Tag Thursday: Lost Girl Book Tag

Posted October 10, 2019 by Sammie in blogger tags, chat with me / 8 Comments

I have a confession: I’ve never watched Lost Girl.

Don’t hate me. BUT I was, however, tagged for this by the creator, Leelynn @ Sometimes Leelynn Reads. Since this is her original tag, I want to support her. Totally that and not because, one, the graphics she made (which I chose to use) are sweet and, two, the prompts are hecka interesting. Pshaw.

What follows is totally going to be a summary of books you’ve probably seen 10,000 times if you’ve ever read anything on this blog.

Sorry, not sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Here’s your daily reminder that you should read these books if you haven’t yet. Should’ve listened the first time and I wouldn’t have had to repeat myself.

The Rules

  1. Tag the person who tagged you, the original post, and paste these rules.
  2. Watch Lost Girl on Netflix. If you have watched it, go tell Leelynn if you’re #TeamDyson , #TeamLauren or #TeamTamsin or neither!
  3. You can use Leelynn’s graphics, or make your own, or not. Totally up to you.
  4. Feel free to tag as many people as you want. Spread the love.
Steel Crow Saga

This one is a multiple choice answer. Which one’s the strong female character: Lee, Tala, or Xiulan? It’s a trick question. The answer is all of them. This book is just full of strong female characters to choose from, and I loved them all.

Gideon the Ninth

There are a lot of things you can question about Gideon. Her loyalty isn’t one of them. Likewise, there’s an awful lot of things you could say about her, positive and negative. Well, mostly negative. But she is, indeed, incredibly loyal, despite her deep-seated hatred for Harrow.

Tibetan Book of the Dead

I’ve been meaning to read this one since I was a teenager, and it’s been … a little while. I still intend to read it. Just maybe not right away. I will say, though, that this is a gorgeous book and looks so pretty sitting on my shelf.

The Priory of the Orange Tree

I don’t want this to get too spoilerish, so I won’t go too into detail about this, but I think it’s clear from the beginning that there’s more going on with Ead Duryan than meets the eye. Even though this book was just sort of okay to me, I really enjoyed Ead and learning all her little secrets.

The Girl Who Chased The Moon

This frustrated me to no end! The last chapter of this book opens a new story, after the original one has wrapped up, and it reads like it’s perfectly leading the reader into a sequel. Except there is none. It’s a standalone. I was so freaking frustrated, because the last chapter was so unnecessary in that case, and the story ended just fine without it.


I’m going to have to go with Lightsong for this one. Life is such a chore for him, and he’s certainly not afraid to let people know it. He’s witty and funny and sarcastic, but also complains a lot. I guess you have the right when you’re seen as a god.


Anyone who knows me has to have known that AIDAN would go here. Of course he would. There’s no greater morally gray character than the rogue AI who is trying to save his people by killing his people. Does that make him a hero or a villain? Is he right or wrong? Who knows?!

Atlas Shrugged

I had to read this in high school, and it really divided our class. You either loved it or hated it. I was on the side that loved it, and promptly went on to read other Ayn Rand books. One of my favorite quotes of all time comes from this book:

“If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?”
“I…don’t know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?”
“To shrug.”


I had a really hard time with this one, because I technically like a lot of “evil” characters. Villains are some of my favorites. So I chose one that I loved to hate, instead, one that I thought was really effective at villaining: Scythe Goddard. Man refuses to just give it up. He’s absolutely fanatical and insane, but man’s a freaking genius, so what can you do?

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry

This will always and forever be my recommended book. If you haven’t yet, read this! It’s the book that made me fall head-over-heels in love with Fredrik Backman’s work. It’s hilarious and creative and devastatingly sad and uplifting and just so many emotions rolled into one that I didn’t even know what the heck to do with myself.

Tag … you’re it

✿ Susan @ Novel Lives
✿ Yvo @ It’s All About Books
✿ Mary @ Silver Button Books
Happymess Happiness
✿ Tammy @ Books, Bones, & Buffy

Chat With Me

What would your answers to these look like? Share some below.

8 responses to “Tag Thursday: Lost Girl Book Tag

    • Haha it was really fun to do, even without knowing the characters or the show. I hope your crusade to get more people to watch it succeeds! 😉

  1. I’m gonna be real here but I hadn’t even heard of the show until Leelynn’s tag? Hahaha I don’t know if it shows on any of the channels we get here but also I watch so little TV 🙈

    • I hadn’t, either. But, I mean, I can do the prompts without knowing the show. 😛 I don’t tend to watch a lot of TV, either, and when I do, it’s pretty much whatever hubby and I agree on to watch.

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