Minion’s Magical Menagerie: Unicorns

Posted January 25, 2020 by Sammie in chat with me, discussions, Minion's Magical Menagerie / 7 Comments

Step right up, gentle folk, and behold all the splendors awaiting you at

Minion's Magical Menagerie

Being that my Minion is eight and knows everything there is to know about the world, she’s decided to (rather generously) share her knowledge with you. And aren’t you honored?

Every now and then, my Minion will stop by my blog and bring along some friends for us to meet. Sometimes they’ll be spooky. Sometimes friendly. But always magical.

Because being normal is boring and overrated, and who doesn’t love magic? So today’s magical creature will be …


unicorn GIF by Ice Breakers

Heart Divider

Why unicorns?

Because I like unicorns. They’re pretty and magical and can climb rainbows.

If I were a unicorn …

I would have rainbow hair with a gold horn and a white body with hearts on my back. I’d use healing magic to help unicorns get better when they’re hurt.

I’d like you to meet …

Fabio from Amelia Fang and the Unicorn Lords. He’s nice, and he’s friends with Florence dressed as a unicorn. He invites Florence to have Cuddly Custard Pies. It’s nice to invite people to have things.

About the Book

Amelia, Florence, and Grimaldi are dressed as animals of the light, because they’re trying to find a fairy that went missing. They went into the world of light, and Florence came face-to-face with a unicorn, and it was Fabio.


Five unicorn horns! 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄 🦄

Mommy’s favorite unicorn

I read this book when I was Minion’s age, so I can tell you pretty much nothing about it except that there were unicorns and they talked and I absolutely loved the entire series. Plus, the cover’s absolutely gorgeous. But really, what’s not to love about a whole world full of unicorns?

Chat With Me

What’s your favorite unicorn book, or who’s your favorite unicorn?

7 responses to “Minion’s Magical Menagerie: Unicorns

    • Honestly, it’s a hard phase to get out of. I keep trying to think, but I can’t recall any recent unicorn books I’ve read? But I still perk up when someone mentions unicorns being in a book LOL.

    • Thank you so much for turning us on to them! Probably never would’ve found them without you, and she’s already asked for the next two for her birthday and if we’ll preorder the third for Easter. xD Coming from a reluctant reader, that says a lot.

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