Tag Thursday: The Productivity Book Tag

Posted October 31, 2019 by Sammie in blogger tags, book tags, Tag Thursday / 7 Comments

I knew I had to do this tag because, ha, I’m allergic to productivity. It makes me break out in procrastination.

So for this one, we’re going to pretend that I’m totally rocking this productivity thing and obviously not pulling my hair out between two jobs, parenting, writing, and blogging. Ha, yeah, nope. I’m doing great. Totally killing it.

This Is Fine GIF

I’m a productive bookdragon, hear me ROAR!

And if my roar sounds suspiciously like snoring … I’m obviously not napping. Duh. That’s not very productive, you silly mouse you.

I was tagged for this one by Tova @ Petyr Baeish Books, and if you’re looking for some diverse books, for sure go check out Tova’s answers!

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✦ Answer the prompts.
✦ Tag some friends.
✦ Link back to this post, and be sure to mention the creator (Sam @ Fictionally Sam)
✦ Have fun!

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✦ A book that is completely thought out ✦

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry

You all are going to get very dang tired of hearing my talk about Fredrik Backman. Seriously. So why don’t you just do us both a favor and go read all his books, okay? I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back.

This book is a story within a story … within a story. Granny dies at the very beginning, which is the inciting action, and what she leaves her granddaughter, Elsa, is both bedtime stories about the Land of Almost-Awake and the Kingdom of Miamas and also letters to deliver to these different people she knew in her life. In ways I can’t even begin to describe because it would be spoilers, the imaginary world and reality start to blend in this perfect story of discovery and understanding and just … go read it. Honestly, pretty much anything I discuss about the plot is a spoiler, because you have to discover it with Elsa.

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✦ A book that kept your undivided attention ✦


I don’t even remember reading this. I mean, I must have? I know how the series ends. I understand what happened in this. But at some point, I sat down with this book and then suddenly woke up again in the real world scared and alone and oddly suspicious of the shadows. Did I read this book, or did it read me? Hmmm.

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✦ A book that should have been a series ✦

The Girl Who Chased the Moon

I will forever be bitter about this, because the ending so freaking clearly sets things up for a second book. Who opens a new arc in the last chapter and then leaves it open-ended like that?! I’ll tell you who: Sarah Addison Allen. I enjoyed this book, and was excited to see what was going to happen next, so I rushed to her Goodreads profile when I finished only to find no sequel and no plans for one. Talk about disappointing.

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Small Goals

✦ A book below 150 pages that you loved ✦

The Little Prince

I fell in love with Le Petit Prince almost right away when I started reading it in French class in high school. The translation is okay, but the original French is where it’s at, because I just love Saint-Exupery’s writing style and the way he plays with words and meanings. It’s always meant so much to me, and I was amazed at how much meaning he packed into something so simple. There’s even a musical (with English subtitles) that I ended up falling a bit in love with, too.

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Peak Hours

✦ A series you could only read at a certain time ✦

Just One Damned Thing After Another

This is what I like to call my “guilty pleasure” series, because I read it when I’m in a mood to throw out what I consider “good literature” and just have fun. The lack of a cohesive, logical plot drives me absolutely bonkers, as does the way the characters can flip-flop about with their personalities and beliefs (more so in the earlier books, though, I’ll admit). But I can’t help but LOVE the humor in this and the characters and the banter. It makes me laugh out loud. So I save it for when I really need a hilarious, mindless read, and that way, it never disappoints.

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✦ A book that you finally crossed off your TBR ✦

The Graveyard Book

Is … is this a thing? Actually reading books of your TBR and not picking up all the new shinies?! I have so many backlist books on my shelf (both TBR and physical/Kindle) that I don’t know what to do except figure out the secret to immortality. I did, however, finally manage to squeeze in The Graveyard Book, as I’ve been meaning to read more of Gaiman’s backlist work. So … huzzah! See? Totally nailing that productivity thing.

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✦ A book that is/was ahead of its time ✦


I read this waaaay back when Son of a Witch came out, before I ever knew the Broadway musical was a thing, because I’m old. I mean, obviously a lot of people loved the idea, at the very least. But this was actually my very first retelling. And phew, guys, what a world it opened me up to. The fact that someone could take these old, stuffy stories that (in this case, at least) I wasn’t very fond of and turn them into something beautiful and deep and meaningful just blew my tiny teenage mind.

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✦ A series you wish you could unread ✦

Rebel of the Sands

You know like a series so much but now it’s over and somehow you have to move on, but now you’ve forgotten what life even is and are still clinging desperately to these characters and refuse to let go, dang it? Yeah, I’m there still. I want to unread this series just so I can have the experience of reading it again the first time with fresh eyes. Is that too much to ask?

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✦ Books that you read at the same time ✦

The Priory of the Orange Tree

This took me a freaking month to get through, and it was such a slog that there are quite a few books I read with this. I’m just going to make a list, because it’s easier that way:

Lies My Teacher Told Me
Steel Crow Saga
Dead Voices
The Invention of Wings

What I’m saying is this book is looooong and not terribly thrilling for most of it. Best come prepared if you decide to pick it up.

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Tag … You’re It!

Melanie and Mirielle
✿ YOU!

Chat With Me

Do you agree with any of my choices? What would some of your choices be?

7 responses to “Tag Thursday: The Productivity Book Tag

  1. Wicked!!! I read Wicked when it was released (whatever year that was) and absolutely loved it. Maguire has always been a favorite author of mine😁

    • Yes! His work is fabulous, and I bought some of his other stuff while I was waiting for him to finish that series. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really a fan of the last book and the way it ended. =/ But ah well, can’t win them all.

    • I don’t know how you do it. I try. I really do. But I get so sucked into one book that I end up just reading it through anyway. xD

      • I will often get to a point of no return with books, and at that point I will binge one book until it’s done. But up until that point, I can happily read multiple books at once. It helps that one is usually an audiobook, and another is my bedtime reading, so those have dedicated times when I read them.

  2. Woah, I didn’t realize you read all those other books while reading Priory 🤣 I’m still really sorry that the majority of the group didn’t enjoy the read. I didn’t think it was all that bad, and I still haven’t even written my review and I don’t know if I will anymore now (lmao sad)!!! Thanks for the tag on this one, Sammie 😊 Productivity always gives me a bad case of procrastination too haha

    • I did. Because it took a month. xD Oops haha. And it was the sort of book that I could only read in small doses, because it was just so dense. I didn’t think it was that bad, either. I gave it three stars. I don’t think I’ll write an official review for it, either, though, at this point. I just really don’t have anything to say. xD

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