Characters I’d Follow on Social Media (Ft. Inappropriate Feeds, I’m Sure)

Posted February 25, 2020 by Sammie in chat with me, top ten tuesdays / 52 Comments

If there’s one thing bloggers are good at, it’s following people on social media.

You know, because we get plenty of practice doing that instead of, like, writing blog posts and formatting our website and doing those nasty little things that we’re supposed to be doing. You can’t really call it procrastination, because social media is part of being a book blogger, too. So we’ll say it’s procrastination adjacent.

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is about characters I’d follow on social media, and this is such a unique idea that I honestly never even really gave it a thought before.

I just loved the idea, and it immediately got my mind whirring. Who would I follow? It’s no secret that I love sarcastic, snarky, stabby characters, but would I actually follow them on social media? Ehhhh I don’t know. Stabbiness doesn’t generally translate well into 280 characters, and it for sure doesn’t make for very pretty pictures.

But before we get into the ten that I actually settled on, I’d like to draw your attention to a few spoof accounts that exist specifically with this intention, and I absolutely love them.

Character Spoof Accounts I Follow:
Incorrect Cruel Prince
Incorrect Steel Crow Saga
Gum Baby
Brooding YA Hero
Incorrect Witcher
Wrong Omens

Heart Divider

✦ Murderbot ✦

From All Systems Red

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Sarcasm on point … but sort of accidentally?
✿ Lots of pretty space/planet pictures.
✿ Won’t post too much, so I’d know it was important when they did.
✿ All the best TV show recommendations, I’m sure.
✿ Wouldn’t be offended if we never actually interact.
✿ Actually, would probably prefer it that way.

I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.

Heart Divider

✦ August ✦

From A Thousand Perfect Notes

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Knows all the best foodie places in town.
✿ Feed full of food AND cute animals.
✿ So, you know, the best of all worlds.
✿ Would likely grow up into an activist, so … good source of news?
✿ Fabulous sense of humor, so likely quite entertaining.
✿ Lots of great music recommendations.

But August yanks the bud from her ear and shoves it at Beck. ‘Listen to this. You have to. Your existence depends on it.’

‘Meaning what? You’re going to kill me and toss me in some ditch if I don’t?’

‘Yes,’ says August sincerely. ‘Don’t turn me into a murderer. Just listen to it.’

Heart Divider

✦ Lian ✦

From Black Leviathan

Reasons to Follow:
✿ So many opportunities for stunning photographs.
✿ Great sort of travel Instagram featuring the Cloudmere.
✿ Live vicariously through all his gorgeous pictures.
✿ DRAGONS! Lots and lots of dragons in his feed.
✿ Probably wouldn’t post too much … but just enough.

“Is that a jäger spear?” he asked.

“Yes,” Lian answered. “My father left it to me.”

“And do you know how to use it?”

“I can tell the front end from the back,” Lian answered.

Heart Divider

✦ Anansi ✦

From Tristan Strong Punches A Hole in the Sky

Reasons to Follow:
✿ The quintessential storyteller. Knows how to craft a tale.
✿ Also full of sarcasm and snark, so, you know, entertaining.
✿ Offers a wonderful glimpse into the underbelly of Alke.
✿ Would probably know all the funnest places to go in that world.
✿ Would obviously be the sort of person with all the best stories to tell.
✿ And not all of them made up. Most of them 90% snark.

John Henry gritted his teeth and kicked a fetterling off his boot, then smashed it with the handle of his hammer. “What is it, Brer? We’re a mite busy here.”

Brer’s face raised its eyebrows in surprise. “That so? Never would’ve guessed. I put on a pot for tea, but I guess you won’t be attending?”

Heart Divider


From Illuminae

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Never know quite what to expect.
✿ Likely to surprise you with its feed.
✿ But also, has a chance to wax poetic, which is lovely.
✿ Probably lots of interesting images. Maybe artwork?
✿ Maybe even some fun philosophy and musings.

They are beyond me.

These humans.

With their brief lives and their tiny dreams and their hopes that seem as fragile as glass.

Until you see them by starlight, that is.

Heart Divider

✦ Okame ✦

From Soul of the Sword

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Would know all the best nightlife places to hit up.
✿ Knows how to have fun, wherever he goes.
✿ Just enough snark to be entertaining.
✿ Travels a lot, so … travelgram? (Is that what it’s called?!)
✿ Knows the best people.
✿ Feed would probably be full of secret candid pics of a certain samurai.
✿ I’m also totally okay with this.

“Oh, this will be fun,” Okame sighed. “Humans are great at flying. Straight down, at high speeds. Not so good on the landing, though.”

Heart Divider

✦ Crowley ✦

From Good Omens

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Knows all the best places and people.
✿ Fun and funny and full of great quips and one-liners.
✿ Would have all the best food recommendations and pics.
✿ Would make a super compelling travel vlogger.
✿ Can also visit places that we mere humans can’t.

“Watch out for that pedestrian!”

“It’s on the street, it knows the risks it’s taking!”

Heart Divider

✦ Lightsong the Brave ✦

From Warbreaker

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Feed full of art and the finer things in life.
✿ Would probably have all the best recommendations for wine and food.
✿ A pro at relaxing and living the good life.
✿ Knows how to laugh and have a good time.
✿ Feed would be 94.29% delicious sass.

“That’s some very solid reasoning, Your Grace.”

“I know,” Lightsong said. “I feel positively unlike myself. Perhaps I need to go get drunk.”

“You can’t get drunk.”

“Ah, but I certainly enjoy trying.”

Heart Divider

✦ Tal ✦

From The Unspoken Name

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Travels to a lot of really interesting worlds.
✿ Knows how to have a good time. Would probably be willing to share.
✿ Would never know what to expect from this feed.
✿ Could be hot guys, could be awesome food.
✿ Could be a 45-minute rant on how he hates Csorwe. Who knows?!

She is the big scary necromancer you’ve all been pissing yourselves over,” said Tal. “What were you going to do, fall on her head like a fucking anvil? It’s a sheer drop! Shit on my life, you people are stupid.”

Heart Divider

✦ Robin ✦

From Burn the Dark

Reasons to Follow:
✿ Character is actually known in the book for her YouTube channel.
✿ So, you know, that’s a bit of a no-brainer.
✿ Get to see her hunting witches! So, obviously fun.
✿ Such sarcasm. Probably fun to listen to her vlog.
✿ … did I mention the witch hunting thing? Because … yeah.

Visit places, do stuff, kill monsters with swords and knives, sacrifice goats. Okay, maybe not that last one, but you’re well on your way, aren’t you?

Chat With Me

What are some characters you’d follow on social media? Drop your TTT links in the comments.

52 responses to “Characters I’d Follow on Social Media (Ft. Inappropriate Feeds, I’m Sure)

    • I actually just read the first book yesterday, so I guess it was perfectly top of mind for this list! I think you’d like Murderbot, though. It starts a little slow, but it’s got some really nice dry humor and a bit of mystery going on.

    • It’s such a fun account to follow, isn’t it? Always makes me laugh. xD To be fair, it’s hard not to love Murderbot, and I actually just read the first book yesterday, so that’s kind of cheating, but I had to add it.

  1. Taylor @Taysinfinitethoughts

    I don’t know any of these characters but they all sound like they’d be interesting to follow.

    • Oh, you know he would, for sure. But would you not want to see it coming? I feel like I’d want to know so I can prepare for it. But maybe we’ll just assume that you’re following him after the apocalypse, then, hm? 😉

    • Thank you! And there were so many that I didn’t think of, either, that others’ posts reminded me of. xD Ten just isn’t enough for all the great characters out there.

  2. Oh yes totally procrastinating right now!! 🤣

    Although I’m not familiar with most of these I like the thought into why they would be a good follow!

    • I really liked this topic and seeing what everyone else chose. xD Crowley seems like a popular one, but him and Aziraphale together would be even more fun!

  3. Omg this is embarrassing. I’ve only read ONE book out of this whole list 🙈 But I’d totally follow AIDAN too! I think his socials would terrify me with some of the things he’d say but also yes, stunning images made of words (probably) and interesting life-contemplating philosophical questions 😂 I really need to read some of these other books. Esp. Good Omens, A Thousand Perfect Notes and Warbreaker. So many books, so little time! Great list, Sammie 🙂
    Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: Characters I’d Follow on Social Media!My Profile

    • I think I tried to use books and characters I haven’t talked about all the time, so that’s fair. xD Warbreaker is a MUST. It was fabulous.

    • I saw a lot of characters I’d overlooked while blog hopping, so it’s not just you. xD Ten just isn’t enough when there are so many marvelous characters out there. 😛

    • Here’s me, sitting here pretending not to be totally jealous. He seems like he’d be a fun guy to meet. I totally recommend the book! I absolutely loved it.

    • And then when the two feeds come together and they interact … adorableness would ensue until all your feels boil over and you melt. xD

  4. Oh goodness! Aiden is a great pick and so is Crowley! They would be a lot of fun and very interesting to follow. Great list! Some of these I haven’t read, so not sure of but I love them from your descriptions! 🙂
    Leslie recently posted…W.W.W. 2/26/20My Profile

  5. How could you call me out like this??
    I only spend hours on social media for… RESEARCH!!! And finding new books that everyone loves… and adding them… to the TBR.
    And now I’m crying about AIDAN again….
    But on a topic, AIDAN would definitely fit into the Chaotic Good category on social media?? Like, I can definitely see it replying to an explosive, and argumentative tweet with a link to some classical music. Because it thinks, “There we go! That’ll de-stress these humans!”
    Lin @ The Reader of a Thousand Stars recently posted…Book Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly BlackMy Profile

    • Riiiight, that’s what I use Twitter for, too. Obviously research. *cough*

      Sorry, I didn’t mean to traumatize you again. xD But oh my gosh, I didn’t even think of that aspect of him! Can you imagine LOL. He just casually hacks into someone’s account and has them post a positive message apologizing for stuff, like … according to my calculations, you had a 85.30% chance of kicking off the next world war on your current trajectory, so I intervened. xD Casually trying to solve humanity’s problems and not understanding how it’s not helping at all LOL.

  6. E.

    Oh, I would love to follow Crowley as well! Also, hmm, maybe some characters from The Starless Sea and Kate Daniels series. Great post 🙂

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