Okay, is there really any better setting for a bookish person than a giant library with all the knowledge? I mean, sure, the institution is totally corrupt and is actually against learning and knowledge and questioning, which is 100% how Charley will get himself killed. But in the, like, fifteen minutes before he reads his first thing out of a book and is sentenced to death? Pure elation on his part, I’m sure.

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Tag … You’re It!

✦ Dini @ DiniPandaReads
✦ Susan @ Novel Lives
✦ Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads
✦ Haley @ The Caffeinated Reader
✦ YOU! (Because seriously, this was super fun)

Chat With Me

Do you agree or disagree with any of my conclusions?

14 responses to “Tag Thursday: The Survive or Die Bookish Tag

    • You should totally do it! I had too much fun with it. xD That is such a good question. Given how much Aziraphale loves books … I think he’d just have an emotional meltdown if he ended up in The Great Library. Maybe it’d drive him so far gone that he’d end up as dark!Aziraphale?! Getting righteous justice for all the lost books.

      In Discworld, I’m pretty sure Aziraphale and Death would be BFFs, much to Crowley’s annoyance, who would just put up with Death because he has to. xD

  1. Oooh, I was just thinking about how much fun it’d be to do this tag! I think I’d have a bit of trouble with it because I literally stuck at these fun imagination filled tags (LOL) but I’m so keen to try it 😂 I haven’t read of half the places you picked or the characters as well, but I loved your answers and it makes me curious about each one! Some of these books have been on my TBR for ages too so maybe I’ll be bumping some of these up my list! 😅

    • Do iiiiiiit! It was such fun. It really didn’t take a ton of imagination. Just pick some settings that you’d like to visit yourself and a handful of your favorite characters, and the rest is just based on the character. 😉

  2. Ahhh, I’m so glad that you enjoyed doing this tag! 😊

    I haven’t read any of these books except the first Rebel of the Sands book. I love what you wrote about Gideon Nav (I wanna read that book so badly, but there’s no way that’ll be possible this semester)

    And yessss, torturing characters is so much fun, isn’t it? 😉

    • Torturing characters is for sure the best! I sooo recommend Gideon the Ninth. I still have to write my review for it, but I’ve been procrastinating because all I’ve got so far is just endless screaming into the void mixed with a teensy bit of sobbing. Which is obviously a problem. xD

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