Books By The Number || Titles From 1 to 10

Posted October 1, 2019 by Sammie in book list, top ten tuesdays / 29 Comments

It’s no secret that I love books … and also hate numbers. But you know, sometimes the two coincide, and then I’m … conflicted?

I mean, this is a Top Ten Tuesday post, so I imagine it was bound to happen eventually. Numbers mean things. Even more so when they happen to appear in titles.

This Top Ten Tuesday is all about book titles with numbers in them.

Which sounds a lot like my nightmare, because math is … yikes. Yet, somehow, these books ended up being really good (the ones I’ve read, at least) and not at all about math, despite the obviously betrayal of numbers hiding in plain sight in their titles. I forgive them. Only because they’re worth it.

Heart Divider

The 1 and Only Ivan

The One and Only Ivan

Why read:

✿ K.A. Applegate is the best with the bite-sized feels.
✿ Ivan is the cutest gorilla ever.
✿ Dog POV stories are overrated. Gorillas are where it’s at.
✿ Written in short, easy-to-digest sections.
✿ Heartwarming story with lovable characters.

Heart Divider

The 2 Towers

The Two Towers

Why read:

✿ Quintessential high fantasy book.
✿ Classic that is obviously meant to be enjoyed by everyone.
✿ But, you know, if you don’t, there’s always the movie.
✿ All the action you hoped the first book would have.
✿ Hellooooo, Faramir.

Heart Divider

3 Dark Crowns

Three Dark Crowns

Why read:

✿ Has dark in the title. Obviously a good sign.
✿ Every queen deserves her crown.
✿ Sibling rivalry times 10,000.
✿ Backstabbery and mischief.

Heart Divider

I Am Number 4

I Am Number Four

Why read:

✿ Three failed experiments. Fourth time is the charm?
✿ Suspense and mystery.
✿ Manhunt! But the supernatural kind.
✿ … aliens did it?

Heart Divider

The 5 People You Meet in Heaven

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Why read:

✿ Will emotionally gut you. But in a good way?
✿ Fantastically unique but also heartwarming idea.
✿ Both inspirational and philosophical, in the best ways.
✿ I don’t know, I haven’t read it, but 10,000 people have told me I need to.

Heart Divider

6 of Crows

Six of Crows

Why read:

✿ Everyone loves it. So many people can’t be wrong, can they?
✿ Leigh Bardugo is a fabulous author.
✿ Getting incorporated into a Grishaverse series soon.
✿ Kaz Brekker.

Heart Divider

The 7 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

Why read:

✿ Promises at least seven deaths.
✿ Murder mystery, but on a time loop!
✿ Bodyswapping and headhopping, technically.
✿ So many twists at every turn.
✿ Mind-boggling, but in a good way.

Heart Divider



Why read:

✿ Obvious classic is obvious.
✿ Know what our society will look like … soonish.
✿ Those who don’t know history are doomed to … well, we’re just doomed. Be prepared.
✿ Eerily accurate portrayal of a society Orwell supposedly never lived to see.
✿ I have so many suspicions. It was probably the aliens.

Heart Divider

Gideon the 9th

Gideon the Ninth

Why read:

✿ Lesbian necromancers in space!
✿ Brutal and gory, but in a good way.
✿ Gideon’s sarcasm and scathing remarks.
✿ Watching Harrow and Gideon go at each other verbally.
✿ Lots of really neat necromancer fights.
✿ Big whodunnit murder mystery.

Heart Divider

The 10 Thousand Doors of January

The Ten Thousand Doors of January

Why read:

✿ Mystery book saves heroine. Mystery book deserves more credit.
✿ The book is the real hero here.
✿ Has all the doors … and then some.
✿ Story within a story … within a story? Story-ception!

Chat With Me

What are some of your favorite books with numbers in the title?

29 responses to “Books By The Number || Titles From 1 to 10

  1. I had so much fun with this week’s theme! You have some of the same books I have, and you also found some that I completely forgot about. Also, I have to mention that I really hated the Mitch Albom book, but hey, that’s just me. It was just too sweet, heart warming, etc. I guess, lol.

    • This was probably the most challenging TTT I’ve ever done, because it was so hard to think of the books. xD But it was definitely fun!

      I’ve got a copy that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I’ve heard that. It seems to be one of those books that you either love or hate, and there’s not much middle ground. xD I’m saving it for Christmas, because that’s when I’m most likely to read books like that LOL.

  2. Love that you actually had books for 1-10! I just did mine at random coz I totally blanked out but thankfully had the magic of Goodreads to guide me through 😂 SoC is definitely a popular one for this week’s prompt and I’ve only seen it on almost everyone’s list?! Haha I still need to read Gideon but it was quite a popular one this week too. Great list, Sammie! And you’re totes right, maths is soooo yikes 😅

    My TTT post

    • It was not easy! I had to really think on some of the numbers lol. And yeah, Goodreads. I should’ve added a tag at the bottom that said: this list brought to you by Goodreads. xD Because I can’t remember all this nonsense.

      SoC is so easy to remember, though, and it’s hard to find other sixes and I’m lazyyyyy lol. You definitely need to read Gideon! It was fantastic. I still need to write my review. I’m such a bad reviewer. xD

      • Hahaha honestly that Goodreads tag should just be on basically every post that I do 😂it’s a lifesaver!
        Also, can’t wait to read your review for Gideon! Haha you’re not terrible at all, I reckon I’m even worse! I keep putting off the Priory review coz I’m using the excuse that y’all haven’t finished reading yet and it’d be spoiling it but honestly I just still have no clue what to say about it 🙃

        • Ugh. I keep saying I’m going to write it today, and then I get sucked into work and don’t end up having time. UGH. I’m really hoping to be able to post the review Friday, or Saturday at the latest, since I have to work both jobs for the rest of the week. =/ I remember why I haven’t done the two jobs thing in, like, a decade LOL. It’s a bummer.

          I’m still reading it and I don’t even know what to say about it anymore. Trying to think of something for my WWW post was like … umm … it has words. Too many words. All the words. And sometimes dragons. And … an orange tree? Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. xD

  3. lydiaschoch

    The Two Towers and 1984 were on my list this week, too! Great pics.

    Have you always disliked numbers? Algebra was enjoyable for me, but I wasn’t so interested in Geometry.

    My TTT.

    • I noticed a lot of people seem to have picked The Two Towers! I’m pretty good with math, but I just never liked it. I like some aspects of it, like the logic was fun. But I’m just not a number person.

  4. Great list! Though I didn’t enjoy reading I Am Number Four, so I’ve tried to forget about that book. (This week’s TTT has made me remember it several times, though, LOL.) I’m really excited to read The Seven (1/2) Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle!

    • Hahaha I haven’t read it yet, and I’m hesitant to because it seems to polarize people. But I remember enjoying the movie years ago, so I’m determined to at least try it.

      Yes! I haven’t read that one yet, either, but I’ve been on the hold list for it for forever, so hopefully soon. *crosses fingers*

      • My biggest issue with I Am Number Four was that the MC was a dumb kid. I mean dumb. He seemed to go out of his way to break the rules designed to keep him alive and then complain when bad stuff happened. I mean, he was acting his age, but no kid who went through what he did should actually act their age. The experience should have aged him. Oh well, I guess it just was too unbelievable for me. (I also didn’t like the controversy surrounding the author, so I won’t be reading any more in the series for multiple reasons.)

        Fingers crossed! I’ve heard mostly good things about the Seven Deaths, so hopefully we both like it!

        • I’ve heard that, too, so I’m going in sort of with reservations. Because protagonists doing dumb things and not learning is such a big pet peeve of mine. So we’ll see.

  5. Excellent one! I have noticed The Two Towers on several lists. It is a favourite of mine, and I didn’t even think about including it! Agree, this weeks topic was so much fun! And I happen to love math 🙂

    • When I started looking at other posts, I realized a bunch of books that I loved that I also didn’t think of, so you’re definitely not alone there. XD

    • It was a really good read! But also super creepy with how many things have sort of semi come true since it was written. *insert Twilight Zone music here*

  6. I’ve seen lots of good things about Kendare’s books! Someday I need to read “Six of Crows” too. It would have fit perfect in this week’s topic. Alas, I didn’t think to include it. 🙂

    • I haven’t read it yet, either. We can be slackers together. xD I’m planning on reading it next month, I hope. :3 I need to read that and the rest of the Grishaverse books before the Netflix series comes out. 😉

    • I’m excited to hear that! I hope to read Six of Crows next month, and I’m ready for it. I’ve felt so left out, because it seems like everyone I know loves it. xD

  7. This is a really fun theme! And now that I think about it, yeah, I’ve read more than 10 books with numbers on their titles. Like you, I love books but I don’t hate numbers. 😉 I don’t love them neither but let’s just say I’m comfortable with them. 🙂
    The Two Towers and The Five People You Meet in Heaven are on my list, too. And belong to my top favorites.
    A few others that I enjoyed very much as well are:
    1. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami
    2. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
    3. Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata
    4. November 9 by Colleen Hoover
    5. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

    Can’t wait what you have in store for us next!

    • I get along with numbers just fine, as long as they know their place. Namely, not in my books. xD

      Oh, man, I totally forgot about 1Q84! Same with Harry August. I’ve really been wanting to read that one! :3

  8. I had the same reaction… numbers?? Math… yuck! But I was pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to come up with a list. We had some of the same books, too. Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    • It was definitely a lot easier than I thought it would be (with a little help from my bestie, Goodreads, of course). I loved seeing all the different number books, though!

    • I did! Five stars, and one of my favorite reads this year. It’s dark and stabby and basically a murder mystery with sarcasm and death. Sooo … right up my alley. xD

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