First Line Friday 56 || Would You Play The Game?

Posted January 3, 2020 by Sammie in #amreading, Book Beginnings, First Line Friday, Friday 56 / 40 Comments

It’s time to play “guess that book” and also watch our TBRs weep.

Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and is all about the first line of a current/upcoming read. Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda’s Voice, where you turn to page 56 (or 56%) in what you’re reading a find a snippet that jumps out at you.

First Lines

The blue light of the computer screen was flickering on Charlie’s and Peter’s faces, making them look like astronauts lit by the cosmos.

Heart Divider

56% Snippet

All Your Dreams Come True™, he thought.
Why did it feel so shitty?

Heart Divider

Book Reveal

Click To Reveal The Book
The God Game

You are invited!
Come inside and play with G.O.D.
Bring your friends!
It’s fun!
But remember the rules. Win and ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE.™ Lose, you die!

With those words, Charlie and his friends enter the G.O.D. Game, a video game run by underground hackers and controlled by a mysterious AI that believes it’s God. Through their phone-screens and high-tech glasses, the teens’ realities blur with a virtual world of creeping vines, smoldering torches, runes, glyphs, gods, and mythical creatures. When they accomplish a mission, the game rewards them with expensive tech, revenge on high-school tormentors, and cash flowing from ATMs. Slaying a hydra and drawing a bloody pentagram as payment to a Greek god seem harmless at first. Fun even.

But then the threatening messages start. Worship me. Obey me. Complete a mission, however cruel, or the game reveals their secrets and crushes their dreams. Tasks that seemed harmless at first take on deadly consequences. Mysterious packages show up at their homes. Shadowy figures start following them, appearing around corners, attacking them in parking garages. Who else is playing this game, and how far will they go to win?

And what of the game’s first promise: win, win big, lose, you die? Dying in a virtual world doesn’t really mean death in real life—does it?

As Charlie and his friends try to find a way out of the game, they realize they’ve been manipulated into a bigger web they can’t escape: an AI that learned its cruelty from watching us.

God is always watching, and He says when the game is done.

Heart Divider

Reasons to Read

✿ Rogue AIs are the best AIs. This one just happens to claim it’s God.
✿ I mean, maybe it is. What do I know?
✿ Teen drama, but with the stakes ramped up a lot.
✿ All the dark twists and turns.
✿ Super realistic game that could literally be a thing today.
✿ It should be a thing today, because heck I want to play it.
✿ Even if it kills me. (Hint: It’d probably kill me.)

Chat With Me

What’s your first line (or a favorite line) from what you’re reading this week?

40 responses to “First Line Friday 56 || Would You Play The Game?

  1. I’m about halfway through this and I’m terrified! Lol. This is one of those books where the suspense is killing me😁

    • Listen. I hit 75% laaaate last night and couldn’t put the stupid thing down, stayed up to a ridiculous hour to finish it, and now I have no regrets. Trust me, it just keeps getting better. I hope you enjoy the rest of it!

  2. Interesting. It’s always weird to see the first lines of books out of context. Like, does this book have anything to do with astronauts, or is the author just trying to be poetic or something?

    • I was thinking the same thing as I was typing it up. Like wow, that gives nothing away about the book unless you’ve read the synopsis. Then it sort of makes sense, and I like the whole comparison to something grandiose and cosmic. But it really doesn’t say much standing on its own.

  3. Ah! I keep seeing this book on friend’s timelines, but never read the synopsis! I didn’t know it involved rogue AIs!!! My January schedule it way too packed to add it this month, but I’m going to look more seriously into this book now!!

    • Oof, tell me about it. Mine’s packed, too (in a good way, because yay awesome books), but I hope you get a chance to read it! It was so worth it.

          • Oh man we are helpless 😂😂

            I actually just found out one of my arcs got moved to March so my last week of January is actually clear now. Which I’ll obviously need for late Jan. arcs or Feb. jumpstarts 😂

  4. I actually liked the first line. It made me feel like there was something bigger going on than just a computer game. I also like the use of the trademark symbol.
    Nothing better than a novel you can’t put down.

  5. I have to confess that I read very little from either YA, Fantasy, or Sci-Fi genres, so this wouldn’t be a book I would automatically search out for myself.

    However, your extracts had me intrigued, the ‘Guess The Book’ element of the post is such a great idea, and as for that premise – it really made me want to read the book – especially the final line!

    I hope that you enjoy a year full of great reads like this one 🙂


    • That sums up the majority of the books I read. xD

      It was such a good book! That blurb gets me every time, too.

      Thank you! I hope your year is full of fantastic reads, too.

  6. What a terrifying premise! Sounds like a suspenseful read. I’m definitely intrigued for more. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂

    • I think first lines can definitely make or break a book. If it takes me five pages and my eyes are glassing over, I’m probably not going to pick up your book. If I read five lines and already I want more, you’ve won. Take my money. xD

      I use a plug-in called Collapse-O-Matic! It’s super easy to use, and I like hiding Goodreads summaries to make posts neater, so it was obviously a match made in heaven.

    • I picked it up after several blogs I follow left really positive reviews, so I snuck it in before release (which is today, although my review won’t be up until Thursday). I really enjoyed it.

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