All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace || Pirates and Soul Magic

Posted January 27, 2020 by Sammie in book review, eARC, Edelweiss, fantasy, three stars, young adult / 14 Comments

All the Stars and Teeth

Title: All the Stars and Teeth
Author: Adalyn Grace
Publication Date: February 4, 2020
Publisher: Imprint
Format: Edelweiss eARC

Click For Goodreads Summary

Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaids seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice, Adalyn Grace’s All the Stars and Teeth is a thrilling fantasy for fans of Stephanie Garber’s Caraval and Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series.

She will reign.

As princess of the island kingdom Visidia, Amora Montara has spent her entire life training to be High Animancer—the master of souls. The rest of the realm can choose their magic, but for Amora, it’s never been a choice. To secure her place as heir to the throne, she must prove her mastery of the monarchy’s dangerous soul magic.

When her demonstration goes awry, Amora is forced to flee. She strikes a deal with Bastian, a mysterious pirate: he’ll help her prove she’s fit to rule, if she’ll help him reclaim his stolen magic.

But sailing the kingdom holds more wonder—and more peril—than Amora anticipated. A destructive new magic is on the rise, and if Amora is to conquer it, she’ll need to face legendary monsters, cross paths with vengeful mermaids, and deal with a stow-away she never expected… or risk the fate of Visidia and lose the crown forever.

I am the right choice. The only choice. And I will protect my kingdom.

Three Stars eARC Fantasy YA Gore

Pirates, hm? Say no more. These days, that’s really all it takes.

Yes, I’m sad, but I love it. Fantasy adventure is always a winning combination, in my opinion, and throwing in pirates and forbidden magic just sweetens the deal.

All the Stars and Teeth is chock full of action, bloody fights, wondrous magic, found family, and all the most delicious secrets. Oh, and did I mention the snarky mermaid?!

I had a really hard time getting into this book at first, and I think it was just me not being in the mood for it? But by about midway through, I got caught up and rushed through the rest. How there’s going to be a sequel, I don’t know, because I thought the ending wrapped up 99% of the problems sufficiently well where I’m really not feeling the need or urge for another one? But I’ll definitely check out the next book in the series just the same.

❧ The main character, Amora, craves adventure, and adventure she gets. Luckily, we get to go along for the ride.

Phew, and what a ride it is. The beginning starts really slow, especially since it’s all prep for her demonstration, and we know that she fails it. I mean, it says that right there in the blurb. So the first 15% or so felt like a waste, with Amora proclaiming how she’s ready and it’ll be fine because she was born for this, and me rolling my eyes because we already know how it ends. I kept putting the book down and not wanting to pick it back up, and I had concerns.

After that initial slog, though, the pace generally picks right up. There’s sailing, bartering for information, sword fights, magic fights, running from the law, more sailing—you know, all the proper piratey stuff.

Since Amora herself has never actually seen the world in this book, it was rather charming getting to see it from her perspective, because the reader gets to learn with the character.

We’re both coming to these new islands with fresh eyes, not knowing what to expect, and since she’s never seen it before, her shock seems genuine. The descriptions also feel natural, as she takes it all in and compares it to her home, which we got to know fairly well in the first part of the book. It definitely felt like getting to ride along on a large-scale adventure. Except without getting blood stains on your clothes, so … win-win.

“And why couldn’t the baron make it, exactly?” He runs his finger over the wax emblem as if to test it.

Unfazed, Bastian says, “You read the letter; I’m afraid he’s been infected by a rather nasty stomach bug. Let’s just say that my father didn’t want to risk making a fool of himself from both ends.”

❧ While I didn’t love Amora, I appreciated her fierceness and loyalty.

Her character felt a little too shallow for me, personally. Her entire existence seemed to revolve around this one thing, and I didn’t think there was a whole lot of growth in her character. Still, I do appreciate a character who’s fiercely loyal, and I’m especially a sucker when it’s a ruler who’s loyal to their people. Call me sentimental. What can I say?

Between her soul magic and weaponry skills, Amora is no damsel in distress, and I found her determination to be admirable.

Who doesn’t like a princess that’s willing to threaten her enemies and slit a few throats to save the life of her and her crew? Yes, please. There were some exciting fight scenes, and I enjoyed Amora’s ingenuity in some instances.

“This is a ceremonial outfit I just killed a man in. So no, I won’t be wearing this to sleep, thank you. And all I have beneath this dress is skin I’d prefer to keep covered, considering I’m on a pirate’s ship.”

While Ferrick’s pale skin darkens to crimson, Bastian’s expression contorts into feigned horror.

Keel Haul may be ferocious, but she is still a lady. I would never dare plague her sensitivity by having you parade around naked.”

❧ Bastian is everything you would hope a pirate would be, and I’m smitten.

He’s a character that’s so easy to love, because he’s easygoing, sarcastic, constantly cracking jokes. Yet, there’s so much more going on behind his carefree surface, and it comes to light little by little. Falling in love with him was easy, and rooting for him was even easier. Plus, the whole pirate thing is kinda sexy, not gonna lie.

“Fine, keep your secrets. But remember that if you try anything, I’ll stab you without a second thought.”

“Are you flirting with me?” he teases. “It’s a bit hard to tell, considering how terrifying you are.”

❧ Vataea is a force unto her own, and I absolutely love her for it.

Remember how I mentioned a snarky mermaid? That’s Vataea, through and through. She was probably my favorite character of this whole thing. She had an especially dark personality that just worked for me, but she had plenty of other things to offer, too. Even when she was at a disadvantage, she was a quick thinker and never backed down. I definitely want more of her and more stories about her.

“I’ve a collection of men who I intend to repay for how generous they were to me.” Vataea’s smile gleams wicked. “Dismemberment for anyone who ever tried to touch me. The tongue flayed from those with wicked mouths. And the hearts eaten from any man who’s ever told me to smile.”

❧ This crew just worked ridiculously well here, and the side characters particularly shone for me.

Okay, true, I pretty much loved them all on their own, so … duh? But also, as a team, they were brilliant. Mostly because they were forced to work together against their will (hellooo favorite trope) in order to achieve their personal goals. Ferrick’s quiet, shy steadfastness was a perfect balance for Bastian’s outgoing, flirty nature. Of course the boys needed a female (or two) to counteract their … maleness? Which led to some really funny situations. Like you ever wonder what happens when a woman gets her monthly in the middle of an adventure? No? Welp, you’re about to find out. It’s perfect.

Ferrick wears a deep frown of unease. “To think that this is truly how I’m living my life.” He sighs, brushing a wet hand through his waves and flattening the hair down to his scalp.

“Most men would die for this opportunity.” Vataea lifts a defiant chin into the air.

Ferrick’s snort is mixed with a sharp, nervous laugh. “Most men do die for this opportunity.”

❧ Amora’s constant reaffirmations of her goal get really repetitive.

It felt a bit like I was being beaten over the head with it. Yes, I’ve got it. It’s a great goal. It’s a great cause. I’m here with you. But I haven’t forgotten in the last 20 pages what you’re trying to achieve. This might’ve just been me, but it was said so many times. I try to read carefully (because I love picking up little foreshadowings in text) so maybe if you don’t read as carefully, you might not even notice or it wouldn’t bother you. But it started grating on my nerves just a little.

❧ Considering the build-up to it, the climax felt underwhelming.

I don’t want to say it was too easy, because that’s not quite accurate. Too quick and clean, perhaps, is a better way to describe it. There were so many times during the book when the stakes were high and I had legitimate concerns for our intrepid heroes. The ending, unfortunately, wasn’t one of those times, and it really should have been.

❧ It was really hard keeping track of which islands used which types of magic.

On the one hand, the diversity of magic was fun, and it was exciting getting to see people using it in different ways and with different effects. But there are seven islands, with seven different types of magic, and seven different gemstones/colors that represent them, and seven very different cultures. I know there’s a little cheat sheet in the front of the book that lists them, but I hate having to flip back to that in the middle of reading to figure out what Valukan magic is, for example. I just struggled to keep them all straight as the characters traveled.

❧ The secondary characters seemed underutilized, which is a shame, because I loved them so.

For me, they really made the book, since I didn’t connect much to Amora. Bastian got some good screentime, but Ferrick and Vataea, unfortunately, felt relegated to convenient plot points. They were there when they needed to do something to move the plot forward, and that was pretty much it. It’s hard juggling four characters, and I get that, but I really wanted to know more about Ferrick and Vataea, in particular. We get brief little hints about them, so I’m rather hoping the second book will give us more of a glimpse into their lives.

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14 responses to “All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace || Pirates and Soul Magic

  1. This book has been getting a lot of buzz. Despite some of your issues, I’m very curious to read it, especially because of the mermaid character!

    • It’s one I’d really recommend! My biggest issue was just not feeling Amora (and since she’s the point of view character, that made the story a little meh) and having a hard time getting into it. But I definitely recommend giving it a read, if only for the side characters (and especially Vataea, heck yes).

  2. evelynreads1

    I keep seeing this one around, makes me very curious! Sad to see this wasn’t perfect for you!
    Great review!


    • It wasn’t perfect, but it was still a fun read! I’d definitely recommend it, especially if you’re looking for a bit of dark adventure. :3

    • Yeeeeah … I get the teeth bit, but I’m not sure where the stars come from? I hope you read it, though! It was a lot of fun and stabbiness. 😀

  3. Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t love this one more! I remember you mentioning that you were struggling to get into it. I’m glad to hear it picked up though! I honestly feel the most attracted to this because of the cover? Hahaha I have to be honest and say I had no clue what it was about until now 🤣 Sad times. I hate when the main characters aren’t half as interesting or great as the side characters! It sounds like I’d love Bastien and Vataea (that quote that you share from her is particularly bad ass!) though! 😍 Snarky mermaids and dashing pirates, yes please!!! I think I’m still curious enough to give this one a read but I think I’ll definitely lower my expectations. Great review, Sammie!

    • I would definitely still recommend this, even if only for the side characters, because they were lovely. I intend to read the second one just in the hopes that we get more of them. xD I think that’s really the thing, is if I don’t connect with the main character in some way, I’m just not going to love a story. So I’d definitely still recommend this one, because if you do like Amora, it’s gonna be a great experience. It was still a good read, even though I wasn’t fond of her. xD

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