Recommended Reads With One-Word Titles

Posted March 3, 2020 by Sammie in chat with me, recommendations, recommended, top ten tuesdays / 18 Comments

Hold on to your TBRs, folks, because this ride’s about to get bumpy.

You know, when I saw this topic, I didn’t immediately set out to crash everyone’s TBR party. Actually, I had no intentions whatsoever and thought this was going to be hard, and I groaned. But silly me. I should’ve known. There’s nothing I love more than adding on to other people’s TBRs. Probably because my own is a hulking she-beast of rage and fury right now. I’m not saying it’s a menace to society. I’m just saying that if ever I vanish under mysterious circumstances … RUN.

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is about one-word titles, which there’s surprisingly more than I thought there were?

After all, what’s in a name? Except, you know, everything. There’s a reason things like “A Boy Called Sue” are so popular. Because names mean things.

True story: when Frozen II came out, a friend took her daughter to the theater to see it, and this little girl thought it was so funny when Olaf called the wind Samantha that she turned to her mother and said, “That’s such a funny name. Who names their kid Samantha?” At which point, my friend very casually had to explain that Sammie is actually short for Samantha, which pretty much blew this girl’s mind.

Image result for frozen 2 samantha gif

ANYWAY. My point is that, yes, while a title like “The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind” will absolutely grab your attention, one-word titles might be even more meaningful (and gosh do they save time), because they get you to focus.

Which, for some reason, everyone is always telling me to do? Gosh, it’s like I have attention issues or something. Pffft.

So here are some one-word titles I will forever recommend.

Heart Divider



Goodreads || Review

Reasons to read:
✿ Story characters come to life!
✿ Yes, it’s every bit as terrifying as you think.
✿ Cute little diverse critters in every shape and size you could imagine.
✿ Also giant, nightmarish ones, for the Slytherin in all of us.
✿ Parents that are alive and taking a role in their kids’ lives.
✿ All the nostalgia an ’80s or ’90s kid could possibly want.

“What are you doing out here? No one can hear the DM. You know what happens when no one can hear the DM?”

“Diplomacy?” asked Court, a bit out of breath.


When other people said that word, it meant they wanted to resolve things peacefully. When Amy did, it meant “I hit it with my axe.”

Heart Divider



Goodreads || Review

Reasons to read:
✿ Sassy, sarcastic gods that I would totally worship.
✿ Strong female leads that are easy to root for.
✿ TALKING SWORD! With all the requisite sarcasm.
✿ Honest assassins that tell you how horrible they are.
✿ And yet, they’re still 100% lovable for some reason?
✿ Sanderson should be an auto-read, period.

“I swear, my dear. Sometimes our conversations remind me of a broken sword.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Sharp as hell,” Lightsong said, “but lacking a point.”

Heart Divider



Goodreads || Review

Reasons to read:
✿ My favorite personification of Death.
✿ He’s utterly charming in his awkwardness and cynicism.
✿ Mort is equally charming in his awkardness.
✿ Pratchett is known as the king of humor for a reason.
✿ Fall into a large, expansive, 60+-book world.


Heart Divider




Reasons to read:
✿ Book written in verse, which is a unique and fun experience.
✿ Super emotional issue book about families of criminals.
✿ Really tugs at the heartstrings.
✿ Sure to elicit all the feels … and then some.

Will you be ok if I’m not around? he asked.

Sure, I said,

but I didn’t mean it.

Heart Divider




Reasons to read:
✿ Mia is a delightful Slytherin of a protagonist.
✿ All the stabbiness your Slytherin heart could desire.
✿ Betrayal and backstabbing and … other B things?
✿ Makes a comeback after the atrocities that happen in Nevernight.
✿ Seriously, I cannot forgive what happened. Talk about a travesty!
✿ Gladiator type challenge with a bloody twist.

The old man hooked his thumbs into his waistcoat. ‘Problem with being a librarian is there’s some lessons you just can’t learn from books. And the problem with being an assassin is there’s some mysteries you just can’t solve by stabbing the fuck out of them.

Heart Divider




Reasons to read:
✿ Told from the perspective of a tree.
✿ Tackles the immigration issue from a unique perspective.
✿ Cast of super cute animals.
✿ Will give you all the warm fuzzies.

Trees can’t tell jokes. But we can certainly tell stories. And if all you hear is the whisper of leaves, don’t worry. Most trees are introverts at heart.

Heart Divider




Reasons to read:
✿ Eli and Victor are the best arch-nemeses.
✿ Plays with the idea of villains and heroes and antiheroes.
✿ An entire book full of villains … who also sometimes do good?
✿ Because life is confusing and contradictory and so should books be.
✿ Lots of super smart, sarcastic geniuses.
✿ Superpowers! A variety of them.

Someone could call themselves a hero and still walk around killing dozens. Someone else could be labeled a villain for trying to stop them. Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.

Heart Divider




Reasons to read:
✿ AIDAN and Kady and Ezra … okay, all these characters.
✿ Honestly, what’s NOT to love? There are no reasons not to read it.
✿ Super unique formatting in print, full-cast engaging audiobook.
✿ *shudders* No, I still can’t say it without getting the creeps.
✿ Is this where I apologize to Lin for it being too soon?
✿ Really, it’s Kristoff and Kaufman’s fault for the emotional trauma.

When the light that kisses the back of her eyes were birthed, her ancestors were not yet born. How many human lives have ended in the time it took that light to reach her?

How many people have loved only to have lost? How countless, the hopes that have died?

But not this one.

Heart Divider



Goodreads || Review

Reasons to read:
✿ So many secrets and lies and betrayals!
✿ Secret histories all revealed, little by little.
✿ Dark and twisty love affair.
✿ Lovely example of magical realism.
✿ Lyrical, gorgeous writing.

You didn’t tell me living would be one decision after another, some easy, some difficult. You didn’t tell me living wasn’t a battle, but a war. You didn’t tell me that living was a choice, and that every day I choose to continue was another victory, another triumph.

Heart Divider



Goodreads || Review

Reasons to read:
✿ Ending guaranteed to break your spirit and shatter your soul.
✿ My second favorite AI of all time.
✿ Scythe Lucifer! The best scythe, hands down.
✿ Scythe Goddard, the most extra scythe.
✿ 129% more feels than the first book.

“The end doesn’t always justify the means, dear,” she said. “But sometimes it does. Wisdom is knowing the difference.”

Chat With Me

What are some of your favorite books with one-word titles? If you have a TTT post, drop the link below so I can visit you.

18 responses to “Recommended Reads With One-Word Titles

    • I feel like my TBR is full of one-word titles, and I haven’t read as many, for some reason. Which means I just have to work harder, obviously. I could’ve made, like, three lists of books just on my TBR haha.

    • Kids are fantastic. I actually went by Sammie as a little kid, then went by Sam when I started school, then went back to Sammie when I graduated high school lol. So it’s been a journey. But I’ve never gone by Samantha unless I was in trouble. xD

  1. Yes, Godsgrave! Yes, Vicious! Yes, Illuminae! Yes, Thunderhead! Yes, this list!!! Haha I was literally screaming “Yaaas” going through this post, makes me glad that no one can hear me 😂 I also thought that this post was going to be super tough but who knew there were so many one word titles? Well, Goodreads did, and I would’ve come up blank had it not been for that genius site! LOL Fab list, Sammie! I had no idea Sammie was short for Samantha. But also, I love that the little girl thought Samantha is such a funny name 🤣 Are kids not named Samantha these days? Haha
    Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: One Word TitlesMy Profile

    • This post brought to you by Goodreads. xD Because I blanked on everything other than Scythe and Illuminae (but let’s be honest, those are ALWAYS top of mind for me). But once I pulled Goodreads up, I was like … oh, that’s right.

      I think Samantha was popular in the ’90s because Sex in the City. But now? Not really. Not in this area, anyway. I’ve only met, like, one other Samantha since I moved here haha.

  2. I was so shocked how easy this topic was as well. I almost wanted to do a list of books with one word titles I didn’t like because I think there are some out there. Twist is already on my TBR because of you and I own both Kristoff series because I’m that sure I’ll love them. Hope I’m right. Such a wonderful post!

    • I actually thought about doing a list of books on my TBR with one-word titles, because there are SO MANY of them. I’m sure that says something about me. xD I hope you love them! Kristoff is one of my favorite authors since I started reading him last year.

    • It’s a really popular one, but I plan on screaming about it until everyone finally caves and reads it, just to shut me up. xD

    • Yes! I think so, too. Honestly, I didn’t hear about the Nevernight series until Godsgrave was releasing, and the title is what caught my attention. Short and snappy, but interesting enough to make you ask questions.

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