Tag Thursday: The Book Blogger Memory Tag

Posted November 21, 2019 by Sammie in blogger tags, book tags, chat with me / 10 Comments

Spoiler alert: I have a really bad memory.

So that’ll probably make this post a little extra funny, but also gosh this is going to be so freaking hard. Because I’m 99% sure I should know these things, but also … my brain just randomly leaks out important facts to make room for silly ones, because knowing the Spanish and French alphabets is important, I guess?

I wasn’t tagged for this, but I saw it on Dini @ DiniPandaReads‘ blog, and it looked like a ton of fun (and also trouble), so obviously, I’m in!

Heart Divider


You must answer these questions without looking anything up on the internet and without looking at your bookshelves! (Pretty simple, right?)

Heart Divider

Name a book by an author called Michael

The Word Eater

This was sort of easy for me! I read this one with my daughter, and we’ve read a good chunk of this series, so it sort of just stuck with me. I remember this title, in particular, because it reminds me of Mark Strand’s poem “Eating Poetry,” which I always thought was weird, but I studied his work (and met him) in college. I also had a recent conversation with someone about Michael Dahl and if he’s related to Roald Dahl (I don’t think so?), so this one was kind of already cemented into my brain.

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Name a book with a dragon on the cover

A Natural History of Dragons

I mean … you didn’t actually think I would fail this one, now did you? I even gave you two for the price of one: a book with a dragon on the cover AND dragon in the title. For optimum dragon exposure! You’re welcome.

Heart Divider

Name a book about a character called George ✦

Harry Potter

Short of using Dini’s own answer of Curious George (which I’m trying not to do, for obvious reasons) … I’ve got nothing. I don’t even know. All I can think is George Weasley, but let’s be honest … the book isn’t about him. He just happens to feature in it, and even if he is one of the greatest characters in it (because duh), that still doesn’t make it his book.

Heart Divider

Name a book written by an author with the surname Smith

The Wealth of Nations

Oh, gosh, yeah, I have no idea. Uncle? I had to Google it, so this one is a fail. I feel sort of silly that I couldn’t remember Adam Smith. I knew that there was this philosophy book, you know, by one of the early people that influenced … things. So obviously I should have remembered his name. I’ve read The Wealth of Nations. I actually might even own it? So I feel like forgetting his name was all the more a betrayal. My bad.

Heart Divider

Name a book set in Australia


This one was easy, because I’ve actually read several books in the past year or two that were set in Australia. Not sure why Australia is so popular all fo a sudden, since it’s a continent hell-bent on destroying its population through any crazy sci-fi-esque way it can … and I mean that in the best possible way, obviously. But I do love reading books set there.

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Name a book with the name of a month in the title

Remember, Remember (The Fifth of November)

I half cheated with this one. But that means I also half got it? Is there partial credit in this thing?! The book Dini used was the only one I could think of off the top of my head, but shucks, I knew there had to be a book out there that used the Guy Fawkes Gunpowder Plot rhyme as a title. In fact, there are several. So boo-yah!

Heart Divider

Name a book with a knife on the cover

The Knife of Never Letting Go

I feel like I should get bonus points for this one, again, too, because … double points for the title also having a knife in it! Woot woot! Look at me being all smart and stuff. That’s totally what it is and not a quick, semi-cheating way to find books that fit. xD

Heart Divider

Name a book with the word ‘one’ in the title

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

I never read this, so I really don’t have much to say, but in all honesty, this was the first thing that popped into my head. Goodness knows I’ve heard the title often enough.

Heart Divider

Name a book with an eponymous title

The Trials of Morrigan Crow

Soooo … I totally had to Google with eponymous means, so I think that constitutes a fail right there? But once I knew what it was, I had soooo many possibilities that I actually had to narrow this down. I love Morrigan Crow, though, and she deserves to have a book titled after her, so I went with that.

Heart Divider

Name a book turned into a movie

The Art of Racing in the Rain

This one was easy, only because it’s been stuck in my brain because I want to see the dang movie and haven’t been able to yet. I’m actually really looking forward to it!

Chat With Me

I’ll admit, I didn’t do nearly as bad as I thought I would. How about you? Are you ready to take up the challenge?!

10 responses to “Tag Thursday: The Book Blogger Memory Tag

  1. I… had to Google eponymous also. 😉 But this tag looks like fun! I am going to save it for later, so that I can answer it without remembering your answers (hopefully). Maybe a couple months will be good enough for that?

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