Why I Love Problematic Romances (Ft. My Favorite Unhealthy Bookish Pairings)

Posted February 11, 2020 by Sammie in chat with me, romance, top ten tuesdays / 34 Comments

It has come to my attention that I love absolutely problematic, unhealthy pairings.

The rougher, the better. I’m not talking about outright abuse. I’m talking about the pairing that you look at and go, “Oh, this is gonna be a dumpster fire,” so you grab the marshmallows and chocolate and a good seat where you can see the action and prepare to make s’mores.

I suppose I shouldn’t be particularly surprised, considering my favorite romantic trope is enemies to lovers. Of course there’s going to be some weird, problematic junk rising up from that. And I want all of it. With some caveats.

In order for me to ship a couple, it has to be two people who are individually strong on their own who have the power to choose to be together.

It’s just not sexy if one side is a wilting daisy being shoehorned into this relationship, even if they say it’s what they want. It’s also not sexy to force someone into a relationship against their will.

I also fully realize that I would not recommend real people to enter into similar relationships in real life.

I mean, sure, it’s all good for the badass assassin to date another assassin, even if it sometimes ends in bodily harm as they struggle to do their individual jobs and get in each other’s way … but you’re not an assassin. No, don’t even try to argue. Assassins don’t read this blog. They’re out reading Murder Nightly or some such blog. I don’t know.

I read largely fantasy or paranormal romance, which means I don’t actually think any of these things could happen in real life. Except maybe the dragons. Pleeeease let the dragons happen. I’m happy to simply let these pairings be what they are and live their best lives on the page.

So why do I like problematic relationships? Well, here are a few reasons:

✿ The individuals tend to be strong, opinionated people on their own.
✿ Romance is sometimes hard. Fight for it, darn you!
✿ A couple that goes through some stuff and makes it out the other side has some staying power.
✿ I want to see all the nitty, ugly parts of the relationship grow into something beautiful.
✿ One-upmanship is sexy.
✿ Sometimes beating someone up and not killing them is like saying, “I love you. And you’re welcome.”

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is a love freebie, so I thought it’d be a good idea to go over my favorite problematic pairings.

Because even messed up people deserve love, too. Some of these may not be canon pairings, but they’re characters who seem to have a “thing,” which I so generously would love to see develop into more of a “thing,” whether they like it or not, darn it. Sometimes characters just don’t know what’s good for them and you have to help them out with it.

Heart Divider

Aina x Kohl

From: Diamond City

Problematic Because: Uhh … where do I even start with this? SO MANY FREAKING THINGS. The beginning of which, Kohl took Aina in and basically groomed her, so for most of the book, she has a bit of a hero worship infatuation with him. The rest is just … spoilers.

What I Love: Aina’s character arc has her growing into herself and into her own. I ship them at the point where Aina realizes she’s more than Kohl, greater than Kohl, and she doesn’t need him. The minute she realizes she can take him down, that’s the point I started shipping this couple. Will it happen in canon? Unlikely. But that doesn’t mean I can’t pretend.

Heart Divider

Eliana x Simon

From: Furyborn

Problematic Because: Enemies on opposing sides of a war, which, you know, always poses some problems.

What I Love: The Dread is a sexy name. The Wolf is also a sexy name. See? Clearly destined to be together. I just love the will they/won’t they of this. I mean, there are so many things that need to be put aside for this ship to work. Like their allegiances, their hatred, their desire to stab the other one. Actually, you know what? Once they’re married, it’s fair game if they want to stab each other, so I take that back.

Heart Divider

Liesl x Der Erlkonig

From: Wintersong

Problematic Because: Creepy old guy ends up falling for a kid, asks her to marry him, and then casually kidnaps her as an adult to follow through with said marriage.

What I Love: It’s a Hades/Persephone retelling, so of course there were going to be problems. Liesl may not have a lot of agency in this … but eventually she does. She sort of makes her own agency as she goes. And for Der Erlkonig’s part … he genuinely does love her? Not that it makes the whole kidnapping thing any better, obviously. One might argue this is a case of Stockholm, buuuut … I mean, you can only do so much with retellings, and it’s not like Liesl had to love him. All she had to do was play a part, if she’d really wanted. But the way the characters sort of grew together from genuine interests, which formed into mutual respect is what made me love this, despite it’s problematic origins.

Heart Divider

Jude x Cardan

From: The Cruel Prince

Problematic Because: They hate each other, constantly threaten to murder the other one, and one is 95.24% likely to stab the other one at some point. Probably in a non-lethal way, but hey, who knows.

What I Love: This is the quintessential dumpster fire. And yet … I can’t look away? Both Jude and Cardan are such solid characters on their own, and I love them each separately. But together? Ooooh myyyy. This is a level of one-upmanship rarely seen, I think, and I just love it. They hate each other. But they love each other. But they hate each other. But they hate other people more. It’s so freaking complicated and ugly and yes, I’m all in for this.

Heart Divider

Kaz x Inej

From: Six of Crows

Problematic Because: Emotionally unavailable male unable to give up his bid for vengeance meets female who just wants something more out of life.

What I Love: OMG I JUST WANT TO SMOOSH THESE TWO TOGETHER AND WHACK THEM OVER THE HEAD AT THE SAME TIME. Kaz won’t say what he’s feeling and thinking, and Inej keeps brushing off what she notices as being something else and I just … grrr.

I actually haven’t read Crooked Kingdom yet (soon, my lovely … soon. I’m coming for you), so I don’t really know how this pairing ends, but my gut says … not happily ever after? Which is a shame. They deserve it. Inej and Kaz together could rule the dang world.

I think I love this just a little more, because my husband is very much like Kaz. He’s really freaking bad at sharing his feelings, and he speaks through his actions, so you have to really pay attention to it. I’m just clearly better at it than Inej is. Which is fair. Not everyone wants or can deal with that sort of nonsense. But I’m still rooting for this power couple just the same.

Heart Divider

Mia x Tric

From: Nevernight

Problematic Because: This is just … spoilers. Spoilers everywhere! You get a spoiler, and you get a spoiler. EVERYBODY GETS A SPOILER. But also … two assassins falling in love will just always have problems, especially in a setting where they’re meant to compete against each other.

What I Love: Look. I’ve read the whole series. I know what happens. I still ship this. Even though anyone who’s read the first book completely will understand why it’s problematic. But OMFG Tric is just adorable and deserves all the happiness. He is the Hufflepuff of assassins, okay? He’s loyal and caring, but also ruthless and determined. I don’t know how those traits combine, but they just do. And he’s perfect.

The chemistry between him and Mia was immediate and automatic, and they were so in lock step and kept up with each other without missing a beat. I’m not prepared to go down with this ship. To heck with that. I refuse to let this ship sink. We’re just going to sail off into the sunset, to our happily ever after.

Heart Divider

Enna x Maekallus

From: The Will and the Wilds

Problematic Because: He sort of wants to eat her soul, and her world is currently destroying him.

What I Love: Okay, first, can I just say that I will forever love tough red-headed fighter demons (helloooo Kurama). The relationship is obviously toxic. Literally. Yet … it’s lovely. They’re lovely. Just because it starts off rocky, doesn’t mean a relationship can’t work out sometimes. Even if one of them’s a demon who wants to eat the other’s mortal soul.

Heart Divider

Gideon x Harrow

From: Gideon the Ninth

Problematic Because: They obviously hate each other, and being in each other’s vicinity causes excruciating pain and emotional agony.

What I Love: This obviously isn’t canon, and I’m okay with that. They have a special sort of love that doesn’t have to be a romantic pairing, but I still love it. I mean, okay, enemies forced to work together is a big YES. But OMFG these women are badasses. They both have things to work on personality-wise (and rest assured, they do in this book), but there’s nothing like two powerful women coming together to torch their enemies. Or in this case, I suppose, fling reanimated corpses at them. It’s all good.

Heart Divider

Jane x Gideon

From: Dread Nation / Deathless Divide

Problematic Because: I’m not sure there’s a non-spoilerish way I can legitimately answer this question? So how about we go with he’s white and she’s black and this is set in a time where that still very much matters? Even though, ha, that’s the least of it.

What I Love: Each of these characters on their own, obviously. Heck, if I could marry Jane myself, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Sorry, hubby, but … Jane. It’s a no-brainer. Jane is more of a Chaotic Good … and Gideon’s more of a Chaotic Neutral. The two just aren’t great together … but I mean, they totally could be and bring out the best in each other, yeah? No? Well, I tried.

Okay, this one is just all around problematic, and these characters don’t belong together, but I want them together anyway. I want either Gideon to lean more to the Chaotic Good side, and they work towards dragging this zombie-infested world into changing, whether it likes it or not. Or I want Jane to veer more towards Chaotic Neutral (which, to be fair, mission almost accomplished on its own) and they can just be their awesome selves together while they watch the world burn. I’m oddly okay with both scenarios?

Heart Divider

Talasseres (Tal) x Just … Everyone

From: The Unspoken Name

Problematic Because: Umm … I dunno. Higher risk for STDs? High probability of sleeping with the wrong person and being executed … or being caught by the wrong person and being executed?

What I Love: I haven’t finished this yet, so I actually don’t know how Tal’s arc ends (if it even ends in this book). But so far? I just love him. He’s cunning enough to know how to get what he wants, and suave enough to get it. People easily fall in love with him, because he’s just so charming. To a fault. He’s not above sleeping with someone to get what he wants, and I love it.

Tal is just one of those characters that I never see settling down. I want to support him getting out there and living his best life, even if that means sleeping with the majority of people in all the worlds. Yeah, why not? Have some fun. Live a little.

Chat With Me

What are your favorite problematic pairings, whether they’re canon or not?

34 responses to “Why I Love Problematic Romances (Ft. My Favorite Unhealthy Bookish Pairings)

  1. Mismatched pairings can be fun, as you say, to watch from the sidelines, when they’re done well. It’s the basis of every good RomCom we all love too. Right?

  2. So the only one I’m familiar with is Jude and Cardan although I own several of the other books you mention. And I’m totally on board with Jude and Cardan. Like you, my favorite trope if I do read romance is ememies to lovers so I totally understand what you are saying. And yes, dragons are real right?

    • Of course. The dragons are just smart and know that we humans are a dumpster fire. They’re somewhere eating s’mores while watching us. 😉

      I feel like enemies-to-lovers will pretty much never be a healthy relationship, because how can it? LOL.

  3. lydiaschoch

    I like the way you think, Sammie, in part because I run screaming from problematic couples in stories. Thank you for explaining your perspective so clearly. It makes sense.

    My TTT .

    • I know soooo many people who do, so I’m kind of used to that, but I’m happy to just let everyone read (or not read) what they like. 🙂 I do think it’s always nice to hear why people have their preferences, though.

  4. Kessie

    As a writer, this amuses me, because I pretty much only write dumpster fire romances of characters who should not be together. The more obstacles between them, the better. Currently messing with a space marine who frees an alien slave girl who then owes him her life. It could get steamy.

    • I don’t generally read a bunch of spacey stuff, but I’m 100% in favor of steaminess in this instance. 😍 Sounds like my kind of romance.

  5. So, I’ve never read any of these, but Six of Crows is at the top of my list. I’m trying to get to it as quickly as I can. 😉 But reading how much you love problematic relationships made me think of one of my favorite series, The Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker, which features a stoic assassin. If you haven’t heard of it, you should check it out! I think the first one is still free on amazon. <3

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    • I definitely recommend Six of Crows! I’m on a heist trope kick now that I read it. xD

      Oooh, I hadn’t heard of it, but I just grabbed the first book. Thanks! 😀 It sounds wonderful.

    • I knoooow. But I sort of don’t like the way you’re saying that. D: Is that a good you need to read or a bad you need to read? Or it’s complicated? Ah, heck with it, I need to bump that up my TBR and get to it soon. xD

  6. I love this, Sammie! I mean, it takes guts to admit you love problematic relationships, ha ha😁 I’m also reading The Unspoken Name right now but I haven’t read far enough to have an opinion about Tal. But I can’t wait!

    • I so do, though. xD At least I know I’m not alone.

      It’s ended up being pretty … meh … for me. I hope you’re having a better time with it! I do hope you love Tal, though. He’s fabulous. I still love him (and I’m close enough to done where I’ll be finishing tonight).

  7. See, this is part of why I love my paranormal romances. You can have problematic romances that also make perfect sense. On the other hand, I do agree 1000% with your note that both partners have to have the power to choose. A forced choice is not the same thing as a choice.

    And yes please on the dragons.

  8. Great topic/twist on the romance theme! Love seeing everyone’s spin on the freebie. I feel like all ships are fairly problematic at their cores because people, and fictional characters, are complex and flawed and we all have our shared issues. Combined, it can definitely be explosive. Which is why it always fascinates me what we’re drawn to in real life and fiction. I spy quite a few of my more ‘problematic’ ships on here, too! So! Totally dig this one.

    • It’s definitely interesting, isn’t it? I’ve had this chat with my mother-in-law, who likes what I would deem abusive relationship in fiction. But she says she’d never want anything like that for herself in real life. She just enjoys it in fiction? I guess it gives people a safe place to explore something that they wouldn’t normally in life, and that’s the point of reading, isn’t it?

  9. FIRST of all I am SOOOOOO glad that someone else shipped Jane and Gideon! I was over here wondering if I had lost my damn mind 😂 I wanted them, if nothing else, to have very angry sex at some point hahah. But I actually kind of agree, so often these relationships are just good fun to read about! And while some of them stay problematic, sometimes it leads to growth and change and such!

    My favorite problematic pairing HAS to be Raven and Murphy in The 100. Even though I love Emori and Murphy, there’s always been something about that twosome that has intrigued me!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…March 2020 Of Books Giveaway Hop Sign UpMy Profile

    • OMG THANK YOU, BRAIN TWIN. I felt so isolated, over here in my little sinking ship. xD We can be stranded on this same deserted island. Angry sex can be sexy. And you never know, they could’ve turned out differently together, with each other’s influence.

      I know you love The 100, but I’ve actually never seen it? Read it? I think it’s got a series of books, too, right? Even though it’s a show? I actually know nothing about it. xD

  10. I haven’t read most of these books, but I definitely agree about Kaz and Inej. In general, I think I’m also a fan of problematic romances, like Buffy and Spike on BTVS. They just tend to be more interesting to read/watch.

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